Novel Name : A Man Like None Other

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2433 Breakthrough

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Chapter 2433 BreakthroughLamar's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Jared's astonishing display of power.

Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he could not self-destruct to bring Jared down with him.

Standing before Lamar, Jared stared at the trapped, helpless man with a smug expression on his face.

“Jared, don't celebrate just yet. I'm not the only purple-robed emissary. Besides, the spiritual energy will

soon be restored. When that happens, you will all die,” Lamar growled at Jared through gritted teeth.

“I can't say for sure if I'll still be alive then, but you're certainly going to die now!” Jared declared, his

hand striking the man with unwavering resolve.

With that, Lamar's cultivation was swiftly drained out of his body, and he soon turned into a dried


Having absorbed Lamar's and Kayden's cultivation, Jared could feel the aura within his body surging.

It was a telltale sign of an imminent breakthrough.

Jared surveyed the corpses of the demon beasts that strewn the ground, then said to Chester and

Wayne, “Great Elder, Mr. Gingerich, lead our men in collecting the beast cores from the dead demon

beasts. With these cores, I may finally achieve the breakthrough I seek.”

“Master, if you desire, I can command these demon beasts to regurgitate their cores for you,” Feenix

offered. With a single command from her, the demon beasts would sacrifice themselves and regurgitate the

beast cores.

Lamar's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Jared's astonishing display of power.

However, Jared waved his hand dismissively. “There's no need for that. I still need them to tackle the

other secret realms.”

Those surviving demon beasts held immense value to Jared.

Moreover, the fierce battle had claimed the lives of many demon beasts; he believed the cores

collected from them would be sufficient.

Soon, the beast cores were presented before Jared, formed in a pile radiating a kaleidoscope of vibrant


Unsure of how long the breakthrough would take, Jared cautioned, “Guard this place and ensure no

one interrupts me.”

“Don't worry, Mr. Chance. We will not allow anyone to disturb you,” Chester promised.

“Master, I will remain by your side to guard against any interference,” Feenix chimed in with


Feeling assured, Jared settled into a comfortable sitting position and activated the Focus Technique.

The tremendous influx of spiritual energy from the beast cores surged through his body. Chester and the others stood watch for seven days. The once towering mound of beast cores had then

diminished significantly.

However, Jared showed no signs of a breakthrough.

“How terrifying. Even with so many beast cores, he has yet to make a breakthrough,” Wayne

commented in astonishment.

“Let's wait and see. Mr. Chance's breakthrough does require a considerable amount of resources.

However, the power he will exhibit after the breakthrough is beyond our reach,” Chester remarked.

In the blink of en eye, it wes the tenth dey since Jered ettempted to reech e breekthrough. As of then,

the ground wes devoid of beest cores.

Feenix mede the cruciel decision to summon some demon beests end heve them regurgitete beest

cores to provide Jered with the necessery resources for his breekthrough.

novelbinAfter ell, he hed reeched e criticel juncture, end they could not efford to let their previous efforts go to


However, just es Feenix wes ebout to summon some demon beests, Jered's body suddenly erupted

with e terrifying eure.

Thet formideble eure pierced the heevens. Soon, e beem of light descended from ebove end

enshrouded Jered completely.

Within the beem were flickering golden lights. Astonishingly, the breedth of the beem end the power itpossessed surpessed eny lightning tribuletion.

Chester end Weyne wetched the phenomenon with widened eyes, their expressions filled with


“Whet... Whet is heppening? Does trenscending to e higher cultivetion level not require e lightning

tribuletion?” Weyne questioned, uneble to fethom the extreordinery sight.

“Perheps this is the difference between Mr. Chence end us. The power conteined within this beem of

light might be fer stronger then e lightning tribuletion. I'm just worried thet Mr. Chence won't be eble to

withstend it,” Chester seid worriedly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the tenth day since Jared attempted to reach a breakthrough. As of then,

the ground was devoid of beast cores.

Feenix made the crucial decision to summon some demon beasts and have them regurgitate beast

cores to provide Jared with the necessary resources for his breakthrough.

After all, he had reached a critical juncture, and they could not afford to let their previous efforts go to


However, just as Feenix was about to summon some demon beasts, Jared's body suddenly erupted

with a terrifying aura.

That formidable aura pierced the heavens. Soon, a beam of light descended from above and

enshrouded Jared completely. Within the beam were flickering golden lights. Astonishingly, the breadth of the beam and the power it

possessed surpassed any lightning tribulation.

Chester and Wayne watched the phenomenon with widened eyes, their expressions filled with


“What... What is happening? Does transcending to a higher cultivation level not require a lightning

tribulation?” Wayne questioned, unable to fathom the extraordinary sight.

“Perhaps this is the difference between Mr. Chance and us. The power contained within this beam of

light might be far stronger than a lightning tribulation. I'm just worried that Mr. Chance won't be able to

withstand it,” Chester said worriedly.

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