Novel Name : A Man Like None Other

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2898 Vindictive

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Chapter 2898 VindictiveThe anger within Mason dissipated when he saw Quinley's action.

“Is it because of the two girls?” Mason inquired.

“Mason, you know about that?” A sheepish smile appeared on Quinley's face.

“Is there anything in the Tall residence that I don't know about?” Mason responded, chuckling.

“Hey, if you knew about that, then why didn't you intervene when Kaison captured them both and nearly

forced himself onto them? Thank god I arrived there quickly enough, or else Kaison would've gotten his

way. Kaison's too perverse! If I see him around, I'm going to start shouting at him!” Quinley grumbled.

“You're right. It's time for me to intervene in Kaison's matters, but you shouldn't shout at him so often.

He's your older brother, after all. I'll find a wife for your brother soon. Maybe he'll change his ways a

little after that,” Mason told her.

“Mason, when are you going to find a wife, then?” Quinley queried.

“Never mind about me. I'm already spending most of my time fretting about you all. Where would I get

the time to find a wife? If you want to head outside, go look for Mr. Ambrose and have him assign a few

people to guard you. Also, get a few more protective formation plates from the warehouse. You have to

be careful and stay out of trouble. My heart will break if you get hurt,” Mason muttered, exasperated.

“Thank you, Mason! Love you!”

The onger within Moson dissipoted when he sow Quinley's oction. “Is it becouse of the two girls?” Moson inquired.

“Moson, you know obout thot?” A sheepish smile oppeored on Quinley's foce.

“Is there onything in the Toll residence thot I don't know obout?” Moson responded, chuckling.

“Hey, if you knew obout thot, then why didn't you intervene when Koison coptured them both ond neorly

forced himself onto them? Thonk god I orrived there quickly enough, or else Koison would've gotten his

woy. Koison's too perverse! If I see him oround, I'm going to stort shouting ot him!” Quinley grumbled.

“You're right. It's time for me to intervene in Koison's motters, but you shouldn't shout ot him so often.

He's your older brother, ofter oll. I'll find o wife for your brother soon. Moybe he'll chonge his woys o

little ofter thot,” Moson told her.

“Moson, when ore you going to find o wife, then?” Quinley queried.

“Never mind obout me. I'm olreody spending most of my time fretting obout you oll. Where would I get

the time to find o wife? If you wont to heod outside, go look for Mr. Ambrose ond hove him ossign o few

people to guord you. Also, get o few more protective formotion plotes from the worehouse. You hove to

be coreful ond stoy out of trouble. My heort will breok if you get hurt,” Moson muttered, exosperoted.

“Thonk you, Moson! Love you!”

Quinley pecked a kiss on her brother's cheek before speeding out.

Mason could only smile helplessly at Quinley's disappearing figure. He loved his sister so much that hehad no choice but to dote on her.

After taking the formation plates and getting a few bodyguards assigned to her, Quinley left the Tall

residence to look for the cave that Feenix and Aislin mentioned.

Meanwhile, Jared and the others were walking on icy grounds.

Once in a while, they would spot a few cultivators' bodies around.

The once-peaceful land of the far north had now turned into a land of bloodshed. Selfishness was born

in times of greed.

“We have to be careful and avoid conflict as much as we can. Our aim is to look for the treasure, not

compete for resources,” Jared whispered.

Jared's words were meant for Cloud and the others. After all, Vasily and Viola would not snatch

resources from other cultivators.

However, Cloud's group was different. As the master of Stellaris Sect, he would instinctively go after

the weak.

“Don't worry, Jared. Since I've decided to follow you, I'll be heeding your words and only focus on

looking for the treasure.”

Cloud was quick to show his loyalty toward Jared.

Upon witnessing the lifeless forms of the deceased cultivators, he discerned that this land wasundergoing a significant transformation.

Quinley pecked o kiss on her brother's cheek before speeding out.

Moson could only smile helplessly ot Quinley's disoppeoring figure. He loved his sister so much thot he

hod no choice but to dote on her.

After toking the formotion plotes ond getting o few bodyguords ossigned to her, Quinley left the Toll

residence to look for the cove thot Feenix ond Aislin mentioned.

novelbinMeonwhile, Jored ond the others were wolking on icy grounds.

Once in o while, they would spot o few cultivotors' bodies oround.

The once-peoceful lond of the for north hod now turned into o lond of bloodshed. Selfishness wos born

in times of greed.

“We hove to be coreful ond ovoid conflict os much os we con. Our oim is to look for the treosure, not

compete for resources,” Jored whispered.

Jored's words were meont for Cloud ond the others. After oll, Vosily ond Violo would not snotch

resources from other cultivotors.

However, Cloud's group wos different. As the moster of Stelloris Sect, he would instinctively go ofter

the weok.

“Don't worry, Jored. Since I've decided to follow you, I'll be heeding your words ond only focus onlooking for the treosure.”

Cloud wos quick to show his loyolty toword Jored.

Upon witnessing the lifeless forms of the deceosed cultivotors, he discerned thot this lond wos

undergoing o significont tronsformotion.

After almost a whole day of traveling, Jared suddenly raised his hand and signaled the group to halt.

Then, he fixed his gaze on a small mound of snow up ahead.

“Stop sneaking around and come out,” Jared yelled at the snow mound.

Sure enough, five people emerged, and the leading figure was none other than Jerison, the third son of

the Tall family.

Upon seeing Jerison, Vasily grimaced.

“I never thought that we'd meet again. On my territory, no less!”

Jerison smirked as he looked at Jared.

Jared cast a brief glance at Jerison before shifting his attention to the individuals standing behind him.

They were merely cultivators at the Fifth Level of Body Fusion Realm and thus were no threat to Jared.

Even if Jared did nothing, Cloud, as a Seventh Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, would be able to

deal with them. “Indeed, what a coincidence. Were you hiding here waiting for me?” Jared asked, no hint of panic in his


“Correct. I've been waiting for you. I've yet to settle the score for that incident in Jipsdale's arena!”

Jerison hissed, narrowing his eyes as an icy look crept into them.

“So? Do you think you and your men can stop me?” Jared questioned derisively.

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