Bambi and the Duke

Bambi and the Duke

Author : Ash_knight17

LastChapter : Chapter 275 Interview- Part 5

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Tags : Bambi and the Duke Ash_knight17


Bambi and the Duke Description

The Year 1766 Disownedby her own family for their own reasons, she was taken in by a maid atthe age of seven to work at the Carmichael's household. The Carmichael'swere one of the respectable pureblooded family in Bonelake and like anyother household, there were rules. Rules that needed to be followed bythe servants and maids. Likeeveryone else, she was reminded not to disobey the rules. But beforeshe learns to walk in the shadows like the rest without a whisper, theDuke's young son calls her 'Bambi' and everything breaks loose. Book cover credit: complxmars

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