Novel Name : My husband is a billionaire

My husband is a billionaire Chapter 466: A Ludicrous Offer

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Draco stood in front of Janet. He was much taller than she had expected, and had a rather affable

expression, though it didn’t make him any less manly.

“Excuse me, Miss. Are you Janet Lind, the designer who participated in the first show of Seacisco

Fashion Week?”

He had to duck his head slightly as he spoke to her, if only to avoid looking arrogant and self-important.

He was so tall that Janet seemed petite beside him, despite her average height. She flushed at his

question, both surprised and embarrassed.

“You’re right, Mr. Wesley. But Lind is no longer my last name by now.”

Draco’s face broke into a smile, his eyes curving into tiny rainbows.

“I see. I finally get to meet you, Miss White. You’re a lot cuter than I imagined.”

“What do you mean, Mr. Wesley?” Janet asked, visibly confused.

“You see, I paid close attention to your designs at the Seacisco Fashion Week. I really liked them, but

for some reason, they were suddenly removed from the selection. I was abroad at the time, so I

naturally had no idea what went down. A friend told me later that you were involved in a plagiarism

scandal. How did it go, by the way? Has the matter been solved?” Janet tilted her head curiously.

“I wonder, Mr. Wesley, why aren’t you asking me whether I did plagiarize another designer’s work or


“A plagiarized work will never be able to earn my appreciation in the first place,” the man said firmly.

“Are you sure about that?” This time, Janet’s surprise turned up a notch. Draco chuckled gleefully.

“How interesting you are, Miss White. I happen to have a very discerning eye. Besides that, I also have

a phone, which allowed me to read about the press statement released by your company.” The two of

them chatted amicably, completely unaware that the people around them were staring.

Draco was easy and pleasant to talk to. Janet felt the tension slowly leave her body.

“Ah, you look more relaxed now,” Draco said with a smile, as if he had meant to ease her worries all


“Well, I’m actually not used to this, socializing with the upper-class elites, so I’m sure my stress is

justified,” Janet joked.

“Are you still working for Larson Group, then?” Janet shook her head.

“I quit because of some… personal issues.” Draco immediately perked up.

“Have you taken a new offer elsewhere?”

“I haven’t decided yet, to be honest. A part of me wants to run my own studio, but I can’t help but feel

intimidated. I think I should continue as an employee for now and gain more experience. God knows I

need it if I’m to thrive in the industry.”

Janet sighed wistfully just as the warm, soft light fell on her delicate face. It lent her an innocent and

youthful glow. Draco didn’t hesitate to put his offer on the table.

“How about joining my studio? You can work as my assistant and get all the experience you need.

You’ll be free to leave once you think you’re finally ready to set out on your own.” Janet gaped at him in


“Mr. Wesley, I-Are you kidding me right now?” Her head was buzzing from the sudden and ludicrous

opportunity that fell on her lap

Draco’s studio was a much-coveted post for all young designers who wanted to make a name for

themselves. Janet had never even dreamed of setting foot in that hallowed place.

“Does it look like I’m kidding?” Draco teased, though there was an unmistakable serious edge to his

voice. Janet took a couple of seconds to process his words, and then she grinned.

“Not at all. I’ll be more than happy to work for you. It’s every designer’s dream.” After hearing her

exclamation, the young socialites nearby glared at Janet in shock and envy.

“Great! How about starting next week?” Draco was already taking out his business card and handed it

to Janet. She was over the moon. Having no reason to refuse this once-in-a-lifetime chance, Jane

nodded and promised to be at his studio the following week. Johanna saw it all unfold from the

sidelines. She walked up to Janet as soon as Draco left and whispered, “Lucky you! It’s a good thing to

be in Mr. Wesley’s good graces. You’re definitely headed for a bright future.”

But there was another side to Johanna’s elation over Janet’s promising prospect. After all, if Janet

worked for Draco, then she wouldn’t be coming back to Seacisco any time soon. Lila felt conflicted as

she watched Johanna and Janet whispering and giggling among themselves.

Although Johanna didn’t express any dissatisfaction toward her, the woman was obviously very proud

of Janet. And Lila had to admit that Janet was truly brilliant, more so than herself.


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