Novel Name : Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband Chapter 473

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I’m a Super Expert

Of course, Gerald had no idea what had happened.

He thought, it’s a pity that Franklin escaped this time. Fortunately, Perrin, the biggest pain in the ass,

has been dealt with. In such a way, fixing Franklin will be relatively easier.

As long as Franklin is out there, finding out his whereabouts will be easy peasy for Night Watch.

If Franklin sneaks into Sin City again, with Charles‘ strange status in Sin City, finding Franklin will be

easy as well.

Right now, Gerald was sitting in the car and rushing toward the base of Night Watch.

On a bus, those coming out of Sin City sized up the big city and the tall buildings within with both

excitement and curiosity.

Although Sin City was kind of a modern city, it was nothing compared to the outside world in terms of

every aspect, such as buildings.

Of course, when such a large group of people suddenly appeared in Sacramento, their identities were

also a tricky problem that could only rely on Dennis. Dennis was a Watchman after all, and it wasn’t a

big deal for him.

In the car, Gerald was silent. He did not answer Dennis.

Dennis let out a sigh and said, “There are some internal conflicts in Night Watch because of you and

Perrin. Of course, most of the places have stabilized. However, things are still kind of tricky before the

war begins. If the war breaks out, we should keep ordinary people in the dark. To do this, we

Watchmen need to be united. If you go back to Night Watch, it will be a huge boost for most people.”

“We’ll see. No more talking about those upsetting things for now.” Gerald waved his hand. Then he

said, “How are things in Sacramento recently?”

“It has been good. Nothing strange has happened,” said Dennis.

At the same time, Dennis sighed slightly deep down.

Of course, he felt for Gerald. After all, Gerald had just gone through such a thing. If it were him, he

might even side against Night Watch.

“By the way, there is one more thing,” Dennis said. “Dax… has also been brought back to Night


Then he let out a breath and said, “But he is missing.”

Gerald raised his eyebrows and said, “Missing? How did that happen when he was in Night Watch?

Blaine let him go, right? Is Blaine insane or what? He issued a mission. The hidden mission for every

Watchman No. o is to capture or kill Dax. I went through so much trouble, and I finally got Dax. Then

Blaine let him go?”

Gerald figured that obviously, Dax came back by other means.

“Blaine did not say, but I agree with you,” Dennis said.

Gerald was a little speechless. He thought, what is Blaine thinking? He made things difficult for each

Watchman No. 0 by issuing that mission.

I finally got Dax and fixed the problem. And now Dax is missing?

“If I had known, I would have killed the asshole back in Sin City.” Gerald curled his lips.

He did not think Dr. T was behind it. No matter how badass Dr. T was, he would not dare to go to Night

Watch and get Dax out. In other words, there was only one possibility. Blaine released Dax.

“If our guess is correct, maybe Blaine did it out of compassion. After all, he raised Dax. Or maybe

Blaine had his own agenda,” said Dennis.

“I don’t care. Anyway, I am not a Watchman anymore,” Gerald said, curling his lips.

Dennis smiled bitterly. They drove on for nearly two hours, and finally, they arrived at the base of Night

Watch, where those from Sin City had settled in already.

More time was needed for the future arrangements of those people.

Many of these people were rich with properties. Gerald was just going to let them back. And he

planned on arranging for the rest to go to work in their company.

Also, it would take some time to arrange a place for those people to live.

In such a way, when the time came to rally, they would be able to rally quickly. The force of 1,600

people would be of great use to Gerald in the future.

Valery, Dennis, Leandro, and the others would be in charge of arranging these people. One of Gerald’s

main tasks during this period was to avenge Belinda, and more importantly, he needed to find the

Dragon Bones, which was his top priority.

After arriving at the base, Gerald saw a few familiar faces, including Macy and the others.

It was already late at night, but most people had no intention of sleeping at all. Some of them were

cheering. After all, they arrived in Sacramento successfully. They were granted a new life!

Living in Sin City was so depressing. At this time, they all had an indescribable sense of excitement.

Fortunately, Night Watch was based deep in the mountains and forests, and no one else could hear

their shouting. Otherwise, they would have filed complaints already.

When Gerald saw Macy, he couldn’t help but go over and rub her head. “Tsk, tsk, not bad.”

Macy was standing obediently next to Valery. She curled her lips and said, “I’ve grown up. Don’t rub my

head anymore.”

Theo jumped over and said, “You’re right, Macy. You have grown up. It’s time to get married. Macy,

what do you think of me? Am I suitable for you? Well, I’m handsome, aren’t I? And I’m good at


Halfway through his words, he found that many people were looking at him, and their cold eyes made

him shudder.

“It’s a joke. No need to take it so seriously.” He deliberately coughed.

“We should get some rest as well after we’ve got them settled,” Gerald said.

The night soon passed.

Early the next morning, Claude drove Gerald and Belinda to the airport. Belinda’s identification had

been arranged.

Right now, she was sitting in the back row, looking at the scenery outside the window while being silent.

Gerald figured that she was worried about not being able to find her enemy. He smiled and said, “Don’t

worry too much. I know a big shot in Atlanta. I’m sure he knows something about Atlanta’s history. We’ll

know a lot after I talk to him. If that still doesn’t work, I’ll pull some strings and check the files in Night

Watch. There’s no way a family like that isn’t in the files in Night Watch.”

Belinda raised her head, and a smile appeared on her pretty face. She said, “You are the one thinking

too much. It is just that I have not seen such scenery for a long time, and I want to enjoy it while I still


Gerald was speechless.

Belinda suddenly smiled at Gerald and asked, “I suppose that we’ll live in a hotel this time, right?

Should we get a room or two rooms?”

Her question was a bit suggestive. Gerald quickly said, “Two rooms, of course! Aunt Belinda, don’t

have thoughts. They’ll mess with your head.”

Belinda glared at Gerald and said, “If you call me that again, I will tear your mouth into pieces.”

“Got it, Aunt Belinda,” Gerald and Claude said at the same time.

Belinda looked furious, but a smile appeared on her lips.

Being with Gerald and the others made her feel like she was at home.

After arriving at the airport, Claude smiled and said, “We’ll be waiting for you to come back.” any


Gerald and Belinda went alone without anyone else this time. According to Belinda, the head of the

Mahoney family was not as good as Perrin. Given that Gerald had already killed Perrin, dealing with

such a person wouldn’t be difficu for Gerald.

Gerald and Belinda went to check up.

At the same time, at the base of Night Watch, Milo was standing while staring at the mountain in front

of him in a daze.

Theo walked over, patted Milo on the shoulder, and said, “Milo, what are you doing here? Even the air

here smells sweeter than Sin City, right?”

Milo shook his head. Then he turned his head and said without any expression, “I … think I’m a super

expert now.‘

About Slumdog Billionaire Husband - Chapter 473

Slumdog Billionaire Husband is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below

Chapter 473 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all

the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please

read chapter Chapter 473 and update the next chapters of this series at


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