Novel Name : My Sweetheart

My Sweetheart Chapter 316 The Solution to Every Problem

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Bertie went silent when he heard of the news. He remembered grandfather’s advice to let Kathy stay in

Country B and leave Ocean University.

The trouble would still come again and again.

“Yeah. You have to be there for her.”

“I’m not close with her though.” Zofia raised her eyebrows, “Don’t you love her? If you can help her

overcome this, maybe she’ll fall in love with you after this.”

“Not this time.”

“Why not?” Zofia’s curiosity continued to increase.

“Just focus on your studies and stay out of other matters,” he warned.

“Then I can’t be there for Kathy.” Zofia blurted out.

“Don’t you want the ticket to your beloved singer’s concert?” he threatened.

Zofia’s expression immediately changed. “Fine! I’ll console her! I want the first row seat!”

When she got back to her dorm, she thought that Kathy would be hiding in her bed with tears flowing

down her cheeks. Surprisingly, she was reading.

“I’m pretty sure you haven’t eat anything. Here, I bought you fried rice.” Zofia gave her the food


“Thank you, Zofia.”

“Don’t thank me. My brother forced me to do this.”

“This time, how are you planning to solve it?” Zofia asked her again.

“I don’t know,” Kathy answered honestly.

She looked at Zofia. She knew that Zofia had a huge circle of friends. “Hey, do you know where Caelan


“Two floors above you. 1208.”

“Thank you.”

Soon, she was standing in front of his dorm door, unsure of her decision. However, before she could

knock on the door, she heard a boy’s words from nearby.

“Caelan, isn’t that Kathy who copied your answers?”

Two boys could be seen. The one who spoke was Cohen, and the one beside him was most probably


Kathy felt disgusted as soon as she saw the both of them.

“Cohen, don’t spout nonsense. I never copied his answers.”

Her face gradually became pale as she said.

The word ‘copying’ was a pain from the bottom of her heart. She curled her fingers into a fist.

“Why are you here, Kathy?” Caelan asked.

“You know that I didn’t copy your answers.” Kathy looked at him.

But Caelan was calm.

“The school will decide whether you copied or not. I can also said that I didn’t copy your answers.”

“Kathy, students like you should be kicked out from the school.” Cohen roared in anger.

“I won’t get kicked out! Never!”

She must prove her innocence.

She didn’t go back to her dorm. Instead, she walked around the area.

At that time when the results were out, no one had realized that their answers were the same. This only

happened when school restarted. Was someone plotting against her?

Now she thought about it, Cohenwas jealous when Benedict Watson chose her. It made sense if he’s

the one behind all this.

When she confronted Caelan just now, even though he looked calm, she couldn’t miss the way he

avoided eye contact with her.

What should she do in this situation…

She looked around and observed the students who were discussing about their academics. She

couldn’t believe that she would be kicked out of school before class even started.

Annoyed, she sat down on a bench beside the man-made lake, her leg kicking the pebbles around the


Soon after, one of the pebbles was kicked back to her. She curiously looked up and saw Joseph

walked over to her from afar.

“Why are you here?” Kathy immediately looked away.

Joseph sat down beside her and stretched out his leg, kicking away the other pebbles in the process.

“To look at my ex-wife.”

“Then you can leave now.” Kathy said blankly.

But Joseph made no moves to leave.

Kathy could only chose to ignore him.

However, Joseph had a strong presence that Kathy had a hard time ignoring him.

To add on, her heart had calmed down a lot with him by her side.

“Joseph, do you think that I’ll be able to continue my studies here?” she muttered.

Her road was never smooth from her exams till now.

It was as if there was a force that’s stopping her from continuing on.

Now, she didn’t know how to prove her innocence. To aggravate the situation, everyone thought that

she’s the cheater, not Caelan.

“You will, Kathy. Like I said, I will help you fulfill every dreams that you have.” Joseph stretched out his

hand and hugged her shoulders, trying to console her.

He understood her pain and fear.

For a moment, pain flashed through his eyes. He couldn’t see her in this state.

Kathy smiled and said, “You’re not Superman. I asked the professor about this before. He said that the

recording of the exam went missing. I think that someone is plotting against me.”

And she had nothing to protect herself from it.

“If you really want to prove that you enrolled in here with your own abilities, you can suggest to take the

exams again.”

Kathy was stunned for a while. Her eyes suddenly sparkled.

Why had she never thought of that?

She looked at Joseph who was silent.

His idea was the solution to her current situation.

“Kathy, you should never give up no matter what. Do you understand?” Joseph lifted her jaws and

looked at her in the eyes.

She felt like she could drown forever in his deep stare.

She blinked a few times, trying to maintain her composure.

She managed to in the end.

She slowly nodded her head. “I know. Thank you, Joseph.”

Joseph then walked her back to her dorm. The way back was a silent journey.

However, the atmosphere was warm and comfortable.

Kathy slightly blushed. She tried her best to distract herself from enjoying it too much.

After saying their goodbyes, Joseph didn’t leave. Instead, he kept standing at the entrance of the dorm.

It went on until John called him.

“Mr. Joseph, I’ve found out information about Caelan and Cohen.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Caelanis a student at Ocean University, but during his study there are numerous records of him failing

his tests. He has a history of being sanctioned. If we are to follow the regulations and requirements, he

is not qualified to be a researcher. As for Cohen, I’ve recovered the footage and handed it over to the


“Okay, continue to dig information about Caelan. Check whether he had any contacts with anyone

unusual this year.”

The next day, Kathy woke up early.

She almost didn’t sleep the whole night yesterday. She barely managed to sleep for an hour after lying

on the bed for a long time.

Zofia had already went to class. After washing up, she contacted Mr. Watson and got ready to go to

find him.

A large banner hanging on the dorm opposite to hers caught her attention when she walked out of the


“GET OUT OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY, KATHY THE CHEATER!” These words were clearly printed on

the banner.

Students who walked pass her were criticizing her too. “How can someone with this kind of attitude

enroll into Ocean University.”

“I know right. I wonder what was on Mr. Watson’s mind.”

“I think she used the backdoor method. Doesn’t really matter anyways, she won’t stay in our school for



On her way there, all the students were mocking her.

She stared intently at that banner and curled up her fist, trying to control her emotions. Her eyes was

turning red.

But she must not cry.


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