Novel Name : Obsession With Mr. Right

Obsession With Mr. Right Chapter 287

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Lamont was driving back home after leaving the hotel when Archer called him, "How did it go?"

"Everything was perfect!"

Lamont answered, "I'm worried about Declan’s supporters though, could you do something about


"To be honest, I came to tell you that someone else dealt with them before I could.I guess Declan won't

be getting away this time!"

Lamont was stunned after hearing Archer's words, "Who did it?"

"It was Wolf Group who did it! I had to force them as they refused to reveal the details at first."

"Wolf Group? Why is Wolf Group involved in this?" Lamont was even more shocked to hear this news.

"I was wondering about the same thing.William has a good relationship with the CEO of Wolf Group,

Marcus, so he might have asked a favour from him.Marcus probably took action thanks to William?’

Lamont doubted him, "You know how powerful Declan is, so why would Marcus offend the Anderson

family just for William? I think there's something more to this incident that we need to think about."

"I agree, I've never thought of William was an innocent man, but after tonight's incident, I think that he

might be more cunning than I've thought.Why the sudden change, though?"

"You're right, the whole thing went so smoothly today and I didn't have to send out the men that I

arranged.The police arrived quickly and the reporters were crowding all around the hotel, which was

surprising as they normally ignore Declan’s actions.The other weird thing is that Declan and Charles’

bodyguards had been dealt with before the plan had even started"

Lamont sighed, "If William is really the mastermind behind this, he's definitely a smarter person that we

thought.His skills are on par with you right?"

Archer admitted, "Yes, everyone should fear William if he really has grown to be so powerful.Why does

he hide his skills, though? I'm sure Hayden would be pleased to have such an heir like him and would

pass on the company to him immediately!"

"Could he be trying to find out the truth about the incident that happened a few years ago?" Lamont


"Well be in trouble if that happens"

Archer replied solemnly, "It would be terrible if William had really honed his skills just to find out the

truth, I would rather he'd be a useless brat instead of doing that.What he is thinking?"

"I would say that he wants to get revenge for his own mother.However, what if he doesn't actually like

Valeria and he’s just dating Valeria for revenge?"

"I have no idea, but make sure you keep an eye on both of them.We should come up with some plan to

stop him if he does something suspicious."

Meanwhile, the other guests in Halcyon Hotel realised that something was wrong when Charles and

Declan never returned to the hall.

A voice from the crowd could be heard, "Where's President Anderson and Sir Charles?"

"Don't worry, they had some urgent matters to take care of and they'll be back once they're done.Let's

continue with our meal!"

Kyrie answered with a smile, "Here, have another drink!"

Everyone in the hall continued to drink and enjoy the food until chattering could be heard from outside

the hall fifteen minutes later.

A guest who had gone out to use the bathroom rushed through the hall suddenly.

"The police have shut down the hotel and they're blocking the entrance! They demand that all guests in

the hotel comply with their search."

"How could this happen?"

The guests in the hall stopped drinking and stood up nervously as they prepared to leave.

"Declan has been caught for drug-dealing and for committing illegal s*xual acts.I heard they found a

large amount of drugs in his hotel room too...Anyways, the police is checking everyone's identity so

that they can identify their suspects, so everyone be careful alright?"

Kyrie was stunned to hear his words.

How did it end up like this? Wasn't Declan too powerful to be caught? He couldn't believe what he was

hearing, "Is that true?"

"Yes! The police have taken them away and they're still checking the rest of the hotel.They'll be here


Kyrie rushed to the hall's door, and he saw a few police officers knocking on the door.

Kyrie panicked and immediately called Ronald, "We're screwed, Mr.Brown!"

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked impatiently.

"Declan was arrested for dealing with drugs, and now the police has surrounded the hotel and

questioning the guests in our banquet hall!"

"How could this have happened?" Ronald was shocked when he heard the news.

His plans to get rid of Valeria had failed now that Declan had been caught, "What happened to Valeria?

Was she taken away by the police too?"

"I have no clue because I'm stuck in this hall.However, if our plans went well, Declan should be with

Valeria right now, and they could have been taken away together."

"That's great!" Ronald exclaimed happily when he heard the news.

"This really kills two birds with one stone.If Valeria was together with Declan when he was drug-dealing,

then she would probably end up in prison together with Declan!"

"I think...that would be unlikely? They would probably carry out tests on Valeria and declare her


In fact, we would be the ones in trouble if Declan decides to expose our plan right?"

Ronald hadn't thought of this problem, "Declan has people supporting him from behind, so he probably

won't say a word.Anyways, let's wait and watch, Valeria would still be in trouble no matter what

happens anyways."

Kyrie agreed with Ronald's words.

However, he ended the call and put away his phone once the police opened the door to the hall.

Meanwhile, Charles had woken up when he felt warm since a naked woman lying next to him.

He was a man after all, and the soft curves of the woman drove him mad Charles was not sure what

had happened next, but they ended up tangled up in the sheets as they enjoyed the pleasure of being

in each other's arms.

He just wanted to be be with this woman forever! Charles thought that it was truly a blissful night.He

and the woman went at it over and over again until the police kicked their door open and ordered them

to get dressed.

Charles was stunned when he looked closely at the unknown woman after he had calmed down.

It was Ashley!


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