Novel Name : Telling Lies, loving you

Telling Lies, loving you Chapter 119 Waiting Until I Come Back

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Michelle didn't like airport because it was a place for departure.

"Boss, take good care of yourself there. If you have any problems, just call me. And my phone is on 24

hours a day."

Before leaving, Michelle told Scott to be careful.

Scott was sad and pulled her into his arms. Michelle didn't refuse. They just kept this posture. They

reluctantly left until there was a clear voice from the broadcast.

Scott bent over and gave her a kiss. "Wait for me here," he said softly

At that moment, Michelle looked at him with loving eyes. She felt extremely sad. But she was warning

herself that she couldn't cry in front of him. Because of this, Scott was more reluctant to leave.

Standing outside the security, Michelle watched Scott disappear in front of her, which made her feel


The time of waiting for a person was so long that she had no idea how it felt when she was waiting for

someone. But now, she knew.

After Scott left, Michelle's life returned to peace. She went to work, sorted out the data and went home

every day. Two pots and one line life made her worry about him.

Every day when she arrived at the company, she would lower her head and be busy with her work,

because only in this way would she have no time to think of him.

"Where are you going? Are you looking for her? Don't be silly, Wyn. She doesn't love you at all. "

In the villa of the Mu family.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zoy angrily stared at Wyn who was looking for clothes in front of the

wardrobe. She knew what was on his mind?

When Scott was not in the company, Wyn went to the Jiang Group almost every day. However,

Michelle did not pay attention to him at all, and he insisted on getting close to her.

Zoy just couldn't figure out what of Michelle was pretty? She was more beautiful and richer than

Michelle but she couldn't win Wyn's heart after such a long time.

Back then, many pursuers had lined up outside the school.

Instead of answering her, Wyn closed the wardrobe door and walked out without looking back. At the

moment, Zoy grabbed Wyn by the wrist and begged, "Wyn, don't leave me, okay? I can't live without

you. "

"Zoy, I won't love you for the rest of my life." Standing there, Wyn didn't even have a look at her.

He shook her off and strode away.

Mr. Mu and Mrs. Mu were on vacation, so Wyn dared to go to the Jiang Group.

After work, Michelle packed up the files on her desk and left with her bag. However, at this moment, the

phone in her bag rang.

"Hello?" She took a look at the screen. It was from Walter. She hesitated for a while before picking up

the phone.

After all, Walter had gone abroad now and no one knew what he was doing there.

Anyway, as a rich young man, he didn't have to worry about money. He could not run out of his all

money in his whole life.

As for Walter, Michelle only knew that he came from a rich family. He liked photography and freedom. If

he had to stay in the same place for a long time, he would feel more uncomfortable.

So he went abroad to find new inspirations this time. He wanted to shoot more outstanding works and

be a famous photographer. Because he wanted to give Michelle a bright future on his own.

"Are you all right there? I heard that Scott was on a business trip. Do you need me to accompany you?

" Walter said in a joking tone on the other end of the phone. But Michelle took it seriously.

"I'm used to this kind of life," She said.

Since Walter was a western-educated kid, it was an easy thing for him to be rejected when he wanted

to chase a girl. And Michelle also knew that no matter how she refused, this man would still appear in

her sight.

He was one of Scott's best friends.

"Well, take care of yourself. After I become a famous photographer, I will come back to China to look

for you. " Before Michelle could speak, Walter hung up the phone.

He was afraid of being rejected.

Michelle stared at her phone for a while and found the phone number of Scott. When she was about to

dial, her phone rang.

Looking at the caller, she couldn't help smiling.

"Boss, are you all right there?" She asked.

"Well, not bad. I just miss you a little. " Scott whispered on the other end of the phone.

After hearing this, although she was a little shy, Michelle felt warm in her heart.

She didn't speak, nor did she hang up the phone. She was waiting for him.

Scott could imagine the shy look on her face. She was always easily to blush, maybe because her skin

was too good.

He couldn't help smiling and looking up at the sky, "is it time to get off work? Are you home now?"

"Not yet. I just got out of the company." Michelle replied politely.

"Take a cab home. Bus is not safe for many people. You can take taxi fee to the company. I'll pay for it.

" Scott did not like her to take the bus to work every day. He had some bad recall after he took a bus

trip last time.

The bus was overcrowded. Anyone who thought of it now would feel scared. He was really worried that

the person was overloaded and the bus would be in trouble.

Michelle didn't pay any attention to what Scott said. Taxi was a luxurious thing for her. She didn't like it

or afford it.

Since Scott couldn't see anything there anyway, she simply agreed on the surface.

Originally, Scott wanted his driver to pick her up, but Michelle was afraid that more gossip would be

caused, so she refused without thinking.

Scott didn't force her, fearing that she would misunderstand him as an arrogant man. One could make

any decision without asking for others' permission in the first place, but the result was of the opposite


They chatted for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Standing at the bus stop, Michelle looked up at the sky. Under the blue sky, she seemed to see Scott

When she arrived home, her mother was not at home. Michelle thought her mother must have gone out

to buy some groceries, so she changed her shoes and went to the kitchen to check what she could


Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Didn't mother bring the key?" She quickly put down the things in her hand and went to open the door.

"Wyn?" When she saw the people outside the door, Michelle was stunned for a moment, but then she

added rudely, "sorry, you are not welcomed here."

As she spoke, she was about to close the door. But before she could close it, Wyn already blocked the

door with his hands. He was too strong to close the door for Michelle. Finally, she gave up and went to

the living room without looking back.

She sat on the couch with her arms crossed, waiting for Wyn.

"Michelle, I know you like straight, so here I am." Standing next to her, Wyn lowered his head to look at


"Sorry, we are just friends. Please call my full name." Michelle want to give him a hard time. At least he

was an uninvited guest when he came to this house.

"Okay, Michelle Wang," After hesitating for a while, Wyn agreed to her request. "Do you know that

people in the company are suspecting you?"

"What?" Before Wyn could finish, he sat down on the couch opposite her. She didn't even look at him

and said coldly.

Her indifferent expression made his heart ache. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and

continued: "the day when I went to the Jiang Group, I found that a few employees of the company were

talking about your abnormal relationship with Scott in the tea room. Scott is in hospital and you are not

in the company. Someone said you went to the hospital to take care of him. I didn't believe it at first, but

after I saw it with my own eyes that day, do you know how I felt? "

"Their mouths are fixed on them. I can't stop them no matter what they say. I have heard too much

gossip, not only about me. " Michelle replied still with a lukewarm attitude. She didn't want to hear a

word of Wyn.

'when did Wyn become such a sissy? She remembered that man, who used to be a nice upstanding

man. Where was he now?

"Aren't you afraid?" Wyn was taken aback by her cold attitude. It was so strange compared with the

Michelle he knew before.

"Don't worry. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Michelle Wang, you will be scarred by the gossip! " There was a hint of embarrassment in his tone. He

stood up from the sofa and looked down at her.

At this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes and ears.

"Thank you for your concern. But I think you know better than me who did this to me. Who did this to

me? " Michelle stood up and went straight to the door.

She opened the door and turned to look at the still standing Wyn. "Mr. Wyn, please leave. You are not

welcomed here."

"Michelle, you are with Scott all day long. How do you know what he is up to? A rich second generation

like him, only play with women! " Wyn rushed to Michelle and grabbed her shoulders tightly.

"Wyn mu, you hurt me. Let go of me!" Michelle growled.

She raised her eyes to stare at him, and he was staring at her too.

Michelle tried to gain free from his restraint. Or they would be misunderstood.

Instead of letting go, Wyn held her hand more tightly. He was so angry that blue veins stood out on his


"Michelle, I am doing this for your own good. Do you know Scott well? "

"At least I know it better than you. If you don't have anything else to do, you can leave now. My mother

will come back soon. I can't guarantee how she will react when she sees you. "


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