Novel Name : The Italian's proposal

The Italian's proposal Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-six


After two difficult nights and almost a third, thanks to her sister’s visit, Melody realized that she made a

mistake by running away, by hiding for fear that Timothy would not feel the same way about her.

She promised she would help Timothy, but one thing was what her mind accepted and assimilated, and

a very different thing was when she arrived at the chapel and felt that everyone was watching her, that

people were there because they believed that this union was real, even those people who believed that

she was only marrying him for his money, they were not from the same world, but even so, Melody

knew what she was getting into when she accepted Timothy’s proposal. She would owe him much

more than just a wedding for six months, by not pressing any charges against the crime Equilay

committed, just because she asked him to, she would be eternally grateful and indebted to him.

That charade they both developed had become slowly her reality. In that month that she was with him,

living together in his apartment, it was one of the happiest moments of her whole life, she could say:

the happiest since she knew she was pregnant and had to move out of her parents’ house.

Charles hadn’t fought her for leaving her own wedding like that, he even called her right away to find

out what the hell to do, as he was still standing at the foot of the chapel and saw Timothy running after

her to the limousine.

After explaining without much detail to her father, he simply stood at her command and told her she

could count on him for anything. Even being away from him, she felt his affection, the one she missed

so much since all that family madness started after her unexpected pregnancy. She asked him not to

call her anymore, at least not until she recovered and could have the willpower to talk to someone other

than herself, who was her worst advisor at the end of it all. The days were hard for her and Lucy

respected her decision not to share any information. For her friend she was there, but she was not.

Even then, she felt uncomfortable, because she understood that it was one thing to say she didn’t want

to talk to anyone, and quite another to be in a place where she saw her friend, if at all. She began to

feel uncomfortable and unwanted in the place and promised herself, since she felt more like eating and

living, to look for a place to stay, even if it was with Allegra, which she didn’t want at all.

Squaring up with Devina had been one of the simplest things. It seemed as if the redhead was waiting

for her call by the minute, they got down to business immediately.

Their plan was simple: get Timothy to listen to her and understand why she left their wedding. Seek his

forgiveness and find out if he really loved her, as her sister implied.

The first thing, according to her new best friend, was to find a way for her to make her engagement to

Timothy public and to make a public apology.

Timothy handled the situation of her escape with a great deal of height and character, which was

typical of him. She, who had gotten to know him to a degree she never thought possible, felt sorry and

like the worst person for putting him in that position. He hadn’t given any interviews regarding their

breakup, although the media, according to Devina, hounded him every minute: leaving the office and

arriving at his apartment. He wasn’t seen at various discotheques or those nightclubs he normally

visited before he met her.

He confined himself to going from work to his apartment and back. Hamlet, Devina’s husband, was

worried about his cousin, as he has never seen him in this state and Devina told Melody.

“He’s never been like that before,” Devina explained as they sat in the restaurant near Lucy’s


Devina came by to pick her up and the condition was to fix her life once and for all, no matter what it



“Like he doesn’t want to be with anyone else. Like a sicko!” she exclaimed. “I met him a few months

ago, at a bar, which, by the way, when the baby is born, I’ll invite you to,” Devina assured looking at

her, smiling, after the pause, she continued. “He had a very hard time with his girlfriend’s infidelity.”

“Infidelity? I had no idea,” she commented, though slowly, her waspish mind, she was beginning to

understand why he behaved so withdrawn with the woman at the restaurant, Gia.

“Yes. It wasn’t leaked in the media. He didn’t comment on it. Even though they lasted more than a year

together. He was going to propose to her.”

“They were really in love?” Melody felt nauseous suddenly. She knew he wasn’t a virgin or a saint

before he met her, but the idea of him being on that level with Gia made her sick.

“I don’t know if they were in love as is, but I do know he was going to take that step,” she took a sip of

her wine and continued remarking. “Look Melody, things are the way they are. I started with Hamlet as

a game, something about seeing each other every so often and taking the heat off each other.”

“How awful you talk,” Melody wasn’t used to a woman talking that way.

“Get used to it. That’s the way I express myself. I was practically raised on the streets of Manhattan.

I’ve learned how to behave, because I want what’s best for my husband and for my relationship, but

you can’t imagine what it was like.”

“I get the idea,” she laughed a little, for the first time in quite some time. “It’s refreshing. Not that it

bothers me, I’m just not used to hearing such a beautiful woman talk like that.”

“It’s the truth. We fucked everywhere. we even fucked in the bathroom of a bar at one time. Oh, what

yummy memories!”

“Devina!” she exclaimed feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.

“Don’t be a prude! You have a baby in your belly. It’s not like you’re a saint or a virgin.”

“Don’t even mention it,” she cleared her throat somewhat uncomfortably at the turn their conversation

was taking. If she didn’t change the subject quickly, they could end up talking about threesomes and

orgies, she was already beginning to understand that Devina didn’t mince words. “I didn’t know Timothy

had gone through such a rough breakup.”

“Yeah. It was pretty ugly. I met him precisely after he broke up with Gia. Even when I had my own

issues, the worry was there. He’s always been a lover of race cars and high-speed driving.”

“You seem to know him more than I do,” she was beginning to feel stupid. How could she love

someone she didn’t know? Being attracted to a person who fell on hard times and she was so focused

on her own problems, she didn’t even realize it.

No wonder he’d rather have a sham wedding than give his heart away.

“Not everyone gets back together easily after infidelity,” and Devina was right. “I know you’re young,

how many years does he lead you on? Seven? Likewise, you’re well mature, you’re focused, you want

to continue your studies and that man is willing to support you.”

“I know. I...”

“You panicked,” she sighed and sipped wine again, “I influenced that myself and you have no idea how

I’ve blamed myself these days, that’s why I responded right away. I filled your head with stuff about

thinking of you and your son first. I’m terribly sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” the one who left Timothy at the altar was her.

“In a way it was,” she whispered biting her lips. “But I’ll fix it. We’ll fix it together.”

She wanted to believe her.

But it was all her fault and as much as Devina tried to take the weight off her action in the chapel,

Melody knew what she did, that she made him look foolish in front of everyone, as proud as he was, he

would probably never forgive her.

Even though she knew he couldn’t forgive her, she had to try. She had to try to make him love her

again, she didn’t care if he slammed the door in her face repeatedly, she was stupid and she deserved

that and more.

“He’s a sullen one,” she said after a moment, “and before you see him you should change out of those

clothes you look like a hobo.”

Shit, she had forgotten how blunt and direct Devina was.

If someone wanted to know the truth about something without a warm fuzzy washcloth, the right person

to seek that truth was Devina D’angelo.

Only someone like her, could say such a thing to a woman who was pregnant and recently stood up the

man she loved at her wedding.

“Don’t bug me. I had absolutely no time,” she excused herself poorly, as she pulled her coat closed a

little, to keep Lucy’s dress from showing any more.

“Are you going to tell me what you were doing the last three days? What could have been so

interesting and important that you couldn’t pick out something more appropriate for tonight?” Devina

raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow and looked at her curiously. “I thought you learned that you were

mixing with a person who has an image to maintain. Those are things you have to accept if you really

want to start a life by Timothy’s side. It’s not because he’s a bad person, it’s not because he’s arrogant,

which he is, it’s not because of the money that his family has and that he himself possesses,” she took

a breath and looked at her seriously and frankly, something Melody needed. “It has to do with the fact

that he’s a public figure. He’s a multi-millionaire, he owns several companies, he’s the face of the

family, just like my husband is, and those are things you have to come to terms with, because the press

will be on you every step of the way, and before you run to him seeking his love and understanding for

standing him up, you have to be sure of what you want in this life and if you really want him by your


“Of course, I want him! Don’t you think I’ve stayed in my house not thinking about him, every damned

second of the day? Crying like I’ve never cried in my life, not even when my family turned their backs

on me with the pregnancy. Don’t think I haven’t suffered for what I did,” her pain was noticeable, and

her eyes betrayed her, letting out a couple of tears. “Don’t tell me I don’t know what I want.”

“I’m not saying it out of spite, I’m telling you because that stupid Blond has changed by being with you.

Because I see in him a whole new person and because I believe he loves you, but, just as I believe he

loves you and you love him too, I also don’t want you to start something that you’ll run away from

again.” She was beginning to understand what the redhead was referring to and to realize that she was

upset over something silly and for no reason. “It’s like cheaters, once you’ve been unfaithful, it’s

extremely hard to leave your instincts behind. Your instinct was to run, you ran when your sister

wouldn’t give you the chance to accept your child, you ran when your parents put you between a rock

and a hard place about having your child, you even ran away when I offered you the three million to

pay off the debt.”

“They are different things Devina, don’t you see, don’t you understand? I didn’t run away, I don’t tend to

run away, I don’t do it. I faced things, but when I see that it is not possible to get a positive response

from others, I simply leave, because where they don’t need me, I don’t stay.”

“And I don’t judge you, I, myself once escaped from my past and it hit me very badly in the face a few

months ago. That’s why, because I lived it, is why I give you the advice. Deal with things,” she finished

the glass of wine she ordered and continued, “I don’t want to hurt you, but I also don’t want your

insecurity to hurt both of you. If he loves you like you love him, then great, if he doesn’t, don’t be left

with the regret that you are unaware of it. I know you don’t realize it, but he spent a lot of money on that

wedding. Not that I care, it’s none of my business, but it was a real public embarrassment.”

“You said that already,” she mumbled uncomfortably, “you said it, I heard you, I thought you agreed to

help me...”

“And I will,” Devina interrupted her, “I will help you. I even phoned my sister so we can arrange

everything for tomorrow.”

“And how are you supposed to get him out of his apartment?” the curiosity was greater than she had


“Leave it to me. I have Hamlet’s help. That will be enough.”

“I don’t know your husband yet,” she hadn’t seen him at the wedding, for she hadn’t even given herself

a chance to get to the chapel.

“You will. If this turns out well, we’ll be laughing in a few days at your spectacular exit,” Devina smiled

and took one of her hands. “It will turn out all right. We’ll manage to work it out. But you’ll have to let me

help you with those awful clothes and that dull hair.”

“It’s not dull!”

“Honey, you look like a doll! One whose hair hasn’t been combed for days and whose face was melted

by a burning candle. You have horrible dark circles under your eyes, like you haven’t slept in days. Not

to mention how parched your lips are. You must be dehydrated from crying so much.”

“I can’t get over him. I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“You chickened out of being loved like you love him.”

“I don’t know how I could fall in love in such a short time.”

“You know what they say... When it knocks... Knock.”


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