Novel Name : The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance

The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance Chapter 20

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I sat up in the hotel bed, and held my head in my hands, it throbbed from the pain of whatever gas had

swallowed me.

Wait, what happened?

The side table had a glass of water, Advil, and a note.

Nice shooting last night, Suka


I swallowed the Advil with the water, and tip toed into the living room.

There sat Xavier, Sin, Slayer, and a man I didn't recognize.

When I walked in, they all stood up, Sins eyes had dark circles surrounding them.

I frowned, "What happened?"

"Italians" Xavier said "They tried to grab you last night, but you...yeah you shot them."

I nodded, that much I remembered.

"This is Klaus." Sin said motioning to the stranger man.

He had white blonde, and black dyed hair, with these big green eyes, and pasty pale skin, he too was

tall and broad.

"He found you under the car last night." Sin muttered. "Carried your ass back to the room."

Klaus lifted his hand to mine, "Good hiding place." His Russian accent was so strong. that I almost

couldn't understand him, good thing that I was Russian, and could make out his words.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile.

"Why did they shoot at us if they...wanted me?" I asked carefully.

Klaus shrugged, "Guess they wanted to kill Sinister."

"Who doesn't?" Slayer muttered.

"Zatknis!" Sin yelled, I think that meant something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up."

"Anyways, that's not the point. The point is, is that you're okay. We just have to be more cautious."

Xavier said. Giving me that Hazel eyed smile.

"I want a gun." I stated, I needed to be frank with them, if I wanted something, then I better damn well

get it.

Sins lips turned up in a smile at my forward statement.

"You already have one, and yes you already proved your point that you can handle a gun." Xavier said


I shook my head stubbornly, "not that gun, that gun has blood on it. I want a ops sniper and two hand


"No. Fucking. Way."

I shrugged, "fine then I think the Italians are towards the east. Let me just give a quick hi to Viktor."

I began walking to the door when I felt a pair of strong hands around my waist, and suddenly I was off

the ground flying to another direction.

"Oh no you don't" Sin growled in my ear as he set me back on the ground 15 feet from the door, and

kept his hands on my waist to hold me back. "You know too fucking much, we can't have you giving any

information to the Italians."


"Fine, Iisus. Jesus, you'll get your guns." Sin muttered.

"Good." I muttered, I tried to pull out of Sins grasp, but he kept his hold.

"Let g-"

"Come with me." He spat as he dragged me into my room.

I tore out of his grasp the second we entered the room.

"What!" I yelled.

"Don't what me. You can't just threaten us to leave, you can't leave."

I shrugged, "I kinda figured that Mr. Smarty pants, I just really wanted my guns."

He shook his head, "you're fucking crazy, suka."

I beamed up at him, and he rolled his eyes.

His goddamn gorgeous eyes.

I looked over to the digital clock, and it read 5:42.

"Wow, I slept all day?" I moaned. I hated sleeping in, It just wasted the day away.

"They used some pretty serious sleeping gas, guess they really wanted you out cold."

I flinched at the thought of what they could have done to me while I was out.

"Get changed. We're going for a walk." He spat at me, funny how even a sweet statement like that

could come out menacing when he said it.

With that he walked out the door.

Who goes for walks these days? Nowadays kids ride their hover boards.

But a walk? Why would he want to go for a walk? Was he finally warming up to me?


I ran into the bathroom and slid on a tight black tank top, with blue shredded shorts, and black


I looked in the mirror and surprised myself, I guess I never really paid much attention to my appearance

to notice that I was actually somewhat pretty.

Now my entire life I knew that I was very well not ugly, but I usually never really cared about my face.

It was slim and pale, my grey eyes standing out from underneath my crazy long dark eye lashes, my

bright red hair lined my high cheek bones perfectly.

Aye, I got those Victoria Justice cheek bones.

I realized that I didn't look so much like a kid anymore, but rather a woman.

But I guess that was expected when my twentieth birthday was just a short distance away, as a kid

growing up in the academy I never had a birthday, and I would usually celebrate it by myself.

Like Harry Potter, except I can't draw a birthday cake in the dust, on the floor of a cottage in the middle

of the ocean, and scream "make a wish Harry" and then BOOM I'm a motherfucking wizard.

(Please tell me someone got that reference.)

"Are you coming, Suka?" Sin called out from the door way.

I stole another quick glance at my image before running out to greet him.

This walk was sure to be interesting.


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