Novel Name : Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped Chapter 443

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Karl was a little displeased that Joel was blocking his view of Tanya.But when he thought of how he

was the man whom Tanya loved, he didn't dare to offend him.As a result, he could only look away in


He replied, "I'm here to talk to Tanya: Samuel immediately gave him an obsequious smile.

"Yes, that's right.We shouldn't be impulsive.Let's all sit down and talk it out!"

He glanced at Sue at once.

Sue got the hint.

She grabbed Tanya's wrist, lowered her voice, and said, "Ms.Turner, if you are not stupid, then you

should know what kind of choice to make, right?"

Tanya frowned.


Sue finally said, "I'm actually here because your mother came to me and asked me to talk to you.I

believe that once you take a step back and give in, the Joneses will owe you one and support you in

the future, in which case it won't be impossible for you to marry Joel...But if you insist on falling out with

the Joneses and forcing the Smiths to offend Mr.Moore, then I am afraid you can forget about ever

establishing a foothold in the Smiths!"

"You must have a good talk with Mr.Moore.Try to meet all of his demands.He is an influential figure that

someone like you cannot afford to offend!"

An influential figure? Tanya looked at Karl.

She had never been afraid of influential people.

After all, Karl was only one thing to her at the moment—a father who had tried to help someone else to

take her child from her.

When Sue saw that she wasn't saying anything, she went on.

"You'd best not do anything stupid.I'll tell you this, Joel is willing to stand up for you today because he's

still in love with you now.Once he gets bored of you, he can easily push you out and make you suffer!

You know what I mean, right?"

Tanya lowered her gaze and replied frostily, "Yeah"

Then, she walked around Sue, stood right next to Joel, and looked at Karl.

She said very coldly, "I have nothing to say to you"

Anger filled inside her the moment she thought of how Karl had forced them to go to court with

Hillary.Her words and behavior shocked Sue! She and Samuel looked at each other and hastily took a

step forward.

Sue grabbed Tanya and chastised her.

"Child, watch the way you speak!"

Samuel looked at Karl and explained, "Don't take this the wrong way, Mr.Moore.She is from a small

family, so she doesn't know how to speak properly.Rest assured that her attitude is not representative

of the Smiths'.

After all, she is not Joel's wife yet!"

He then looked at Tanya and reprimanded her loudly.

"What kind of attitude do you think you're taking towards Mr.Moore?' Hurry up and apologize!"

Joel's eyes turned cold.

However, when he saw that Karl's expression had darkened, he thought for a while and decided not to

say anything.

Tanya would be living with the Smiths in the future.

If Karl unleashed his wrath, perhaps he would be able to intimidate those two old fogeys and stop them

from creating so much trouble in the future! His silence made Samuel think that he had given him his

tacit approval.

Thus, his voice became even louder as he reprimanded Tanya.

"I'm talking to you! Why aren't you listening? Hurry up and apologize!"

Tanya lowered her head and sneered, "He doesn't deserve my apology"

Her words horrified Samuel even further.

He looked back up—sure enough, Karl was already pulling a long face.

He immediately misunderstood and hastily scolded Tanya angrily again.

"What's the matter with you? If you don't apologize, then you can forget about ever marrying into the


Then, he turned to Karl.

"Mr.Moore, please don't be mistaken..."

Next to him, Sue also said, "Mr.Moore, don't be angry.Insensible, awkward, foul-mouthed, and short-

sighted; she has always been like this since she was a child! It's all because she's a stray child without

a father to bring her up.That's why she has no family upbringing whatsoever!"

As soon as she said that, she heard a click.

The next moment, an icy-cold object was pointed right at her head.

Sue was stunned.

She slowly turned her head to see a pitch-black hole aimed at her head.

When she realized what it was, Sue's legs went limp and she almost fell straight onto the floor! She

was so terrified that she was shaking all over.

She pointed to Tanya and said, "Mr.Moore, are pointing that at the wrong person.Tanya is

over there...

Karl's gaze, however, was fixed right on her.

She had the guts to mock his daughter when he was standing right in front of her.

He then thought of all the things that his men had found out about Tanya while they were on their way


His daughter had suffered so much all these years' Just the mere thought of it made his heart ache

terribly! He asked coldly, "Did you just say that she doesn't have a father?"

Sue immediately nodded.

"Yes, yes, that's right.She is the extra baggage that Jill brought with her when she married into the

Joneses.Everyone knows that.I even heard that Jill's ex-lover was some small-time gangster.With a

gangster for a father, she must be rotten through and through, either..."

Almost as soon as she said that, she heard a bang! A gunshot rang out right beside Sue's ear, which

made her jump in shock and fright.

Her trousers immediately became scorching hot...

When she recovered, she saw that the gunshot had landed right next to her foot.

It had even created a small hole in the Smiths' marble flooring.

Her legs turned into jelly and she fell onto the floor.

Karl blew at the muzzle and dissipated the smoke rising out of it.

Then, as if nothing noteworthy had happened, he said, "Sorry, it went off accidentally"

Sue: She nodded obediently.

Before she could say anything, Karl lifted the gun and pointed the pitch-black hole at her again.

Karl's voice seemed like it was coming from the heavens, yet also as if it was close at hand.

He said, "Hearing you insulting me like that doesn't make me very happy, though .

How am I a small-time gangster? How is my daughter rotten through and through?"


Samuel, who was also scared witless beside her:"???"

Both of them looked at Karl, question marks popping up in their minds at the same time: 'Huh?'

Just as the two were utterly confused about what was going on, Tanya's voice rang out.

"I'm not your daughter!"

Karl immediately stopped paying attention to Sue.

It was just that he didn't move his hand away, either, so the gun was still pointed at her, making her

afraid to move.

Karl panicked and said, "Tanya, Dad knows he's in the wrong now! Jill tricked me! She told me that

Hillary is my daughter...

That's why I helped her to take your child!"



The two of them felt that they might be mishearing things due to old age.

What did Karl just say?! Samuel swallowed and asked, "Mr.Moore, w-what do you mean?"

Karl, who was very troubled that his daughter was refusing to acknowledge him, immediately replied

angrily, "What I'm saying is, Tanya is my daughter, and I'm her father! I will fight everyone who dares to

bully my daughter, to the death!"


When Sue heard the words "to the death" and saw the muzzle again, her eyes suddenly rolled up in

fright and she passed out, her lower body was all wet.

However, no one was paying any attention to that at the moment.

Karl was anxious to acknowledge his daughter, but Tanya had a complicated look on her face.

She couldn't accept him right away.

While the two were looking at each other, the butler at the door came in again.

With a complicated look on his countenance, he looked at Tanya and said, "Ms.Turner, Mrs.Jones is

here.She's at the door and insisting that you go out!"

Tanya frowned.She glanced at Karl before she turned and went out.

The moment she came to the manor's gates, she saw Jill standing outside with a group of reporters.

Jill was currently holding a dagger to her neck.

As soon as Tanya appeared, she yelled, "Tanya, write and sign off on a letter of forgiveness right away!

Save Hillary and get her out of jail!"

Her eyes were icy-cold.

"Even if we have severed our ties as mother and daughter, it doesn't change the fact that I am still your

mother! My blood flows through your veins! If you refuse to save Hillary, I will kill myself right in front of

you.Everyone is watching! You drove your mother to kill herself! I want you to never be able to rest in

peace for the rest of your life!"


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