Novel Name : When His Eyes Opened

When His Eyes Opened Chapter 2481

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“You come to kill!” Hayden interrupted Nick, and took out a small remote and deliberately showed them,

“If we die together, we are not alone.”

The second brother stared at the remote control in Hayden’s hand with his eyes wide open.

The third brother and the fourth brother also stared at Hayden with wide eyes.

“What, what is this?!” The fourth brother felt bad.

“What kind of remote control is this?” the third brother asked.

Elliot couldn’t help asking, “Hayden, what is this?”

After Elliot asked the question, the other three looked at Elliot one after another.

Elliot didn’t know what Hayden was holding in his hand.

Aren’t they father and son together?

Hayden explained without hesitation : “The controller of the surface-to-surface missile. I bought three


The second, third, and fourth: “……”

Elliot: “Hayden, you bought it from the military of Yonroeville?”

“Yes! I gave enough, and others sold it to me.” Hayden said calmly, looking at the second brother, “Your

home is on QH Road, right? I’ve already asked someone to inquire about it, and your family lives there

now. If you say something I don’t like to hear, I’ll press this button. Let you also taste the taste of being

wiped out.”

The second brother was trembling and his lips tightly closed.

“Your family—” Hayden looked at the fourth brother.

The fourth brother didn’t wait for him to report his home address, and immediately shook his head: “I

won’t talk, I won’t talk!”

Nick laughed awkwardly: “Eat! Have a good meal, if you don’t eat it, it will be cold.”

“Where is Haze?” Hayden will never be led by the nose.

His purpose was very clear. Apart from protecting Elliot, he was also here for Haze.

“I don’t know!” The second brother waved his hands again and again.

“I don’t know either! Third brother, do you know?” The fourth brother blamed Nick.

“Haze was bought by Gloria Wiens. You should know about this.” Nick looked at Elliot, “Gloria died so

suddenly that I didn’t have time to ask her about Haze’s whereabouts.”

The implication was that he didn’t know Haze either. Where is Haze now?

Now that the matter was completely spread out, Elliot didn’t have to go around in circles with them


“You guys clearly knew that Haze was my daughter, so why did you dare to kill the Jobin family back

then? You wanted to kill Haze together, right?” Elliot questioned.

“You didn’t like Haze back then! We killed her, didn’t we do a good thing for you and Avery? You two

divorced because of this child!” The fourth brother said straightforwardly, “We also didn’t know that

Haze was the child of you and Avery! If we knew at the beginning, we would definitely not touch that

child! We only want to divide up Jobin’s family property, and we don’t want to make enemies with you!”

“Elliot, we really didn’t know that Haze was the child of you and Avery. If we knew, we would definitely

pick up Haze in advance.” Nick explained, “Haze should still be alive now. It’s just that I don’t know

where she was hidden.”

“Elliot, since this matter has become like this, we will definitely go with you to find Haze.” The second

brother said, “We’ll just be kind like this…”

“The gold that swallowed you Spit out all the family’s property.” Elliot didn’t want to pretend that nothing


“What if we help you find Haze? The property we got from the Jobin family has already been integrated

with our own property, how can we spit it out? Elliot, don’t force others to do things to you! Kyrie’s

money is not a cent. It’s clean! At best, we’re just cheating!” The fourth brother was in a hurry.

“I’m not discussing with you.” Elliot said coldly.

If this matter hadn’t involved his daughter Haze, Elliot wouldn’t have traveled long distances to

Yonroeville at all.

He didn’t care whether they were cheating or fighting each other.

But now, they had caused his daughter to disappear, so he taught them a lesson.

“If you still want to lose face, donate the money in the name of charity.” Elliot stepped down the steps

for them, “If you don’t want to…”


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