Novel Name : Cold CEO Pampering Wife Diary

Cold CEO Pampering Wife Diary Chapter 22 Phone Call

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The director of the Lin Family had just changed. There were many people who wanted to be promoted

in the company, and those people were very experienced. Rae didn't take them seriously, she was

smart, and at the same time, also a person who would not forgive who betrayed her. Of course, she

had a plan in her mind about who should be close and who should be out.

But Rae didn't expect Sampson to be so patient that he was the last one to visit her.

"Rae, I knew you would be the new director of the Lin group." As soon as Sampson spoke, he tried to

get close to Rae.

"Uncle Sampson, you are one of the regular shareholders of the Lin Family. You have been taking care

of me since I was a child, and always support me, but now we only talk about interests." Rae said.

"You don't need to tell me this, Rae. I'm old and not as healthy as before, so I don't care what benefits I

could get from the company. You are so young and will devote yourselves to the business just as when

I first entered the business. I'm so glad to see this." Sampson deliberately changed the topic with Rae.

Of course, Rae knew Sampson's plan. She said, "you are not that old, Uncle Sampson. I think you are

still as young as before, and you certainly will make fun of and help us young people in business."

"Oh, by the way, has Bess contacted you? You've been good friends since you were kids. I'm sure you

have been getting in touch with each other over the years. " Sampson began to explain his intention.

However, Rae was somewhat surprised. Although she was growing up with Bess, but the friendship

was not deep nor shallow, so this time, she did not know what was Sampson's purpose. "I'm sorry,

uncle Sampson, I've been very busy recently, so I didn't pay much attention to other things. When did

Bess come back?"

"Oh, right, I'm almost muddled and just forget you've been really busy recently. It's normal that you

don't know. Bess has been hanging out outside since she came back, and she doesn't look like a

student anymore. Unlike you, Rae, you're so capable in work, getting the position at such a young

age." It seems that Sampson has been chattering about daily lives, but in fact, he is plotting for Bess.

"Bess is so energetic. Everyone likes her. Hasn't she found a job after she went back from studying?

You can ask her to come here to work as an intern to learn. "Rae finally guessed the intention of


"As her father, I feel ashamed of myself. She still won't listen to whatever I say, though she's getting at

the age to marry, she's still so stubborn. Since you're willing to give her a job in the company, I can't

agree more, and I hope that you can take care of each other. If she's doing anything wrong, just teach

her. You young people are easy to communicate with each other, and I will also appreciate if you can

help me persuade her to stop fooling around. It's better to be a person with ambition, just like you."

Sampson's goal has been achieved, and it's time to go. "Okay, see you, Rae. And I hope you can come

to my house if free." At the thought of that, Sampson stood up and patted Rae on her shoulder, she

wanted to go to see him off, but was stopped by him. He turned around and left.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Sampson, Rae sat on the chair in a daze. 'Bess?' The familiar but

distant name spared no room for her youth and an indescribable past. Bess and Jack got to know each

other through her own efforts. At that time, she and Cary were just a normal couple in college, but they

didn't have much interaction. Bess just witnessed her most brilliant time, so mentioning her name

would make her memorize the youth, Rae sighed. Cary had been the best love in her life, and Rae had

been wondering how she could make him come back to her side again and continue the relationship

with him. In this way, she could go back the life in her youth.

'I am still the proud princess in the past. I will never allow anyone to take off my crown and get it back. I

am still the girl who belongs to Cary.' Rae thought to herself.

"Thomson, I'm going to school now." Yvonne said while carrying her schoolbag and slowly walking

towards the door.

"By the way, Thomson, has Cary come back these two days?" She asked, for she hadn't seen Cary

since last quarrel.

"Mr. Cary has been in the company these two days and hasn't come back. Miss Yvonne, what do you

want to see him?" Thomson wondered why Cary didn't like to go home these days. In the past, no

matter how busy he was, he would come back to see Yvonne. Did they have a quarrel?

"Well, nothing important. If you see him, please tell him that I have something to discuss with him."

Replied Yvonne. She wanted to go back to the dormitory and live in the university. When she left Ellie

alone, she became weirder, and it was time for her and Cary to break up.

"Yes, Yvonne. I'll tell him." Thomson answered respectfully.

"Thank you, Thomson. I'm going to school now." Yvonne took a deep breath and thought that it was

time to say goodbye to Cary.

"How's it going?" With a cigarette in his mouth, Aaron asked Ellie impatiently at the other end of the


"I have never seen Yvonne's mother, and I don't know her phone number. What's more, you haven't

told me when to get this done. I will think of a way." When Ellie was about to take her books in dorm to

take a class, she received a call from Aaron, and her tone was slightly nervous.

"I didn't tell you when it is done? I need it as soon as possible! I hope Yvonne can be kicked by that

man right now! Don't let me threaten you again and again! Now, you will be the one who will be hurt for

protecting her in the end. Think about it." Aaron threw the cigarette end to the ground and smashed his

hands into the computer keyboard.

He couldn't ruined her life if he hadn't been able to approach Yvonne. Now, it was not only for his

vengeance in his heart, but also for the bright future that he had always been proud of.

After hanging up the phone, Ellie sat on the bed, clutching the sheet tightly with her hands and even

trembling slightly. How could she tell Yvonne's mom what had happened? Oh! There is Yvonne's phone

number on the grant application form! "Parents' information!"! She remembered very clearly that

Yvonne had complained why the file had to be filled.

Where is Yvonne grant application form? Ellie stood up in a hurry and looked for the book in front of

Yvonne's desk. 'I saw Yvonne had filled the form, then put it here. How couldn't I find it?' She thought.

Here! She was glad to see that there was a phone call of Yvonne's mom in the column of parents'

information! Ellie relieved with a grateful smile and gave out a sigh. "Yvonne, please don't blame me. I

was doing this for your own good, and I just wanted to take back my photos by the way."

"Ellie, haven't you gone to the library?" Seeing that the door of the dorm was not locked, Yvonne

entered the dorm.

protecting her in the end. Think about it." Aaron threw the cigarette end to the ground and smashed his

hands into the computer keyboard.

He couldn't ruined her life if he hadn't been able to approach Yvonne. Now, it was not only for his

vengeance in his heart, but also for the bright future that he had always been proud of.

After hanging up the phone, Ellie sat on the bed, clutching the sheet tightly with her hands and even

trembling slightly. How could she tell Yvonne's mom what had happened? Oh! There is Yvonne's phone

number on the grant application form! "Parents' information!"! She remembered very clearly that

Yvonne had complained why the file had to be filled.

Where is Yvonne grant application form? Ellie stood up in a hurry and looked for the book in front of

Yvonne's desk. '| saw Yvonne had filled the form, then put it here. How couldn't | find it?' She thought.

Here! She was glad to see that there was a phone call of Yvonne's mom in the column of parents’

information! Ellie relieved with a grateful smile and gave out a sigh. "Yvonne, please don't blame me. |

was doing this for your own good, and | just wanted to take back my photos by the way."

"Ellie, haven't you gone to the library?" Seeing that the door of the dorm was not locked, Yvonne

entered the dorm.


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