Novel Name : Kiss me tender

Kiss me tender Chapter 70

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Melissa looked coldly at the man who was mad at her. Was this the man who said he couldn't bear to

part with her? Was this man really the one who promised to be good to her and not to torture her

anymore? Was this man the one who had accompanied her for five years and given her everything?

Why did he look so strange to her?

Colin walked in as he glared at Melissa. He didn't expect that she would really do such a thing!

Just now, Candy called him and told him that she was cleaning the room. But she saw Melissa entered

into the forbidden area. She didn't want to go out no matter how hard Candy asked her out. She even

burst into tears and laughed loudly at the photo of Avril. Candy felt something was wrong and called

him to tell that he was back.

So he rushed back in a hurry. Because that was his secret and no one was allowed to touch it. He only

allowed Candy to come in and clean it. During the cleaning, she was allowed to cherish the things in it

and all things were forbidden to break. After that, she had to move them back to their original position

carefully and nothing could get out of the way. He didn't expect that the woman would rush into the

sexy pool directly and see his inner thoughts. That was enough to make him furious. It was totally out

of his expectation that this woman was so audacious that she even dared to break his diary and break

Avril's crystal pen shelf!

Colin didn't know how to describe his fury as he looked at the stubborn woman Melissa. So he pointed

at the messy things on the ground and said, "Pick them up and wipe them clean!" "I'll ask you to attach

the broken glass on it bit by bit!"

Melissa still looked at him coldly. At this moment, she couldn't hold back her sadness and anger with

tears streaming down her face. Trying not to cry, she asked him lightly, "Colin, do you really care about

Avril so much? "Are she more important than anyone else?"

Colin stared straight into her eyes. At that moment, he saw the woman's sorrow and despair, like a

drowning woman who held on to the last straw to save her life. She asked him this question, as if it was

the last straw for her. If he denied it, maybe he could save her mind. But when he heard from Candy

that she had done on the phone just now, he guessed that this woman must be insane because of

jealousy. The woman had broken into his secret place and been mad at Avril's things. She even wanted

to tear all the pictures of Avril. It was lucky that Candy had stopped her from doing this. Otherwise, she

might have made a mistake. But she still smashed his diary and the shelf.

As a result, he thought she was even more vicious. She couldn't compete with Avril. Because of

jealousy, she had to destroy other people's things. When she couldn't get it, she hated Avril. This

woman was terrible, even hateful, and she destroyed this private forbidden area between him and Avril.

Thus, Colin was totally infuriated by her actions, even though he had a little pity for her in the past. But

now, after seeing her face and the jealousy, he couldn't feel sorry for her any more. The only person he

loved for the rest of his life was Avril. How could he fall in love with this disgusting woman? Wasn't it?

So Colin ground his teeth and said, "Yes, I love Avril, only her!" "Don't ever think about it!"

He didn't care how his words would hurt her, because what she did also hurt his heart. When did this

woman turn from a simple little girl to such a vicious resentful woman? He even wanted to destroy all

the things of Avril that he had collected. So he wanted to revenge on her and upset her!

Hearing what he said, Melissa couldn't help but take a few steps back. Her heart hurt as if it was

stabbed by a knife. She had to back off. Then she began to lose control and shouted hysterically,

"Since you love her so much, why do you treat me well?" "Tell me, why did you treat me well? Why did

you do that? Tell me, Colin!" While speaking, her tears, like pearls, kept running down, as if she had

never cried all her life. She cried so hard on this day that her eyes turned red.

Her actions inevitably shocked Colin, because he understood her heartache. Also he ached. But he

shouldn't have pitied her. This woman was shameless. She wanted to bully Avril and take her place.

She thought he, known as Colin, would fall in love with her after five years of sex love. How ridiculous it

was for her to flatter herself! Colin would not acknowledge her that he had fallen in love with such a

wicked woman and he would only despise her!

So he shouted again, "Are you crazy?" Do you really think that I, known as Colin, will fall in love with

you after I tell you how well I treat you? "Humph, do you need me to tell you a cruel fact?"

Colin responded with a grim smile and as if he was playing with a prey. He continued viciously, "I'm

good to you, but I just want to keep on teasing you. Because I think you are more beautiful than other

women and I also think you have a good appetite for me." In fact, I, known as Colin, treated all the

women well before you came here and I also treated all of them well after you came here. You are

nothing. Understand? Do you really think that I have fallen in love with you and that I am unwilling to

leave you when I am only a little bit nicer to you and say something sweet? Don't even think about it!

"In fact, I will tell you that Colin only loves Avril for my whole life! Only Avril"

Colin pointed at the picture of Avril on the wall excitedly. The sound was as loud as thunder, as if to

wake up the daydream of Melissa.

In fact, Melissa was indeed awakened by his words. As soon as she moved her eyes, two big drops of

tears rolled down again. Her eyes became even redder and she couldn't see anything. She was

trembling, but still tried to stay calm. She clenched her fists, trying to collect herself. And he said in a

cold voice, "Colin, do you dare to swear?" "You will always love Avril only. Except her, you will never fall

in love with any woman. It will never change your mind at the moment?"

She wanted to hear the most desperate words. She wanted to torture herself to death, so she wanted

to hear his vows.

As for Colin, he did it. He swore with his hands, "I swear, Colin will always love nobody but Avril. In my

heart, she is like a pure lily and nobody can compare with her, including Melissa who shows her

hideous face. You can't compete with her forever. Are you satisfied with it?"

It was okay for him to swear, but he didn't expect that he would slander her. He compared Avril to a

pure and beautiful lily, but he actually said that she was a vicious bitch! He hated her so much. Just

because that she broke into Avril's room and broke into their forbidden area? Avril was so sacred and

inviolable in his heart!

Crying, Melissa ground her teeth and said, "Okay……" Okay…… Colin, how evil you are…… "How

vicious!" Then she couldn't help crying with her lips trembling.

But Colin ignored her. Still, he pointed at the things on the ground and ordered, "Pick them up, do you

hear me!" "I command you to pick her up and apologize to Avril!"

Candy who stood beside moved forward and said with a fake smile, "Oh, Mr. Colin, please don't be like

this. Miss Shen didn't do it on purpose!"

The nurse was shocked and scared. She didn't know what they were doing, because Colin was so


Candy's words didn't affect Colin at all. But he saw Melissa remained motionless, which enraged him

again. He asked, "Why did you break Avril's items?" Why did you smash my diary? Melissa, are you so

narrow-minded that you can't even tolerate the existence of a dead person? "Do you know these are all

my treasures that I have been keeping for many years?"

Melissa still looked at him. The more she looked at him, the more disappointed she felt. And she

couldn't help but shake her head. But she wouldn't pick them up.

Colin took a step towards her and ordered, "I order you to pick them up and apologize to Avril!"

At this critical moment, Melissa raised her hand and gave a hard slap on Colin's face, stopping him

from roaring with rage.

Suffering pain, Colin turned his head away as he couldn't believe that Melissa dared to beat him again.

Melissa ground her teeth and said coldly as if she was going to explode, "Colin, I accidentally broke

Avril's pen, but you know what, you just cut my heart like a knife. My heart is badly hurt and it's bloody.

Can't I compete with the crystal brush pen shelf?" It's the only love I've ever loved in my life and it can

offset Avril's shelf. So we're done. I was so stupid and crazy before that I had a hallucination that I fell

in love with you, but now I am completely clear! I, known as Melissa, will never fall in love with you from

now on! "You can stay with your Avril forever!" Then she wiped away her tears and ran out.

Colin seemed frozen. After a long time, he suddenly shouted angrily, "Melissa! Melissa!" You catch her!

"I won't let her go! I, known as Colin, won't let her go!"

Hearing Colin's order, Candy and the nurse ran after her.

But it was impossible because Melissa had tried her best to leave this place as soon as possible.

Candy and the nurse were out of sight of her when they got closer. And it was raining outside.

It wasn't until Melissa ran out of the house that she realized it was raining again, but she didn't even

look at it. She ran out of the house, regardless of her injury and fever. And she wouldn't look back


She had to flee from this place of shame, from this nightmare of sadness, and from the man Colin in

front of her who she had hated so much! Anyway, she wanted to escape from all these and would

never come back. As long as Colin hurt her once, she would remember it for a lifetime. She swore that

she would never fall in love with him again and she would even revenge him for everything he had

done to her!

The rain became heavier and the sky was almost dusk. At the same time, Melissa rushed into the

darkness, paying no attention to danger. There were no cars and pedestrians on the outskirts. As soon

as she went out of the wealthy community, it was a deserted wild area. The robbers were everywhere.

It was in the heavy rain and the phone was unable to get through. Therefore, Melissa, a weak woman,

rushed out like that. She was so sad that she didn't realize the danger at



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