Novel Name : Stuck in you

Stuck in you Chapter 394 Three Months Pregnant

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"Were your parents the cause of my parents' death?" Finally, Rachel had asked it. How she wished that

Jack would say they weren't. She wanted to prove that her aunt was wrong. If he would say that his

parents had nothing to do with her parents' death and that he knew nothing about it, she'd still accept

him. However, he froze and dodged this time. His eyes couldn't deceive her. Although he didn't say it,

she could tell that he knew everything. But why didn't he tell her? All of a sudden, his warm embrace

felt disgusting, and his eyes that she trusted a lot looked so cold.

Rachel didn't want to stay with Jack any longer, so she broke free from his embrace. She loved him,

and her heart ached when she heard him beg. But she couldn't afford to see his face anymore. Before

her heart could soften, she must stay away from him immediately.

"We can't continue the wedding anymore," she said before she walked away.

"Please..." That was the last word she heard from him.

Jack had begged her. He swallowed his pride and almost knelt down in front of her, but she still

disappeared in his life in the end. She didn't even say goodbye.

He looked for her crazily. Even his friends were worried about him, so they supported him. He had

asked all the people that Rachel knew, but he got nothing. Even Lea and Celia, who were her best

friends, didn't know her whereabouts. It seemed that she was really determined to vanish in his life


Rachel had actually gone to a city where no one knew her. She needed a place away from everyone

for her to calm down and learn to forget all the memories related to Jack.

Jack was in a noisy bar. He wanted to benumb himself with noise and alcohol, so he could not think

about Rachel and how powerless his begging was. He drowned himself in alcohol every night. If he still

couldn't find Rachel, his life would probably be in danger. Michael and Marcus, who were really

worried, stayed with him. They tried their best to convince him to stop drinking, but they failed. He even

got worst. Now, he indulged himself in alcohol all day long.

Rachel was also having the worst days of her life. She was in a strange city, where there was only

loneliness around her in the empty room. She could never feel Jack's warm embrace, and there would

never be such a beautiful and homely place again.

She cried many times in her sleep and woke up in the middle of the night weeping, especially when she

realized that she could only lean on the cold wall of her room, and not on his solid chest.

Because of it, she started to hate evenings and sleeping.

Gradually, she became weak. But one day, she came to her senses. She couldn't continue living a life

like this, so she cheered herself up. She walked downstairs and went to a restaurant across the street

for breakfast.

Since she decided to run away, she shouldn't be depressed all along.

With a smile, she pointed at the steaming buns on the tray. "Five steamed buns, please."

"Okay." The owner's bright voice resounded among the noisy crowd. She was wearing a faded apron

that had been washed for no one could tell how many times. She picked up the steamed buns with

tongs, put them in a plate, and handed to Rachel. She then asked, "Is there anything else you want?"

Rachel looked around. There were many customers in the restaurant and almost all of them had

ordered steamed buns with a bowl of soybean milk or rice noodles.

A bowl of meat soup and some rice noodles became an unexpected gourmet on the streets in winter.

She used to love eating this kind of food when she was a child. But since she started working, and

there were no restaurants in the community where she lived that served breakfast, she hadn't had this

kind of breakfast for a long time.

She pointed at the small pot on the furnace and replied, "Please give me a bowl of rice noodles."

"Okay. Please look for a seat. I'll just serve your order on your table."

The owner quickly picked up a bowl and opened the lid of the pot. A gust of wind suddenly blew, and

the air filled with the aroma of the meat soup.

The smell was supposed to make people crave for it. However, it strangely caused an inexplicably

burst of disgust in Rachel's stomach.

She put the steamed buns aside in a hurry, covered her mouth, and ran to the side of the road. After

retching up several times, she finally felt much better.

The female restaurant owner was stunned for a while but eventually smiled.

"Are you okay, miss? I was actually like that when I was pregnant. I couldn't smell the soup as it made

me feel sick."

"Pregnant?" Rachel asked absentmindedly.

"Yes. How many months are you pregnant? You must take care of yourself during your pregnancy."

Rachel was completely stunned. For a moment, her mind went blank. Since she had lost her appetite,

she just paid the bill and hailed a taxi to rush to the hospital. The restaurant owner was left with a

slightly puzzled expression. She couldn't understand why Rachel had suddenly lost her appetite and

left with a complicated expression on her face.

"Young people nowadays..." The restaurant owner could only click her tongue and shook her head.

The restaurant was a little far from the hospital. Rachel did her best to calm down while in the taxi. Her

period had always been irregular, so she didn't pay much attention to this thing. Moreover, she had

been preoccupied with so many happenings recently. She had no time to worry about her body.

She had already prepared for the worst when she arrived at the hospital. As expected, she was


When the result came out, the doctor congratulated her. "Congratulations! You are three months


She couldn't deny the fact that she was happy. She was no longer alone. But thinking who the father of

her child was, she somehow felt anxious. She was afraid that she might be unable to move on for a

lifetime because of the child. This fact made her a little unhappy.

The doctor patiently gave Rachel some advice and instructions. She repeatedly reminded her to keep

away from stress and always maintain a good mood during her pregnancy. It was as if she could sense

that Rachel was in an unfavorable situation at the moment.

Although it was part of the doctor's job, her concern still moved Rachel.

All of a sudden, the sadness that she had been keeping in her heart spilled over. She cried in the

hospital and swore to herself that she would give birth and raise her baby well.

That evening, Jonathan was sitting in the living room. His gloomy face made him look much older in an


Tracy sat beside him, weeping and regretting. "I've already told you from the very start that they can't

get married. Look at what happened now."

They didn't only become a laughingstock of the whole city, but Jack had also lost the motivation to live.

He no longer went to the company and just stayed in the bar day and night to get drunk.

Hearing Tracy nagging, Jonathan got so angry that he knocked his walking stick heavily on the floor

and shouted coldly, "Are you done? Now that things have happened, what do you want me to do? Can

I turn back time and start it over?"

"Yes, I want to start all these things over!" Tracy couldn't stand it anymore. "If possible, I will not let that

woman get close to Jack."

"I can't stand seeing you like this. Now that things have happened, I expect that you do something

rather than sitting here all day long and daydreaming," Jonathan shouted angrily. "Do you think you

make sense?"

Tracy couldn't hold back her tears anymore. "What can I do? Am I wrong when I say that she is to be

blamed? It's all because of her that Jack has become like this."


"Mr. Fu! Mrs. Fu!" Jonathan was about to retort, but the maid's voice interrupted him. As he turned to

look at the door, he saw the maid struggling to carry the drunken Jack. His face was red all over, and

with tears in his eyes, he kept on calling Rachel's name.

"Jack is drunk again," the maid said timidly.

"Can't you stop him from drinking? How are you taking care of him? Perhaps you want to quit your job!"

Seeing her son's pitiful state, Tracy became so furious that she couldn't help venting her anger on the


"Will you please calm down?" Jonathan's roar scared even the dog outside. He couldn't stand his son's

cowardice and Tracy's attitude anymore.

"Take him to his room and make him a bowl of soup to sober him up. If possible, lock his room so he

won't be able to run away again!" Jonathan tried his best to suppress his anger, but the depression in

his words was too evident.

The maid did her best to carry Jack to his room. On their way upstairs, he vomited twice while still

calling Rachel's name. He had completely lost his usual image.

Tracy was still choking with sobs, so Jonathan left her alone annoyingly.

In the two days that passed, Rachel slowly accepted the fact that there was a baby in her belly now.

How ironic! When she and Jack were still together, he had always wished for her to get pregnant, but

she never did.

Now that they were over, the baby came. She didn't expect that she was already pregnant when she

found out that the Fu family had something to do with her parents' death.

But this was her child.

Even though Jack was the father, she couldn't afford to take the baby's life.

Rachel wasn't an emotional woman, but everything that she had gone through had really hit her big


Fortunately, she gradually regained her spirit after so many days.

Since she came to a strange city, it meant that she needed to start everything anew.

With her ability, she knew that it wouldn't be difficult for her to find a job. But because of her current

condition, she thought that being a doctor would not be suitable for her. She needed a relatively

leisurely job, so she could still take good care of herself and her baby.

She landed a job as a substitute teacher in a medical school. The school gave her only four classes

every week, and she had nothing else to do.

When Rachel arrived at the school today, she didn't expect to see a familiar face at the gate.

She thought she was just seeing things, so she didn't mind it. However, she heard someone called her

name, "Rachel!"

As she looked back, she saw Bill running towards her in an all-white suit. His complexion had turned

ruddy, and his body looked much stronger now.

Rachel was surprised to see him, so she asked, "Didn't you take Andy back to France?"

"Yes, I did. But I heard that there is a doctor here who is an expert on Alzheimer's disease. It is said

that he is very professional and experienced, so I want to take Andy to him." With a bright smile on his

face, he added, "I didn't expect to see you here."


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