Novel Name : Trapped By Tainted Love

Trapped By Tainted Love Chapter 20: What Doesn’t Belong To You Will Never Be Yours

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Alice’s eyes glinted with fear. Her left leg took half a step back, preventing her from retreating and forcing

her to hold her ground.

No matter what, she was not going to show her timidity!

Rachel was pathetic. There was nothing for Alice to be scared of. She was certain that Rachel wouldn’t

lay a hand on her here. Otherwise, she would have a reason to get Rachel arrested, and she would get

her revenge. Alice kept trying to embolden herself, staring directly into Rachel’s eyes. Right now, Rachel

stood proudly in front of Alice. As a matter of fact, Alice was half a head taller than her at the moment

because she was in high heels, but Rachel looked a lot more daunting that Alice.

“You’re right about one thing, Alice,” Rachel said with a straight face. Alice’s reflection was in her eyes.

At the moment, Alice didn’t look very impressive. “What?” Alice stammered.

“What doesn’t belong to you, shall never be yours.” Rachel grinned. Before Alice could react, Rachel

shoved her away, and stormed out of the Sullivan Group’s building. Meanwhile, Alice was left there,

dumbfounded for a long time before she came to her senses.

Rachel just satirized her for coveting something that didn’t belong to her!

Alice’s face turned grim. She was clenching her hands so hard that her manicured nails dug into her

palms. She then turned around, watching Rachel walk away from the building. Alice restrained her anger,

and shouted, “Rachel, I’d like to see how long you can keep up your stubbornness!”

Changing Victor’s mind once he had made a decision was nigh impossible. The Bennet Group’s

bankruptcy was practically set in stone. Rachel was just wasting her time if she was going to keep on

struggling! Alice took a deep breath, took out her phone and dialed a number. Moments later, the call

connected. As she walked towards the elevator, she said, “Mr. Aron, this is Alice. There are still some

omissions in Bennet Group’s debt list that I gave you before. I’ll sort out the latest list and send it to you

via email. The mount of debt the Bennet Group has accumulated is around twenty million dollars.”

Once Aron had responded, Alice stepped into the elevator and replied, “Yes. Mr. Sullivan has specifically

instructed me that all the debts must be paid by Rachel alone. I believe something like this is a piece of

cake for an outstanding lawyer like you to pull off.”

After leaving the Sullivan Group, Rachel didn’t go home immediately. Instead, she went to an Internet


The cafe was located in a small building near the entrance of an alley. It was around thirty square

meters, and was packed with more than ten computers. Although the ambiance wasn’t good, it had one

redeeming quality. The customers didn’t have to show their IDs to rent a computer. It was around two in

the afternoon, the hottest time of the day. Inside the dim Internet cafe, there were a few junior high

school students who skipped classes to play computer games here, and only the sound what Doesn t

Belong To You Will Never Be Yours of clicking keyboards and mouses could be heard.

Once Rachel had rented out a seat, she turned on the computer, bent down, and skilfully unplugged the


Moments later, she started tapping on the keyboard with an impressive speed. Consequently, the

computer monitor turned black, and a series of codes appeared from the top of the screen going

downwards someone

After a while, a web page popped up. This was a forum. Additionally, this forum had no URL, for it was

built on the dark web. Rachel casually checked the posts on the forum. If someone were to stand behind

her and look at the monitor, that person would be shocked by the posts on this forum, and how calm

Rachel was while looking through them. Any post that belonged to this forum could cause a real world

turmoil if exposed. The purpose of this forum was for trading. Traders could post on the forum to make

orders or vice versa. All kinds of orders existed in the forums. Anything that you could possibly imagine

or anything beyond your imagination could be traded there. Here, even taking away someone’s life was

just a matter of money. Everything was literally labelled with a price tag. With the right price, any order

could be accomplished. And because of the dark web’s identity protection and anonymity, neither of the

two parties trading on the forum knew each other’s identity. Your trading partner could be an outlaw, an

international criminal police, or a hacker… much like Rachel. She stayed in the cafe for an hour and a

half before she went back home.

In the villa’s living room, Andy and Abby had been waiting for Rachel. Ever since she left the house, they

had been glancing at the door every half hour to see if she had come home.

At long last, Rachel had returned. As soon as she stepped into the house, Andy and Abby stood up at

the same time and looked at her. “Miss Bennet, you’re back,” Abby greeted her, taking out Rachel’s

slippers for her. Rachel nodded in response. For a moment, Abby hesitated and wondered how to ask

Rachel about her meeting with Victor. But just

tter a word, Andy chimed in. “Miss Bennet, what did Mr. Sullivan say?”

Once those words had been spoken, both Andy and Abby looked at Rachel, eagerly awaiting her

response. Rachel cleared her throat, and she felt a bit uncomfortable because they were staring at her

expectantly. She had intended to beat around the bush at first, but when she saw how eager they were,

she felt too guilty to do so. Rachel touched the tip of her nose using her index finger, formulating the right

words to say, so that she wouldn’t sound perfunctory.

Since Rachel hadn’t said anything, disappointment flashed through Andy’s eyes. “Miss Bennet, Mr.

Sullivan didn’t agree, did he?” Upon hearing that, Rachel nodded. Although Andy had been mentally

prepared for that answer, his heart still sank when he found out. However, he quickly adjusted his mood

and forced a smile.

What Doesn’t Belong To You Will Never Be Yours “Don’t worry, Miss Bennet, for I will do everything I can

to help you. If you don’t have enough money to pay off your debts, I’ll also help you with that. Trust me,

we can get through this ordeal together. If we can’t pay off this debt until the day I die, I’ll ask my child,

my grandchild, and future generations of my lineage to continue paying off your debt until it’s all paid off.”

Rachel’s heart skipped a beat again. “Yes, Miss Bennet, I agree with Mr. Torres. And I’ll also help you.”

Abby nodded eagerly. Rachel smiled at them both. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” Abby was worried about

Rachel. She didn’t want her to be sad, for she knew just how much Rachel loved Victor in the past.

However, he never reciprocated her love, and now, he was doing everything he could to drive Rachel

into a corner. “Anyway, it’s time to prepare for dinner. What would you like to eat tonight?” Abby asked,

changing the topic. “I’ll eat whatever you cook. I’m feeling a little sleepy at the moment, so I’m going

upstairs to take a nap.” “In that case, I’m going home to check some relative laws to figure out if there’s

another way to get us out of this ordeal,” said Andy. Rachel yawned, and it spawned tears in the corner

of her eyes. “If my memory serves me right, there’s a complete collection of laws and regulations in my

study. If you want, you can go to the study and help yourself. It’ll save you a lot of time,” she remarked.

Andy’s eyes widened in surprise. “A complete… collection?” he stammered. Rachel nodded firmly. “It’s

on the leftmost bookshelf in the study. I assume it’s a complete collection, from the very first constitution

until the present day.” Andy was dumbfounded to hear that.


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