Novel Name : The Heir

The Heir chapter 2

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Maximilian regretted his decision to ask for Griffith’s help because they will never help him. Not in this

lifetime, even in the next. Their impression of him for being a loser would never change unless he has

millions of dollars inside his pockets. He breathed exasperatedly and looked at each one of them.

Yeah, right, he did not belong there. Those people were dressed to fit the high society, but their

characters stink. If not for Victoria, Maximilian could have done something to appease his wounded


He looked at his wife Victoria, who was now crying in silence as she looked at him. Maximilian brought

his thumbs to her cheeks and brushed her tears away.

“Hush...” he said and kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you at home.” Maximilian smiled sadly before turning

his back.

He walked away from the banquet. He walked away from those people who have nothing to do but

humiliate him every single time.

Maximilian was about to get into the car when he heard his wife calling him.


He suddenly halted and turned to face her.

“You should stay.” He cupped her cheek. It was still wet from tears.

“How can I stay there at this rate?” Victoria muttered and sighed.

“I ruined it.”

She caught his hands and gently pressed them. It was always comforting whenever she did that.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your mom, Max?”

“I don’t want to bother you.”

“And you think this one didn’t bother me at all?” his wife countered.

He tilted his head upwards and looked at his wife again. She was worried about him, and he could see

it clearly in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Victoria. I need a huge sum of money for the operation and other medical expenses. Your

grandmother was the first person that came into my mind. But of course, she will always say no

because it’s me,” Maximilian said somberly.

It was the sad reality of his life.

“I am your wife. When I married you, I promised to love and to hold. I am your better half, so it is only

normal for me to share a portion of your problems. Do not hesitate to tell me everything. I will always

help you, Max.”

“Thank you, Victoria.” He kissed her on the lips and hugged her tightly.

They left the banquet together.

When they reached home, Victoria tugged him in a hurry to the study room. He did not know what she

was up to for bringing him there. But then, he was surprised when he saw his wife took out her

checkbook from the drawer.

“Victoria, what are you doing?” Maximilian muttered.

But he did not hear anything from his wife. She just continued writing on the check and handed it to him

afterward. His mouth dropped open upon seeing the amount that she wrote on the check. It was a

hundred thousand dollars.

“Take it, dear...” Victoria said with a smile. “I know it’s just a small portion of what you need, but don’t

worry. I will try my best to help you raise the amount that you need for your mother’s operation.”

“But you’ve been saving—”

“We are husband and wife. What’s mine is yours too, Max.” Victoria wrapped her arms around his waist

and rested her head on his chest. “Send my regards to mother, okay?”

Maximilian hugged his wife back. He must have been unlucky in other aspects, but he was lucky to

have Victoria in her life.

“Thank you so much, Victoria.”

“You don’t have to thank me, dear.” She raised her head and met his gaze. “Just kiss me.”

He smiled and lowered his head on hers. “This is one expensive kiss, Mrs. Lee.”

HE TOOK a stick of cigarette out from his pocket but kept it between his fingers. Maximilian promised

Victoria that he will quit smoking, and he had been trying for months now. But there were those

moments when he wanted to break his promise, especially when stressed out.

“Just for today,” he told himself and searched for his lighter, but he could not find it in the car. His wife

must have thrown it away. “Great.”

He got off the car and threw the stick of cigarette on the trash bin that he walked past to.

A few feet away from the entrance, Maximilian noticed a middle-aged man in a suit and bow tie

standing by the doorway. The man looked too sophisticated to be the hospital’s security guard.

Perhaps someone who was wealthy was admitted. People might have a different status in life, but

everyone was the same when it comes to sickness. That is why when his foster mom fell critically ill, he

admitted her to the hospice so that she will be well-taken care of. Maximilian might not be well-off like

the others, but he wanted to give his mom the best. He will do everything he can for her, just like what

she did to him back then. His foster mom took care of him, raised him. It was just that fate kept on

throwing rocks at them, making their life difficult.

Maximilian headed straight to the cashier to pay for her mother’s hospital bill.

“Hi,” he greeted the one who was in charge of the billing. The woman smiled at him brightly. She knew

him since he always came back and forth. “I’d like to pay for my mom’s operation fee. This is an


“Oh? Your mother’s bill has been settled,” the woman said.

His eyes grew wider in surprise. Ah, no, he was beyond surprise. Who could have settled the operation

fee? He has no one in mind. It was impossible that it would be someone from the Griffiths. And his wife

did not have enough to pay for it. Victoria was able to lend him only a hundred thousand dollars from

her personal deposit. His head seemed to spin round thinking about who it might be. And just when he

was about to speak again, the sophisticated middle-aged man he saw from the entrance appeared in

front of him.

“Young Master Lee,” the man said excitedly.

He was astonished to see him bowing at him. “Y-you know me?”

The man straightened his back and put his hands behind.

“I am Wilfred Collins, your father’s butler. He sent me here to bring you home—”

“B-bring me home?”

“Yes. I must bring you home to inherit your father’s multi-billion-dollar fortune.”

His jaw dropped open. “You got to be kidding me.”

The butler shook his head. “This is not a joke, Young Master. Your father needs you now. So, I beg you

to come with me.”


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