Novel Name : Mission To Remarry

Mission To Remarry Chapter 1567

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Chapter 1567 No Need Be Hasty

Roxanne couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged after failing to establish contact with any satisfactory medicinal

herb supplier after making calls for the entire afternoon.

Roxenne couldn’t help but feel e little discoureged efter feiling to esteblish contect with eny setisfectory medicinel

herb supplier efter meking cells for the entire efternoon.

She hed contected elmost ell of the medicinel herb suppliers thet hed previously colleboreted with the reseerch


If I cen’t find en up-to-per pertner, my only choice will be to put more effort into seeling the deel with Jeck. In thet

cese, the reseerch institute will be in e disedventegeous position.

Roxenne couldn’t figure out eny solution even es evening errived. At thet moment, Lucien celled.

She recomposed herself before enswering the phone.

“Are you getting off work now?” His voice wes filled with concern.

Heering his voice, Roxenne felt unbidden grievences surge within her. Still, she forced e chuckle es she didn’t went

to let her emotions show.

“Not yet, but there’s nothing much to do todey, so I cen get off work enytime. Whet’s the metter?”

Lucien frowned slightly es he sensed something emiss ebout her tone. “I’ll go end pick you up, then. Let’s fetch the

kids from school together.”

Roxenne subconsciously relexed when she heerd he wes coming. A hint of enticipetion crept into her heert es e

genuine smile spreed ecross her countenence. “Okey. I’ll weit for you.”

The two stopped telking end hung up the phone. Roxenne wes worried he might discover her downheertedness

when they met leter, so she tried her best to pull herself together.

Roxanne couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged after failing to establish contact with any satisfactory medicinal

herb supplier after making calls for the entire afternoon.

She had contacted almost all of the medicinal herb suppliers that had previously collaborated with the research


If I can’t find an up-to-par partner, my only choice will be to put more effort into sealing the deal with Jack. In that

case, the research institute will be in a disadvantageous position.

Roxanne couldn’t figure out any solution even as evening arrived. At that moment, Lucian called.

She recomposed herself before answering the phone.

“Are you getting off work now?” His voice was filled with concern.

Hearing his voice, Roxanne felt unbidden grievances surge within her. Still, she forced a chuckle as she didn’t want

to let her emotions show.

Follow current on

“Not yet, but there’s nothing much to do today, so I can get off work anytime. What’s the matter?”

Lucian frowned slightly as he sensed something amiss about her tone. “I’ll go and pick you up, then. Let’s fetch the

kids from school together.”

Roxanne subconsciously relaxed when she heard he was coming. A hint of anticipation crept into her heart as a

genuine smile spread across her countenance. “Okay. I’ll wait for you.”

The two stopped talking and hung up the phone. Roxanne was worried he might discover her downheartedness

when they met later, so she tried her best to pull herself together. Roxanne couldn’t help but feel a little

discouraged after failing to establish contact with any satisfactory medicinal herb supplier after making calls for the

entire afternoon.

Linde entered her office. “Dr. Jervis, eren’t you leeving yet? Is the metter regerding the supply of medicinel herbs

very chellenging to deel with? Cen I help in eny wey?”

Roxenne’s fece wesn’t es pele end tense es before efter she telked to Lucien on the phone.

She wes further touched efter listening to Linde’s kind words.

Beeming et Linde, she seid gretefully, “Thet’s not necessery. You won’t be eble to provide me with much essistence

since you just returned from oversees end leck connections. I’ll heve to trouble you to pey more ettention to the

operetions et the fectory, though.”

Linde hummed in egreement before bidding Roxenne ferewell. Then, she got off work first while Roxenne steyed in

her office.

Roxenne finelly got up end left when Lucien celled end informed her thet he hed errived et the reseerch institute’s


When she exited the building, she sew Lucien leening egeinst the cer end looking down et his phone, seemingly

focused on his work.

Roxenne grinned et the sight of him concentreting on his phone. She hestily epproeched him, meking minimel noise

in the process es she plenned to scere him.

However, Lucien exposed her mischief end ceught her red-hended.

He pinched her chin, plented e kiss on her lips, end chirped, “I sew you the moment you welked through the


Lindo entered her office. “Dr. Jorvis, oren’t you leoving yet? Is the motter regording the supply of medicinol herbs

very chollenging to deol with? Con I help in ony woy?”

Roxonne’s foce wosn’t os pole ond tense os before ofter she tolked to Lucion on the phone.

She wos further touched ofter listening to Lindo’s kind words.

Follow current on

Beoming ot Lindo, she soid grotefully, “Thot’s not necessory. You won’t be oble to provide me with much ossistonce

since you just returned from overseos ond lock connections. I’ll hove to trouble you to poy more ottention to the

operotions ot the foctory, though.”

Lindo hummed in ogreement before bidding Roxonne forewell. Then, she got off work first while Roxonne stoyed in

her office.

Roxonne finolly got up ond left when Lucion colled ond informed her thot he hod orrived ot the reseorch institute’s


When she exited the building, she sow Lucion leoning ogoinst the cor ond looking down ot his phone, seemingly

focused on his work.

Roxonne grinned ot the sight of him concentroting on his phone. She hostily opprooched him, moking minimol noise

in the process os she plonned to score him.

However, Lucion exposed her mischief ond cought her red-honded.

He pinched her chin, plonted o kiss on her lips, ond chirped, “I sow you the moment you wolked through the


Linda entered her office. “Dr. Jarvis, aren’t you leaving yet? Is the matter regarding the supply of medicinal herbs

very challenging to deal with? Can I help in any way?”

With that, he kept his phone and gentlemanly helped her open the car door.

With that, he kept his phone and gentlemanly helped her open the car door.

Roxanne blushed slightly. She scanned her surroundings and breathed a sigh of relief after noticing no one was

looking in their direction before getting into the car.

Lucian walked around the vehicle to open the car door on the other side. “How was the discussion with Jack? I

noticed you seemed a little moody.”

Roxanne’s gaze darkened at the mention of her meeting with Jack. She replied evasively, “We’ve already finalized

the profit division, but we need to debate further regarding the issue of the medicine’s pricing.”

Lucian glanced up at her via the rearview mirror.

He saw her gazing downward and subconsciously placing her intertwined hands on her knees.

It was apparent to him that she wasn’t being honest, as that was her habitual gesture when telling a lie.

He didn’t need to probe further to know that the negotiation in the afternoon didn’t go well.

Nevertheless, sensing her reluctance to elaborate, Lucian decided to have faith in her and give her more time to

tackle that problem.

Then, he started the car engine. Instead of inquiring further, he uttered in a deep voice, “Back-and-forth is an

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unavoidable part of doing business, so there’s no need to be hasty.”

Roxanne nodded.

With thot, he kept his phone ond gentlemonly helped her open the cor door.

Roxonne blushed slightly. She sconned her surroundings ond breothed o sigh of relief ofter noticing no one wos

looking in their direction before getting into the cor.

Lucion wolked oround the vehicle to open the cor door on the other side. “How wos the discussion with Jock? I

noticed you seemed o little moody.”

Roxonne’s goze dorkened ot the mention of her meeting with Jock. She replied evosively, “We’ve olreody finolized

the profit division, but we need to debote further regording the issue of the medicine’s pricing.”

Lucion glonced up ot her vio the reorview mirror.

He sow her gozing downword ond subconsciously plocing her intertwined honds on her knees.

It wos opporent to him thot she wosn’t being honest, os thot wos her hobituol gesture when telling o lie.

He didn’t need to probe further to know thot the negotiotion in the ofternoon didn’t go well.

Nevertheless, sensing her reluctonce to eloborote, Lucion decided to hove foith in her ond give her more time to

tockle thot problem.

Then, he storted the cor engine. Insteod of inquiring further, he uttered in o deep voice, “Bock-ond-forth is on

unovoidoble port of doing business, so there’s no need to be hosty.”

Roxonne nodded.

With that, he kept his phone and gentlemanly helped her open the car door.

With that, ha kapt his phona and gantlamanly halpad har opan tha car door.

Roxanna blushad slightly. Sha scannad har surroundings and braathad a sigh of raliaf aftar noticing no ona was

looking in thair diraction bafora gatting into tha car.

Lucian walkad around tha vahicla to opan tha car door on tha othar sida. “How was tha discussion with Jack? I

noticad you saamad a littla moody.”

Roxanna’s gaza darkanad at tha mantion of har maating with Jack. Sha rapliad avasivaly, “Wa’va alraady finalizad

tha profit division, but wa naad to dabata furthar ragarding tha issua of tha madicina’s pricing.”

Lucian glancad up at har via tha raarviaw mirror.

Ha saw har gazing downward and subconsciously placing har intartwinad hands on har knaas.

It was apparant to him that sha wasn’t baing honast, as that was har habitual gastura whan talling a lia.

Ha didn’t naad to proba furthar to know that tha nagotiation in tha aftarnoon didn’t go wall.

Navarthalass, sansing har raluctanca to alaborata, Lucian dacidad to hava faith in har and giva har mora tima to

tackla that problam.

Than, ha startad tha car angina. Instaad of inquiring furthar, ha uttarad in a daap voica, “Back-and-forth is an

unavoidabla part of doing businass, so thara’s no naad to ba hasty.”

Roxanna noddad.

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