Novel Name : Single Mother: Struggling With The Dangerous CEO

Single Mother: Struggling With The Dangerous CEO Chapter 23

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As the vice president, Adriana was the first to speak.

"The evaluation work is the key development department of the Evans Group.Today's meeting involved

a hundred-million contract.Yet you presented an incomplete document"

"I don't think I need to say it, but everyone knows that at such an important meeting, even if you make

a single mistake in the document information, it may affect the overall situation.Especially your

document can not be described as wrong.It is completely blank"

Although Adriana was only a vice president, she managed a business for many years and had

extensive learning experience.

So even if she could not understand one hundred percent of the presentation, she knew that this kind

of mistake was fatal for an employee like Sophia.

No enterprise could tolerate it, especially Patrick, who was a businessman.

It was said that Patrick, the president of Evans Enterprise Media, was never close to people, and there

was no room for a single mistake in his eyes.

Previously, there was an employee in the evaluation department who made a small mistake.He wrongly

typed the price on the file a dollar less than the correct one, and he was dismissed immediately.

However, in this meeting, Sophia committed a big mistake.

Furthermore, Patrick was very accurate at reading people, which meant that all his decisions were


Adriana continued, "Mr.Evans, in my opinion, we better make sure that nothing will go wrong with this

contract.But, unfortunately, one mistake of a person can ruin an entire department or company.I really

cannot imagine where we will be if we tolerate this kind of mistake."

Lianna did not speak.She was also waiting for Patrick to make a decision.

Samuel and several company representatives sat at the side.

They were sweating and were very nervous.

They could not imagine the consequences if the contract was not signed.

When someone made a mistake in a document, they had to report it no matter who it was.

So it was a big taboo to make mistakes such as the one Sophia committed.

Patrick remained silent.He did not speak for a while, and no one dared to ask him.

After what seemed like a long time, he spoke.

"Although the latter half could not be seen, it is undeniable that this evaluation case is very valuable,

and she was able to present it concisely."

This one sentence left everyone speechless.

Samuel breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively, "Mr.Evans, then this contract…”

"Make a new one.Everything is perfect except the last part.After the contract is signed, let her continue

to stay in the Evans Company as a permanent employee"

Everyone wondered what the purpose behind Patrick's decision was, but no one asked.

"Alright, the meeting is over.Patrick got up, buttoned his coat, and walked out of the meeting room.He

did not spare one glance on Sophia.The other executives stood one by one and left, leaving Sophia

and others in an orderly manner.

Samuel led several company representatives over to congratulate her, "Sophia, congratulations, you

have contributed greatly to signing this contract.When I attend the executive meeting, I will ask them to

double your bonus and give you a salary increase."

"Thank you, Mr.Myers." Sophia expressed her gratitude.

Then, she asked hesitantly, "Can I really become a permanent employee of this company?"

Samuel frowned, "Sophia, President Evans personally asked you to stay.There is no reason for you to

leave.You should be glad that although Mr.Evans is filthy rich, he knows how to use people very

well.He is very accurate in reading people and knows that you have a talent and with great potential."

Samuel had been in the business world for many years, and his words were primarily true.But Sophia

had misgivings and could not completely believe what he said.

"You are joking!" Sophia responded awkwardly.

Samuel smiled gently, "Work hard.I will return to the company to report the news first’ While Sophia

was arranging her things, she could not help but wonder why Patrick was willing to sign this contract

though she had committed a mistake.

Just as Adriana said, this was a contract worth several million.

However, if she were destined to continue to work in Evans Enterprise, she would have to pay more

attention in the future.

Some of the people in her workplace were traitors, but she did not know who they were.

She did not want to walk on eggshells every day and feared that she would lose her job again one

day.She was also the breadwinner of her family, and it was not easy to do.

In addition to that, since her leaders were all mean to her, it meant that she was required to pay more

attention to her work.

Sophia walked out of the conference room and walked to the elevator.

She was ready to return to the evaluation department.

When the elevator door opened, there was already a woman standing inside.

"Ms.Clifford" Sophia greeted her with respect.

"Sophia, when we were in the conference room, I just pointed out the mistake made.Are you mad at

me?" Adriana asked.

In just those few words, Sophia understood that Adriana was considering the problems for the

company's interest as a vice president.Even though Adriana was harsh to Sophia just now, it was

reasonable from a vice president's point.

Adriana had the right to be strict with Sophia.

No one would think that Adriana was criticizing Sophia on purpose.If the others heard about this, no

one could say that Adriana was wrong.

"How can I be angry? Of course, documents should be flawless."

Sophia said nonchalantly Whether it was deliberate or not, it made no difference for Sophia.

There were oversights in work, and it was inevitable to be criticized.

However, this was a very normal working situation.

The company paid its employees with the work they produced, and the managers and team leaders

drove performance.

The relationship was mutual.

Moreover, Sophia never thought that she would be more memorable than others.

"It's good that you don't blame me.Of course, you know already that Patrick will be running both the

Evans Company and the Clifford Financial Group.If we turn a blind eye to every mistake, then there is

no reason for the companies to remain open, right? Patrick is a strict president; I can only stand at his

side as a vice president.I hope you can understand"

Adriana stated.

Sophia smiled, "Ms.Clifford, you are too serious."

Adriana always had a smile on her lips.

When she got off the elevator, she did not forget to say, "Oh, Sophia, I talked too much about work, and

I forgot to say the most important thing.After you are back in Frostford City, you've never visited

Grandpa and Grandma.They missed you.You should visit them when you have time"

"Sure, I will go when I have the time."

For some reason, when Sophia talked to Adriana, her nerve was always frayed, and she could not

understand it.

She automatically looked at other women with suspicion or considered them as potential rivals,

especially when they worked in the same place.

After all, every woman looked at each other very suspiciously, especially when there was so much past

behind them.

The afternoon sun was bright and beautiful.

It was shining through the French window and fell on the delicate back of Adriana.

The elevator door closed slowly, and Adriana’s figure disappeared gradually.

Sophia felt something hot in her eyes, and when she touched her face, she found out that she was


After her mother was hospitalized, Sophia's three meals a day were simple.

In the past, when she had enough money to buy food, she sometimes lunched on steak and potatoes.

But now, she did not have enough money and saved what she could.

Giselle stretched her body and smelled the flavor of the soup.She couldn't help but frown.

"Sophia, you ate instant soup again this afternoon? How many days have you eaten that? Aren't you

tired of it?"

"Not tired, instant soups are delicious and practical.I like it very much” Sophia had no appetite, but she

couldn't work with an empty stomach.

So every time her colleagues asked her, she would pretend that her food was delicious.She was very

tired of it, but she had no choice but to endure.

"Is your mother better? I know that you are short on money, but eating soup is not the best way to save

money.Don't harm your body" Giselle asked worriedly.

"She's better now.She can get out of bed easily." Sophia answered.

Sophia ate the last mouthful of instant soup, and as if she had completed a difficult task, she breathed

a sigh of relief.

Giselle knew that Sophia was the family's breadwinner.She had to pay rent and provide for her family

with her salary in this company.

Her mother was sick again this time, so she definitely did not have enough money to buy good and

nutritious food.


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