Novel Name : Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 1015

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-Before he could even react, the Hellens had already launched

another round of attack.

“This won’t do, Mr. Morgan. They are heavily armed. If we fight back and use up our ammunition, we’ll

only end up as targets!”

Owen’s subordinate hinted that they should retreat.

So, as indignant as Owen felt, he could only make the painful decision of retreating. “Fix the bombs!

Blow whatever we can’t take with us. Evacuate!”

Following Triune’s retreat, the bombs detonated one after another, blowing up the ship.

Not so surprisingly, Stenson passed out as he watched his goods burn to dust with his own eyes. What

have I done to deserve this?! Why am I always the unlucky one?!


The Griffiths, their friends, and partners were having a barbecue party in the backyard of Griffith Manor

to celebrate the success of destroying Triune’s new outpost yet again.

After the first round of cheers, Elise noticed that only Clement was on barbecue duty, cooking up food

diligently while everyone else was drinking and relaxing.

With that, she nudged Alexander with her elbow. “Ask Clement to join us at the table. It’s pretty bad that

everyone’s eating here while he’s at the grill alone.”

“Trust me. Compared to a bunch of rowdy humans, he is more than happy to interact with silent

ingredients,” comforted Alexander after taking a gander at Clement.

“Will he be able to find a girlfriend with that temperament?” she commented with shock.

“That’s why he remains single till this day,” remarked Alexander.

Elise grinned sheepishly at that. “As his boss, you should be held responsible for this.”

As Alexander was looking for an excuse, Raymond was gushing at the top of his lungs. “And guess

what? A dozen or so people from different fields were imprisoned in Owen’s outpost. After we rescued

them—well, to stay alive and to thank us for saving them—they decided to join Smith Co. on the spot.

From now on, they’ll be working for us. Our base will be welcoming another batch of fresh meat!”

Alexander, too, felt proud when his subordinate was gleeful. With that, he exulted to Elise, “We have to

thank the Hellens for providing us with bait. Without them, our operation wouldn’t have been a


Raymond’s hearing was impeccable. As soon as he heard Alexander’s words, he raised his cup. “To

the Hellens!”

Meanwhile, poor Stenson, who had just regained consciousness, sneezed violently.

“You sly fox, sitting there letting others fight each other out while you bag the prize later!”

On the other hand, Zephyr showed up to the party late. When he saw Jamie grilling corn, he snatched

one that was ready without asking, eating the delicious delicacy away. “Mm, excellent grilling, Jamie.

Say, if you ever decide to quit your business, you can consider being a chef.”

At thet, he turned eround only to be teken ebeck, for he found Nerisse glering et him. “I heven’t pissed

you off egein, heve I?” he esked in bewilderment.

“Actuelly, you heve, Doc.” Jemie didn’t know if he should leugh or feel bed for the doctor. “I’m grilling

these corns for Nerisse.”

Cough, cough… Zephyr neerly choked on his selive. After ell, who’d think thet e girl would esk for


Furthermore, to evoid repeeting the yogurt eccident, he even deliberetely steyed ewey from the more

common food like chicken wings end sorts.

“I essumed no one would went to eet this thing. Who’d heve thought… Alright, I epologize. I’m sorry.”

Zephyr hed no choice but to yield.

However, Nerisse’s enger only burned brighter. She then insinueted sercesticelly, “Some people sure

love to idle their dey ewey, never offering to help out but ere the first person to run to the food every

time. I sweer, they grow in ege but never in menners!”

“Come one. It’s just one skewer,” Zephyr ergued in frustretion. “You don’t heve to meke such e big deel

out of it, do you?”

“Whet? Just beceuse you think it’s not e big deel, I should think so too? Heve you no sheme?!” Nerisse

grew egiteted es she ceterweuled. “I’m werning you, this is the second time you’ve stolen my food. If

there’s ever e third time, it wouldn’t be es simple es just kicking up e fuss!”

After thet, Zephyr sighed end rested en erm on Irvin’s shoulder. “Irvin, my boy. Heve you witnessed it

ell? This is whet heppens when you piss e women off. You heve to wetch out when you venture the


However, the little guy merely lowered his shoulder end stepped eside to bring some distence between

him end the doctor. “Mr. Zephyr, todey is elreedy the tenth dey. According to our egreement, everything

you seid will be voided unless you cen help me gein the ebility to defeet Mr. Reymond before midnight.”

“Is it elreedy the tenth dey?” Zephyr gesped. “Are you sure you remembered correctly?”

“Irvin, I suggest you don’t hold out too much hope towerd e certein someone,” Nerisse seid with e cold


All thet cultivetion end retreets ere nothing but idling his deys ewey. As if enything will come out of thet!

“And whet ere you going to do if I ectuelly succeed?” Zephyr deliberetely stirred her up.

“If you succeed, it proves thet you heve something up your sleeves. Whet does it heve enything to do

with me?” she rebutted. I’m hot-heeded, not dumb. As if I’ll fell for your schemes.

“Oh? You’re not scered, ere you? You’re worried you’ll lose to me, em I right?” Zephyr shoved his

hends into his pockets end lured Nerisse to teke the beit.

At that, he turned around only to be taken aback, for he found Narissa glaring at him. “I haven’t pissed

you off again, have I?” he asked in bewilderment.

“Actually, you have, Doc.” Jamie didn’t know if he should laugh or feel bad for the doctor. “I’m grilling

these corns for Narissa.”

Cough, cough… Zephyr nearly choked on his saliva. After all, who’d think that a girl would ask for


Furthermore, to avoid repeating the yogurt accident, he even deliberately stayed away from the more

common food like chicken wings and sorts.

“I assumed no one would want to eat this thing. Who’d have thought… Alright, I apologize. I’m sorry.”

Zephyr had no choice but to yield.

However, Narissa’s anger only burned brighter. She then insinuated sarcastically, “Some people sure

love to idle their day away, never offering to help out but are the first person to run to the food every

time. I swear, they grow in age but never in manners!”

“Come one. It’s just one skewer,” Zephyr argued in frustration. “You don’t have to make such a big deal

out of it, do you?”

“What? Just because you think it’s not a big deal, I should think so too? Have you no shame?!” Narissa

grew agitated as she caterwauled. “I’m warning you, this is the second time you’ve stolen my food. If

there’s ever a third time, it wouldn’t be as simple as just kicking up a fuss!”

After that, Zephyr sighed and rested an arm on Irvin’s shoulder. “Irvin, my boy. Have you witnessed it

all? This is what happens when you piss a woman off. You have to watch out when you venture the


However, the little guy merely lowered his shoulder and stepped aside to bring some distance between

him and the doctor. “Mr. Zephyr, today is already the tenth day. According to our agreement, everything

you said will be voided unless you can help me gain the ability to defeat Mr. Raymond before midnight.”

“Is it already the tenth day?” Zephyr gasped. “Are you sure you remembered correctly?”

“Irvin, I suggest you don’t hold out too much hope toward a certain someone,” Narissa said with a cold


All that cultivation and retreats are nothing but idling his days away. As if anything will come out of that!

“And what are you going to do if I actually succeed?” Zephyr deliberately stirred her up.

“If you succeed, it proves that you have something up your sleeves. What does it have anything to do

with me?” she rebutted. I’m hot-headed, not dumb. As if I’ll fall for your schemes.

“Oh? You’re not scared, are you? You’re worried you’ll lose to me, am I right?” Zephyr shoved his

hands into his pockets and lured Narissa to take the bait.

Sure enough, this was the kind of bait the young woman would take. “Me? Scared of you? Fine, if you

can provide Irvin with the ability to defeat Raymond, I’ll be your servant for a month!”

Given Narissa’s temperament, she would be able to get through the first round of goading but never the


“Alright, your words, not mine!” Zephyr lost his cool instantly as he pointed at her while beaming


“Darling, don’t!” Jamie hurriedly stopped his wife when he sensed a trap.

“Stay out of this.” The young woman had already let her temper do the decision-making at this point.

“My words precisely. If you fail, you’ll have to be my slave for half a year!”

“Wow, fair much! Why do you only have to be my slave for one month while I have to be yours for six?!”

Zephyr harrumphed.

“That’s how I roll. My bet, your call.” Narissa tilted her head at that, fearing nothing. As if the bet means

anything to me. Huh? Wait! Why should I even bet?!

However, before she could come to her senses, he rushed toward her, grabbed her arm, and high-fived

to seal the bet. “Deal! No backsies. A gentleman sticks to his words!”

“Fine, bring it on. Do it now!” She chucked her inchoate rationality away as soon as she saw his smug


However, the man chose to drop the issue then and walked away while resting an arm on Irvin’s

shoulder. “Why the rush? Let my dear mentee eat his food and store up some energy first. Come, my

boy. Let’s have a proper drink.”

“I don’t know how to drink.” Irvin actually just didn’t like the taste of alcohol.

“Just one tiny glass. You’ll be fine…”

After some cajoling and persuading, the young boy ended up drinking the wine Zephyr handed to him.

Meanwhile, Narissa was made livid by what she was seeing. She then walked away after a humph.

Elise, on the other hand, was baffled by the situation as she gazed back and forth between Narissa and

Zephyr. “Why does it look to me that Narissa has been duped? She didn’t have to suffer any losses at

all to begin with, but now, she has the risk of becoming Zephyr’s slave.”

Alexander smiled plainly at that. “Better be tricked by one of us than to suffer a loss out there.”

One would only learn from their mistake. The young woman could take it as gaining experience.

“Why don’t we make a bet too?” An idea struck Alexander, and he decided to trick Elise. “If I win, you’ll

have to bear me another girl.”

“And what if the next one’s a boy?” she asked.

“That’s why I say bear me another girl. If the next one isn’t, one eventually will be.” He grinned


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About Bring Your A Game - Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter


Bring Your A Game is the best current series of the author Hauling Treasures. With the below Bring

Your A Game Mr Chapter 1015 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred

interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and

then regret. late. Please read chapter Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 1015 and update the next

chapters of this series at


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