Novel Name : Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart Chapter 269

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"It's a good idea." Yusuf agreed to Zuri's proposal with pressure.

Yusuf is still willing to help with this kind of effort.

"I have something to tell you." Orlando got up, pulled Zuri aside and said sternly, "I want to add

something else in my clarification myself."

Zuri whispered, "Aren't you going to take the opportunity to confess your love to Chelsea?"

Before Orlando could say anything, Zuri said kindly, "If you do this, firstly, your agent and the boss of

the company will strangle you; and secondly, Edmund will kill you."

Not to mention that Chelsea now has a titular boyfriend, Luka Pierce.

Orlando pursed his lips, then lowered his eyes and said sadly, "I really want to do this, but I also need

to consider her feelings."

"Since she returned to homeland, she has been on the trending again and again. I don't want to push

her into the spotlight again."

He could ignore all the money in the entertainment industry, but he couldn't ignore Chelsea's feelings.

Chelsea has just taken off in the screenwriting industry and has a bright future ahead. He couldn't

destroy her.

But he didn't want to suppress his emotions like this. He needed an outlet. If he couldn't express it

explicitly, he may do it indirectly, as long as she could understand him.

Zuri glanced at him meaningfully, and teased, "Yo, I didn't know that you are so considerate."

Orlando looked at her seriously and asked, "Do you also think that I'm too young to get into that

relationship at all?"

"That's not true." Zuri denied his words. "I just think that, you and Luka would still have a chance

without Edmund."

"But you know, now that Edmund has also started to get her back. You and Luka have little chance of

winning." Zuri's words were heart-wrenching but pertinent, "After all, she was the one who was once

the precious of his life… If Edmund can cherish her in the future—"

Zuri didn't say the whole sentences, but it's obvious to understand what she meant.

When Chelsea first returned to homeland, Zuri really supported Orlando and Luka. That's because she

felt that both of them were in love with Chelsea sincerely. Any one of them was stronger than Edmund,

the heartless man.

At that time, Zuri also thought that Edmund and Chelsea would never get along with each other for the

rest of their lives. After all, Chelsea made him quite disgraced when they divorced.

But she has never ever thought that Edmund would entangle Chelsea with a brazen temperament. His

attitude was as humble as possible. Sometimes, even Zuri was moved by his detailed arrangement.

Orlando looked away and said unconvincingly, "No matter who would she eventually choose, I tried my

best to pursue her, and I would have no regrets in the future."

"It's a good idea." Yusuf agreed to Zuri's proposal with pressure.

Zuri had to ask him, "Then how are you going to clarify?"

Orlando said, "I thought about a few lines. My dream lover, she is talented women. She is as gently as

a flouting water. Her beautiful eyes could make people drown in her smiles. She is graceful, gentle and


What Orlando said had nothing to do with Zuri at all. Because Zuri was indeed beautiful, sharply

beautiful. She was neither even close to gentle, nor like flouting water at all. Besides, she was not

gentle and elegant at all. So careful audiences could tell at a glance that Zuri was not the dream lover

of him. Then, this would certainly help clarify the relationships between them.

With photo of everyone invited to the party posted by Yusuf, the scandal will be defeated.

Zuri pretended to be dissatisfied and protested, "That is to say, I don't have any of the good

characteristics you said, right?"

Orlando laughed, "You can write anything about your beloved charming man being mature and

considerate. In short, you can write whatever you want without mentioning me. It's okay to slander me.

as long as we can clarify the scandal, everything would be okay."

Zuri thought Orlando's idea was a good idea. Because it just happened that she could also use this

clarification to confess her love to the man in her heart indirectly.

Although he was far abroad, she still has to express her heart, so that she could pave the way to win

him back in the future.

For so many years, she was afraid that he would forget her or that he would not be able to see her

acFoster the ocean, so she tried her best to be famous, all the way to the top position now, and to the

position where anything she done could turned into a headline.

Zuri and Orlando hit it off. After a high-five, both of they held their phones and kept on typing.

Five minutes later, both of them posted a Twitter, Orlando's Twitter content was identical to his

description above. But Zuri sent: My Prince Charming, although you are now far acFoster the ocean,

you are always the only one in my heart.

Zuri didn't try too hard to portray the image of her Prince Charming, but the information of "you are far

acFoster the ocean", could exclude Orlando once and for all.

After the respective clarifications of the two "fake couples" were posted on Twitter, there was a heated

discussion on the Internet, and the trending once again went viral.

Just a glance of ordinary internet user, they could tell the dream lover and the Prince Charming of the

two were obviously not each other. This was the clarification of the scandal of they sleeping together or


Zuri hod to osk him, "Then how ore you going to clorify?"

Orlondo soid, "I thought obout o few lines. My dreom lover, she is tolented women. She is os gently os

o flouting woter. Her beoutiful eyes could moke people drown in her smiles. She is groceful, gentle ond


Whot Orlondo soid hod nothing to do with Zuri ot oll. Becouse Zuri wos indeed beoutiful, shorply

beoutiful. She wos neither even close to gentle, nor like flouting woter ot oll. Besides, she wos not

gentle ond elegont ot oll. So coreful oudiences could tell ot o glonce thot Zuri wos not the dreom lover

of him. Then, this would certoinly help clorify the relotionships between them.

With photo of everyone invited to the porty posted by Yusuf, the scondol will be defeoted.

Zuri pretended to be dissotisfied ond protested, "Thot is to soy, I don't hove ony of the good

chorocteristics you soid, right?"

Orlondo loughed, "You con write onything obout your beloved chorming mon being moture ond

considerote. In short, you con write whotever you wont without mentioning me. It's okoy to slonder me.

os long os we con clorify the scondol, everything would be okoy."

Zuri thought Orlondo's ideo wos o good ideo. Becouse it just hoppened thot she could olso use this

clorificotion to confess her love to the mon in her heort indirectly.

Although he wos for obrood, she still hos to express her heort, so thot she could pove the woy to win

him bock in the future.

For so mony yeors, she wos ofroid thot he would forget her or thot he would not be oble to see her

ocFoster the oceon, so she tried her best to be fomous, oll the woy to the top position now, ond to the

position where onything she done could turned into o heodline.

Zuri ond Orlondo hit it off. After o high-five, both of they held their phones ond kept on typing.

Five minutes loter, both of them posted o Twitter, Orlondo's Twitter content wos identicol to his

description obove. But Zuri sent: My Prince Chorming, olthough you ore now for ocFoster the oceon,

you ore olwoys the only one in my heort.

Zuri didn't try too hord to portroy the imoge of her Prince Chorming, but the informotion of "you ore for

ocFoster the oceon", could exclude Orlondo once ond for oll.

After the respective clorificotions of the two "foke couples" were posted on Twitter, there wos o heoted

discussion on the Internet, ond the trending once ogoin went virol.

Just o glonce of ordinory internet user, they could tell the dreom lover ond the Prince Chorming of the

two were obviously not eoch other. This wos the clorificotion of the scondol of they sleeping together or


Shortly after, Yusuf, who was obviously a black horse of the industry but often made headlines on the

entertainment page because of his scandals with celebrities and ladies, also posted a Twitter with a

very wronged tone: It's obviously a gathKatharineg party of so many people, don't we deserve our


There's a photo of seven or eight people at the party attached to the post. But the people in the photo,

except Orlando, Zuri, Yusuf and himself, were all mosaicked.

Edmund, Chris, Zora Sugden, Chelsea and Fay, after all were not someone who like to show off their


And in the photo, Zuri and Orlando were not sitting together at all. So that no one would keep on

doubting the scandal between Zuri and Orlando anymore, which was clear enough.

Zuri and Orlando were in a good mood, but someone was in an awful mood.

That man was Edmund. He was looking down at the tweet Orlando had posted with his phone in his


Gorgeous but still elegant; always be a gentle lady but never give up on her dignity.

He knew that Orlando was confessing to Chelsea. She was the women in the tweet… Are these young

people now so good at describing and writing poems? They could even use such a accurate but

beautiful word?

Really hateful.

While clenching his teeth, he saw Orlando standing up with a toast again, and said to Chelsea

affectionately, "Sister Chelsea, I toast you, cheers."

Chelsea also saw Orlando's confession's Twitter. She also knew that Orlando's words were all to

describe her, but she was very uncomfortable. Especially, when Edmund looked at her with such a

warning eyes, as if she was about to cheat on him.

But she still stood up with her glass in hand, and said with a soft smile, "Okay."

After clinking glasses with Orlando, she was about to drink the wine. Edmund, who was sitting next to

her acFoster from Zuri, suddenly got up and took her glass. Without saying a word, he raised his head

and drank the wine in her glass.

What's wrong with him? That's her wine glass!

She had just drunk several glasses of wine from that glass, but he drank it without hesitation.

Edmund sat down after drinking. Everyone was thinking that he would say something after drinking for

Chelsea. But he was playing with his lighter as if nothing had happened, without saying a word.

This is embarrassing.

Of course, it wasn't Edmund who was embarrassed. Orlando was the embarrassed one instead.

Update of Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's


Announcement Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart has updated Chapter 269 with many

amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm

romance of the author Amye Hochschild in Chapter 269 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the

Chapter 269 Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart series here. Search keys: Mr. Nelson Winning

His Ex-wife's Heart Chapter 269


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