Novel Name : Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse Chapter 951: Beginning of the war

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Chapter 951: Beginning of the war

Fu Xuefeng and the others left their half-finished dinner and quickly followed him to confront the enemy.

As they moved towards the east wall, Bai Zemin could not help but notice some tension in the air, and when he looked back he saw that some of his subordinates had dark faces.

He turned his face to the front and as he calmly walked forward inquired, "Scared?"

"Scared...?" Nangong Yi muttered upon hearing Bai Zemin's question.

Nangong Lingxin forced a smile and said with some bitterness, "Bai Zemin, it's not that we are scared, but it's just that after fighting for months with goblins you come to respect them a little. Among them, there are some really powerful soul evolvers, and their numbers... Their numbers just don't make any sense. Even Third Order soul evolvers like us could end up dying at the hands of apparently endless seas of Unclassified goblins."

"Respect? For the goblins?" Bai Zemin snorted.

What he had seen today was more than enough for the word respect to have little or nothing to do with that filthy race.

"They're just a bunch of useless scum, they don't deserve respect from anyone let alone a member of my faction." He stated. Nangong Lingxin's words seemed to touch a nerve as he said coldly, "If any of you are scared then return to the villa."

"Hey, I just said none of us are scared, didn't you hear me? If we were fearful then do you think we would have the level we have despite facing mostly high level enemies?" Nangong Lingxin frowned not understanding why a couple of words would upset the young man in front of her this much.

"Then less talking and more killing goblins." Bai Zemin said. His eyes glinted slightly in the middle of the dark night as he said coldly, "You guys just need to fight like you always do, I'll do the rest."

Seeing that their Leader was in a clearly bad mood, no one said anything else. Although Nangong Lingxin's mood soured slightly, this was not enough to affect her mind so she too focused on the war to come.

In reality, Bai Zemin kept what he had seen today hidden before they arrived at the goblin base. He didn't think it was necessary to disturb the hearts of those who followed him and let them be burdened with something so horrible, therefore, he kept it to himself. However, this also ended up causing Bai Zemin to feel practically irrational hatred and anger towards the goblin race in the eyes of others.

As they reached the east wall, the roars and growls of goblins and sea creatures could be heard from the distance. The ground trembled slightly as well, and although the darkness was almost completely overwhelming, the sparse starlight served to enable everyone to see on the distant horizon a large black spot approaching them.

"They'll probably be here in ten minutes at the most." Evangeline pointed out before looking at Bai Zemin, "What should we do?"

Bai Zemin looked at the soul evolvers of his faction who had already formed a wall in front of the base gate. Looking further to his sides, he saw dozens of soldiers near each goblin magic cannon waiting to fire while others were taking position to fire their weapons when the order came.

Bai Zemin also noticed that there were large trenches almost the size of craters everywhere between them and the enemies, and since they were clearly just formed it didn't take him long to realize that some soul evolvers had taken the trouble to create obstacles for their enemies.

Looking straight ahead, Bai Zemin said casually, "You all just fight the way you always do without worrying about anything."

Despite the doubts they felt in their hearts, they all nodded silently and leaped forward. In a matter of seconds, Nangong Yi, Nangong Lingxin, Fu Xuefeng, Evangeline, Luo Ning, Xiao Xiao, and Bai Shilin positioned themselves on the front lines waiting for the enemy.

Each of them distanced themselves more than 1000 meters from each other to take full advantage of the power that being Third Order or peak Second Order soul evolvers guaranteed them. Even assassins focused on Agility as was the case with Evangeline and Fu Xuefeng were terrifying when it came to attacking regardless of whether or not the amount of destruction they could cause or the number of enemies they could kill per attack at the same time was or was not comparable to that of a mage or a powerful warrior.

Bai Zemin walked to the edge of the wall and looked straight ahead with an indifferent expression as he waited for the enemy to arrive.

A few steps behind him, Xian Mei'er was looking towards the horizon with her arms crossed under her bust before looking at Bai Zemin's back.

"You're not planning to join them, are you?" she asked in a melodious voice, worthy of a siren.

"What about you?" Bai Zemin asked back. He looked over his shoulder back and his eyes lingered for a moment on the two female tritons standing on either side behind Xian Mei'er before calmly saying, "You have no plans to help?"

"... I want to see how much you've grown in this time." Xian Mei'er replied. Her blue eyes met his red eyes as she calmly said, "I don't understand how you could still be in the First Order, Human Leader Bai Zemin."

Bai Zemin closed his eyes and finally understood what was going on. He opened them again and looked straight ahead as he nodded, "I see. Well, don't freak out too much, Princess Mermaid."

The two female tritons beside Xian Mei'er grimaced as they heard the words of the human in front of them. Had it not been for the fact that the man in front of them had apparently taken down the Mother Fortress of the goblin race almost single-handedly neither of them would have stayed silent.

To put it bluntly, they both felt a certain contempt in their hearts. At the end of the day, they could feel the aura of a First Order soul evolver on the body of the human in front of them.

"Just in case, It's not that I feel disdain towards you at all... but I think you understand my position." Xian Mei'er clarified after a moment of silence.

Bai Zemin simply smiled in response without agreeing or disagreeing with her words.

Xian Mei'er was certainly powerful, she was somewhere around the level 150 at the moment. Moreover, considering how pure her Soul Power was, she would probably have no problem fighting against peak Third Order soul evolvers.

It was normal for her to doubt Bai Zemin's strength upon sensing him at level 50, but Bai Zemin was not bothered by this. At the end of the day, he was already used to receiving weird glances... Besides, none of those weird glances lasted long after he stepped forward on the battlefield, so it didn't matter.

Just as Xian Mei'er had said, her position was difficult. Therefore, Bai Zemin understood her hesitation.

Soon, the enemies broke into a range of 500 meters and at this point, everyone could clearly see the smiling and ugly faces of the goblins as well as the fierce faces of the sea creatures that were staring at them with bloodshot eyes.

It was at that point that the human soldiers raised their weapons and began to shoot fiercely. However, these soldiers were not using normal weapons.

Sky blue laser beams flew from the east wall numbering in the thousands, breaking all-natural resistance and turning a few thousands of goblins and sea beasts into sieves in a second. Some of them did not die immediately but they certainly suffered as they began to writhe in pain after losing limbs or being severely wounded from getting shot in the upper part of their body.

Bai Zemin's eyes flashed slightly at the sight of the power of the electromagnetic rifles. During his period of absence, the number of electromagnetic rifles available in his faction had almost quintupled, now amounting to more than 60,000 of them. Additionally, due to the circumstances, half of those 60,000 electromagnetic rifles were in the hands of the army located in Inner Mongolia.

"Don't fire the goblin magic cannons. Use the electromagnetic rifles and normal ammunition to shoot. If you consume the Soul Stone of your electromagnetic rifle don't hesitate to use the ones you have in reserve as ammunition, after leveling up 5 levels switch the rifle with the squadmates next to you and take a normal weapon instead."

Bai Zemin's voice spread practically all over the wall, and even though some hesitated, everyone followed his orders in the end.

At this point, even the lowest level soldier was a level 10 soul evolver. Thanks to constant training, they all now had great marksmanship so they naturally began to gain experience after taking the life of an enemy by relying not on luck but on their own ability. In addition, the soldiers with military training had a great experience in physical combat so they were certainly capable of fighting enemies of higher levels than them.

Bai Zemin looked up at the sky when a giant shadow rose above them. It didn't take long for him to realize that the giant shadow turned out to be the combination of countless bone arrows enveloped by mana and magic flying towards his army.

Just at that moment, a huge multicolored barrier stretched more than 10 kilometers separating the sky and the earth in two. Moments later, what seemed to be millions of arrows slammed into the barrier fiercely causing explosions that reverberated in the middle of the night.

Regardless of the number of arrows and the power that each arrow contributed to the collective attack, the barrier didn't even flinch at all forget about being damaged. There was not even a casualty on the human side despite the enemy's large-scale attack.

Bai Zemin looked at Nangong Lingxin's slender back and his eyes glistened slightly.

She had become tremendously more powerful compared to the Nangong Lingxin from 6 months ago. Her past self certainly wouldn't have been able to do something like this with such apparent ease.

Magic skills of all kinds were activated one after another and soon the battlefield was brilliantly illuminated under the radiance of tens of thousands of fireballs, lightning arrows, luminous water spears, and light swords.

Even though it was nighttime, the sky seemed to descend over the entire area as everyone could clearly see the faces of their enemies even from a distance.

Explosions accompanied by shrieks and roars capable of sending shivers down the spine of even the bravest broke the natural nighttime peace as thousands of liters of green, purple, and blue blood joined together to form what resembled a tricolored blanket on the ground, slowly filling the many craters formed before and during the battle to give birth to gloomy pools of warm blood.

Despite their clearly overwhelming numbers, the goblins and sea beasts that attacked were all Unclassified and First Order stocks. In fact, 99% of them were soul evolvers that had not even reached level 25 so they were no different from cannon fodder in the eyes of the Transcendent faction's soul evolvers.

Fu Xuefeng's body was enveloped by a succession of blue and red lightning that crackled noisily around him as if announcing his arrival. Wherever he went, at least a hundred enemies fell with a slit in their throats or a hole in their hearts. However, none of the enemies he killed bled as the flesh wounds were scorched by the lightning rays that enveloped his dagger.

Evangeline was a lot scarier than him even though she wasn't as flashy. Her lithe body allowed her to slip into the enemy ranks with surprising ease, and for every second that passed, there were about a thousand goblins or sea creatures falling lifeless. Her waist swayed like that of a water snake, dodging attacks without even receiving a scratch as the black dagger in her right hand became the reaper's scythe that sent shivers down the spines of her foes.

"What skill is that?" Bai Zemin muttered as he rubbed his chin with his eyes focused on Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi was undoubtedly the most eye-catching on the battlefield, at least to the naked eye.

His body had risen to over 4 meters tall, but the current Nangong Yi no longer looked like a human. His entire skin was covered with a thick layer of shiny scales, and every time a magic attack hit him it simply bounced off and turned the goblin or sea beast that launched it into its new target. A 6-meter-long tail swung like a whip behind him, turning hundreds of enemies into meat paste with each swing.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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