Novel Name : Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife Chapter 797 – Prepare Money for Husband’s Long Expedition

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Prepare Money for Husband’s Long Expedition

Wang Chuan had speculated that Feng Yu Heng would be going to the Sheng Palace, and this completely frightened Huang Quan. Even Ban Zou appeared from his unknown hiding place. The first thing that he said was: “You can’t go.”

Feng Yu Heng facepalmed: “Why?”

“Too dangerous.”

“I don’t think it’s dangerous.” She began to reason with Ban Zou, “There is a difference in ability between people. What you think of as dangerous is easy to me.”

Ban Zou’s forehead prickled from being attacked; however, he gritted his teeth and shook his head, saying: “Even still, you can’t.” After saying this, he saw Feng Yu Heng’s resolute expression and felt that he was most likely unable to stop her, thus he added: “Unless you bring me along.”

Wang Chuan also added in: “I will also go.”

Huang Quan really wanted to say that she would also go, but she was proficient in fighting. Her qinggong and stealth abilities were not where her strengths lay. If she went, she would be dragging them down, thus she held back the words that she wanted to say and felt uncomfortable from doing so.

Feng Yu Heng also felt her head hurt. She analyzed the situation with the two: “I am going to investigate in secret. I am not going to sightsee. It’s impossible for there to be lanterns in the Sheng Palace. What are you all coming along for? Do you not understand that there will be a bigger target with more people?”

Wang Chuan was very tangled. She understood the logic. When she had been in the Yu Palace, she had done this sort of investigation work because her qinggong abilities were outstanding. Of course, she understood the logic that having more people would make for a bigger target. Thus she was tangled for a long time before finally saying: “It’s fine if this servant does not go, but Young Miss must bring along Ban Zou.”

“Wang Chuan.” Feng Yu Heng reminded her, “Back in the imperial carriage, His Highness the ninth prince reminded me to bring along Ban Zou, but what was his attitude later on? Did he still say that I need to bring him?”

Wang Chuan stomped her foot: “That’s because Young Miss lied to His Highness and said that you were going to Prime Minister Lu’s manor! Of course, going to the Lu manor is fine, but in truth, you’re going to the Sheng Palace? Young miss, you must bring along Ban Zou. If you don’t bring him along, this servant will immediately go to tell His Highness the ninth prince that you are preparing to enter the Sheng Palace on your own.”

There was nothing that Feng Yu Heng could do. Her maid servants were getting more and more ideas! They even dared to play the role of a tattletale. If this continued, would their roles not end up reversed? But she also knew that Wang Chuan and the others were doing this for her own good. After all, the Sheng Palace could not be compared to other places. If some sort of unexpected accident was to occur, Xuan Tian Ming would definitely go crazy. She thought about it then helplessly said: “Forget it, Ban Zou, you can come along. We will set out around midnight tonight. We can get some sleep for now.”

Fearing that Feng Yu Heng would sneak off on her own, Ban Zou did not climb into the rafters, nor did he climb onto a tree. He just sat in the outer part of her bedchamber, which angered Feng Yu Heng into covering her head with her blanket. She cursed at him thousands of times in her heart but still felt unhappy, thus she poked her head back out and loudly said: “Ban Zou, I’m telling you that you had best not think of using any stupid tricks like using any drugs to knock me unconscious. I, your master, am a divine doctor. That lowly drug of yours has no effect on me! It has no use at all!” After saying this, she covered her head and began cursing once more.

Ban Zou ignored her and continued to sit outside while sipping tea. One cup after another, he very quickly heard Feng Yu Heng quietly mutter: “Drink! Drink until you die! Drink until you can’t stop going to the latrine. We’ll see how you plan to keep an eye on me!”

This acted as a reminder to Ban Zou. That’s right, if he drank too much, he would need to urinate. With him going to urinate, based on this girl’s abilities, she would disappear without a trace, thus he put the cup of tea down. He thought to himself that this set of teacups and leaves simply had this sort of taste. It was nothing much.

After sleeping for a short while, midnight quickly arrived. Feng Yu Heng’s internal clock had always been very accurate. This was a habit that she had picked up in her previous life. As long as she wanted to wake up at a certain time, she would repeatedly think about it. When she opened her eyes once more, it would be five minutes before the time that she had determined. This good habit was one that had not been lost since coming to the ancient era.

She sat up and got changed behind a thick screen and heard Ban Zou say from the outside: “You really are easygoing. You want to sneak around at night, yet you’re able to sleep so peacefully.”

“I’m fine with it.” Feng Yu Heng did not feel embarrassed. She really was not like a Young Miss from the ancient era. Hearing a man’s voice while putting on clothes, she did not feel as though her reputation would be ruined. To her, revealing her arms or thighs was nothing. That was nothing more than a camisole and denim short shorts from the previous world. They could be seen everywhere, so what was the problem? Also, she was still wearing her silk pajamas. In addition to this, the screen for her bed was quite thick to allow her to enter her space without being noticed by the maidservants outside. Not even her shadow could be seen. What was there for her to fear? She happily put on her clothes and replied to Ban Zou: “I’m fine with it. This is called pursuing quality sleep. Only by sleeping well can my body and mind be ensured, and I will not have any mishaps while moving about. Ban Zou, don’t blame me for not reminding you. You didn’t even sleep for a moment. Be careful to not drag me down later. If you lose track of me, that can’t be blamed on me.”

Ban Zou snorted coldly, “How do you know I didn’t sleep? I’ve already slept.”

“Forget about it!” Feng Yu Heng mocked, “You just kept your eyes on me and did not even blink once. You think I don’t know?”

Ban Zou rolled his eyes and had no energy to argue because he had indeed done as Feng Yu Heng had said. He did not close his eyes once. He just kept his eyes firmly fixed on the bed without moving. That sort of focus might have even allowed him to clearly see any flies that entered the room. He felt that Feng Yu Heng had to be watched in this way; otherwise, this girl was too strange. Who knew if this person would disappear in the blink of an eye. But… “How could I possibly lose track of you?” This was too damaging to his prestige.

“Hah?” Feng Yu Heng had already finished changing her clothes and reached out to push aside the curtain, “You’re still not admitting it? It’s not like you haven’t lost me before, have you forgotten? That year in the third prince’s manor!”

The corner of Ban Zou’s lips twitched. Very well, that time was indeed quite shameful. After losing track of her, he did not dare tell His Highness the ninth prince, thus he simply went to find His Highness the seventh prince. In the end, it was His Highness the seventh prince that brought her out of the palace. This girl even started a fire in the third prince’s palace. It had to be said that she had done it quite spectacularly!

Seeing that Ban Zou did not make a sound, Feng Yu Heng got out of bed with a smile. Huang Quan, brought in a basin of water from the outside, and Wang Chuan poured out the cup of cold tea for her to rinse her mouth. After everything was put in order, Feng Yu Heng waved to Ban Zou: “Go! Go! Go!”*

Ban Zou could not understand what she said; however, he could guess that she meant for him to follow. The two exited the building in black clothes and disappeared in a blur. They left behind a pair of worried servants.

Feng Yu Heng’s qinggong, put plainly, was still quite clumsy. It was enough to fool people, but to truly use it in actual combat, in Ban Zou’s eyes, it was not worth seeing at all. That was why Ban Zou grabbed her arm and began running while taking care of her with some disdain. Only then did he reach a speed that he was satisfied with. After a short period of time, they were already standing under a tree that was a short distance from the Sheng Palace.

“Why have we stopped so early? Go a bit forward a bit further!” Feng Yu Heng was very dissatisfied with this distance, “We’re too far. We didn’t come here to see the sights.” She furrowed her brow and looked at the distant Sheng Palace. She noted that it was still 50 meters away. Ban Zou was being a bit too cautious.

“It’s not too far.” Ban Zou told her, “Within three paces of the Sheng Palace, they patrol five paces apart. You see it as being a quiet night, but in truth, there are three hidden guards not too far ahead. That’s why you should keep as quiet as possible when speaking.”

Feng Yu Heng did not argue with this. Instead, she focused to try and find the locations of the three hidden guards that Ban Zou had mentioned. Just looking was fine, but it gave her quite a fright! The hidden guards of the Sheng Palace really were not ones that those of normal manors could compare to. Even the ones in the imperial palace might not be so good because at the moment Ban Zou had accurately said that there were three hidden guards ahead, she had only noticed two. There were two in a tree, and she was completely unable to find the third.

Ban Zou seemed to know that this would be the outcome, thus he quietly said: “There’s another in the vat of water.” He pointed at a vat of water ahead that was placed at the side of the road, “Don’t assume that it’s just some old vat of water that was left there. That was left there deliberately. The third hidden guard is hidden there. It’s an expert in contortion.”

Feng Yu Heng inhaled sharply, an expert in contortion! She had only heard about it; however, she had never truly witnessed it. That had been called a vat of water, but it was roughly the same size as a jar used for pickled vegetables. It was very thin, and it did not get any higher than her knees. Under normal circumstances, a grown adult would definitely not be able to fit inside and remain undiscovered. If it was really as Ban Zou had said, and that person was an expert in body contortion, she could only be shocked because this sort of expert was already stationed 40 meters away from the palace. What would be the situation inside the Sheng Palace?

Ban Zou was able to see her shock and quietly asked: “Are you still preparing to go inside? We can still leave now.”

Feng Yu Heng shook her head, “We’ve already come. There’s no reason in going back. As for you, Ban Zou, I feel that it’s definitely impossible for you to get in unless you expose yourself.”

Ban Zou nodded, “Indeed.”

“But I can.” She curled the corners of her lips up, “You go back. I can.”

“Now is not the time to compete in abilities.” Ban Zou’s teeth chattered with anger, “Listen to me. Come back with me. If you want to find something out, we can think of a way to inquire about it. You absolutely must not take this risk.”

“It’s not risky at all.” Feng Yu Heng’s tone was very relaxed, “I already said that there is no place in the world that I, Feng Yu Heng, cannot enter. His Highness the ninth prince will be going South after the new year to fight a battle. Apparently, the eighth prince will be messing around in the back and cut off his supply line. That’s why I must go into the Sheng Palace this time.”

Ban Zou did not understand, “How is there any relation between having supply lines cut off and you needing to enter the Sheng Palace?” After asking, he suddenly inhaled sharply, “You shouldn’t be wanting to,” As he spoke, he gestured by moving his hand across his throat; however, he was still shocked internally. The future ninth princess was truly too bold! “No good! Absolutely no good!” He spoke completely resolutely.

Who knew that Feng Yu Heng would smile and say: “Not kill, I indeed do not have the ability to kill him inside the Sheng Palace.”

“Then what are you planning to do?” Ban Zou was anxious, “What exactly are you going in to do?”

Feng Yu Heng said: “He wants to cut off my future husband’s supplies, so I will prepare some money for my future husband to purchase supplies. This imperial daughter will empty out his treasury tonight and prepare that money for my husband’s long expedition!” As she spoke to this point, she suddenly froze then stared blankly toward the side, saying in a daze: “Your… Your Highness the ninth prince!”

Ban Zou subconsciously followed her gaze toward where she looked. In this brief moment that he turned his head, he suddenly shuddered and found that there was nobody there! In an instant, he understood what was going on. Sure enough, when he turned back around, the person that had been standing at his side had disappeared without a trace!

*TN: She says Go! Go! Go! in English

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