Novel Name : Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy Chapter 474 - Cousin's Devious Scheme, Directly Slapping

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Chapter 474: Cousin’s Devious Scheme, Directly Slapping the He Family

Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

Before the banquet started, the hall was already very lively. He Maozhen and his wife had just finished checking the schedule with the host backstage.

Everyone was whispering. It wasn’t that they were looking forward to this filiation banquet, but they were just gossiping about the He family’s past affairs.

Fu Chen lowered his eyes and senta message to Qjao Xiyan and Song Fengwan. (Be careful of He Xi.)

When Qjao Xiyan saw the message, he was drinking water. He slowly swallowed the warm water, his expression unreadable.

Song Fengwan’s phone vibrated. Seeing the message, she only calmly put away her phone and continued teasing the child sitting in the baby chair beside her. “Hey, Third Fu, Little Sister- in-Law looks like she likes children a lot.” Duan

Linbai leaned against Fu Chen’s arm. “It’s a pity that she’s too young. Your relationship hasn’t reached the stage of creating a human yet.

I heard that Sinian and Niece-in-Law are already preparing to have a child.

You still have to be a grandfather first..”

Fu Chen rubbed a turquoise stone inlaid in his prayer bead bracelet and didn’t say anything.

Duan Linbai talked for a long time. But seeing that he was ignoring him, he didn’t find it interesting either. He sighed. “I think the He family might play the song My Thankful Heart’ to induce tears later. This filiation banquet seems like a show.

The lighting, dancing, decorating, setting, and even a host had all been specially arranged. No matter how people looked at it, it looked like a well-planned show.

The He family’s advertisements are printed on all the f*cking napkins. How impressive.” Duan Linbai pointed at the box of napkins on the table.

In an instant, the lights in the entire banquet hall dimmed. The large projector screen displayed the logo of the He Group before starting to show the photos of

Yu Manxi.

This meant that the filiation banquet was about to start.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted.

At this moment, He Xi took out the glass bottle from her pocket and hid it in her sleeve. She poured the liquid inside into a small teapot full of tea, and the transparent liquid melted into the tea. It was colorless and translucent.

She picked up her cup and the small teapot. “Grandma, Eldest Uncle, I’ll go apologize to Song Fengwan.” “It’s about to start. Wait a bit.” He Maozhen reached out to adjust his tie, feeling inexplicably nervous. “Tm afraid there’ll be too many people later.”

He Xi cared about her reputation. The He family thought that she was worried that too many people would notice her later and that it would be too embarrassing, so she deliberately chose this time to go. They didn’t think much about it.

He Shiqing narrowed her eyes and looked at the photos scrolling on the big screen. The knockout drug is definitely in the tea. She’s going to try and make

Song Fengwan and Qjao Xiyan.

Tt would have been too obvious if she had only mixed a cup of tea and forcefully pushed it to Qiao Xiyan. This girl isn’t stupid.

After Song Fengwan and Qjao Xiyan received Fu Chen’s message, they kept paying attention to He Xi’s actions. When they saw her coming over, they knew what to do. “Miss Song “What’s the matter?” Song Fengwan pretended not to want to talk to her. “I was rash and did something wrong at the charity banquet last time. I apologize to you and toast you with a cup of tea.” He Xi poured tea into the empty cup in front of Song Fengwan.

She personally handed the cup to Song Fengwan. “Tm really sorry. I will use tea in place of wine. Please forgive me.”

At this moment, the lighting was dim. Most people were looking at the stage and the screen, but the people around them were all looking over. The other party had apologized sincerely. If Song Fengwan continued to act high and mighty, she would inevitably be denounced.

She was on the He family’s territory, so she had to give them face. “It’s a small matter. It’s alright.” Song Fengwan took the cup of tea.

They clinked cups, and Song Fengwan put the teacup to her lips.

He Xi dowmed the tea in her cup and stared at Song Fengwan the whole time.

When she saw that she seemed to have drunk the tea, she was overjoyed.

Jing Hanchuan’s seat was on the second floor. The entire hotel was designed in the style of an atrium. The ceiling was suspended high, and a large chandelier hung in the air. From his position, he could almost overlook the entire situation.

He was eating cherries in the fruit tray and kept paying attention to Song

Fengwan’s table.

At this moment, He Xi was clinking cups with Song Fengwan. She didn’t even know that the small teapot she had placed beside the table had already been swapped.

The hotel used the same cutlery and teapots. Everything was the same, so there was no difference at all.

Jing Hanchuan chuckled lightly. Qiao Xiyan can change his profession to become a thief. His hand speed is ridiculously fast. People who rely on their hands to make a living are indeed different.

Song Fengwan drank some tea and naturally wiped the coner of her mouth with a tissue, carefully avoiding her lipstick.

She wasn’t He Xi’s main target, so He Xi naturally didn’t pay much attention to her. It didn’t matter if she drank or not. She tuned her attention to Qjao Xiyan again. “Mr. Qjao, I did something wrong previously and offended Miss Song. Thank you for putting the past enmity behind and coming today.” He Xi poured Qjao

Xiyan another cup of tea

It was the usual toasting process.

He Xi watched Qjao Xiyan swallow, and her heart was so excited that it was about to jump out. “Miss He, you’re too polite. As a guest, I should congratulate your He family.”

Qjao Xiyan picked up the small teapot beside his hand and poured tea for He Xi.

He Xi was overjoyed and downed the tea.

I hope you have an unforgettable night.” He Xi picked up the cup and the small pot and quickly walked back to her seat. old Madam He naturally had to ask her how her apology went “Tt went wel. They’re easy to talk to.” He Xi tried her best to suppress the restless joy in her heart and immediately got someone to deal with the small teapot.

Meanwhile, Qjao Xiyan opened the lid of the teapot in front of him. The liquid was no different from usual. “Inside this” Song Fengwan pointed at the small teapot.

Tm not sure.” How could he see anything with his naked eyes?

Jing Hanchuan looked down from above and witnessed the entire process. He had learned Beijing opera from his mother since he was a child, so his eyes were better than ordinary people’s. He originally thought that Qjao Xiyan had switched the teapots and was done.

I didn’t expect him to pour the tea for He Xi

This is too devious.

The thing He Xi sent over entered her stomach without her noticing? She’s even still feeling smug about it. How stupid.

At this moment, accompanied by faint melodious music, the host went on stage

Today is a day of great joy. First of al, I would like to thank everyone for coming” He said many formal words before inviting the He family to go on stage.

Fu Sinian and Yu Manxi were married and considered family, so they were naturally invited.

The group walked to the stage, and Yu Manxi stood beside He Maozhen.

He Maozhen held the microphone emotionaly. “Thank you, everyone, for coming today. Today is the day I bring my daughter back. Manman and I have been separated for a long time. Aithough I brought her back very early, I have never given her a status.

On this occasion today, I want to make a solemmn announcement. “Manman is my first child. From today onward, she will be the eldest daughter of our He family. At the same time, I will transfer five percent of the company’s shares to her, as well as her dowry”

He Maozhen spoke passionately. He Shiqing was standing at the side, and her fingers on the side of her skirt trembled slightly.

Five percent?

More than me?

In order to bring her back, Dad has really invested a lot. He didn’t even bat an eye over so many shares. “Manman, I know I owe you a lot. I know I can’t even begin to compensate you with merely these shares. I believe that Ill be able to make it up to you with practical actions in the days to come.”

He Maozhen looked like a loving father as he handed the share transfer document to Yu Manxi.

The applause from the audience was thunderous, not because of the father and daughter reuniting but because of He Maozhen’s generosity.

There were many things that everyone knew in their hearts. This time, they were just here to join in the fun. “All for me?” Yu Manxi didn’t expect He Maozhen to be so generous.

Of course, this is only part of the compensation. You’re my daughter. My things will definitely be yours in the future.” He Maozhen expressed his stance directly. “This document has already taken effect. In the future, I’ll make up for everything I owe you.

He spoke excitedly, and his eyes were red. He seemed to be emotional and reached out to hug Yu Manxi. “Manman, Ive let you down all these years.

But before he could touch Yu Manxi, she said directly, “T also have something to say on such a good day.” “Manman. Actually, I have a lot of things to say to you too.” He Maozhen’s eyes were red. “Let me speak first.” Yu Manxi held the microphone in her hand.

At this point, everyone thought that the emotional part would definitely happen next. But they didn’t expect Yu Manxi to calmly throw a bomb into the venue. “Mr. He, you seem to be self-indulgent. Ive never thought of returning to the

He family

Duan Linbai was instantly amused. “F*ck, so simple and crude! It’s a direct slap to the face.

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