Novel Name : The Dawn Of The New World

The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 211 - Valley Continued 5

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Chapter 211 - Valley Continued 5

The over 1000 meter wide ball of undead monsters shrunk to a less than 1cm little ball of black mass before exploding.


Shi Long had cold sweat dripping down the side of his face. Because he knew exactly what that power was...the power of Tengu!

Jin Wang also looked for a second.

There were rumors among the high-level experts of the Shi clan that the Ma clan ancestor had some relations to the mysterious Tengu Race. Apparently, that was true.

The Tengu were an intergalactic species. Not many people on the Beast world knew what they looked like since there were no full-blooded Tengu's here, but their achievements reached even these backwaters.

The Tengu had the blood of the ancient three-legged Dark crow and the mighty Asura Demons running through their veins. They had the best of both worlds, with none of the flaws of the originals.

It was rumored that they would train in the deep space, mastering the many different powers of the universe. Seemed like the rumors were true indeed.

Shi Long looked at the area where the little mass had exploded. There was a massive crater there with some kind of strange energy in it.

Whenever an undead got close and tried to move over it, the energy would move around like little snakes and strike. With every strike, an undead vanished. Just, vanished into nothingness. There was no blood, no corpse, no remains whatsoever.

Even after Ma Qigong's death, the area still had such an abominable energy that no one could even get close. What would it be like if a true expert at the Profound realm used such an attack?

"Young master!" Shi Long's voice rang in Shi Chun's head, "If you get out of here, you must tell the elders that the rumors about the Ma Clan ancestors are true, understand?!"

Shi Chun was in the middle of a strenuous fight himself and he had no idea what Shi Long was talking about, so he simply nodded back.

"Good, just two more minutes!" Shi Long looked at the rift that was almost stable.

'Just a little bit more.'

'Just a little bit more and we can go home.'

Similar thoughts ran through the minds of everyone present.

The defensive formation shrunk. The last line was at the 15-meter mark. If this line broke, it would be the end.

They fought until the last of their breaths. Sweat trickled down their backs and blood covered their faces. Out of the original 22 Mind Palaces, only 16 were left.

Zeng Yu was holding both the left and back sides, fighting off hundreds of monsters at once. His body was glowing, the mind palaces slowly expanding.

Zeng Wu was holding the right side with his 4 mind palaces, while Shi Long held the front with 6 of his.

The Mind palaces were connected directly to the defensive formation, providing it the enormous amounts of energy needed to keep it running and the undead at bay.

"Ahh!" Shi Long let out a bellow and created over a hundred spears made from pure Spiritual Qi. The spears shot into the horde, nailing hundreds of undead to the ground.

Taking the initiative, he didn't wait for them to get closer, instead, stepping out of the formation himself.

Two longswords of pure Spiritual Qi were created. They looked they were made from pure white light, lighting up the area around him for dozens of meters.


Like an angry god, he used the swords to slay hundreds of undead within seconds. His white beard and hair fluttered in the wind as he moved from one place to another. Every time he moved, the area around him would be left with burning undead corpses.

Zeng Yu's ears twitched as he looked over to Shi Long with a frown. His eyes dilated as he shouted, "COME BACK! IT'S COMING OUT!"

But Shi Long was too engrossed in killing to pay attention to anything else. Nothing could touch him.


A strange sound came from the surroundings. The air itself vibrated and about a three-meter-long black spear-like object cut through the space and pierced Shi Long's chest in an instant.

"Wha-" he looked down and saw the dark object protruding from his chest. Blood rained down for a couple of seconds before the object retreated at the same speed it came with, dragging the impaled Shi Long with it into the Black Gate that was over two kilometers away.

And just like that, there were only two spirit realm experts left.


Zeng Wu pushed off the dozens of creatures in front of him and moved in the middle, so he could defend both the front and the right side.

Jin Wang's face was completely white. He still hadn't recovered from the earlier offering. He had to give away almost half his soul to be able to break free from that spell.

But still he made his way to the defensive line and fought at very front.

With him and Zeng Wu, they were barely able to hold on for dear life.

30 seconds left.

Of the 55 or so people that entered the valley, a little over 30 were left.

Hou Chin had tears streaming down her face as she fought off the monsters alone. Her last sister's corpse laid under her feet, coloring the ground red.

She was tired and just wanted to rest, but the damned monsters wouldn't stop for even a second. So she swung her shortsword with all she had, about to collapse any second.


A wraith passed through Zeng Wu's attacks and jumped at Rong Li who was closest to it.

Rong Li barely had any time to react before he was dragged off into the undead horde with a stupified expression on his face.

Kramson was right next to him and felt the air move as Rong Li's body disappeared into the monster horde.

"NOOOO," he shouted in anger and jumped into the mass of undead with his sword, but the result was as expected.

About 5 different undead attacked him at once. He managed to chop off the heads of two of them, but the other three got a hold him. They pulled, ripping off his hand, leg, and abdomen in half.

His blood splattered on the undead like rain, sending them into an even more frenzied state.

As if a switch was turned on, the undead started throwing themselves at the defensive formation and the two Spirit Realm warriors that were powering it.

The formation dimmed for a second.. The sudden influx of undead almost broke it in half.

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