Novel Name : The General's Little Peasant Wife

The General's Little Peasant Wife Chapter 740

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Chapter 740

Yang Le Le, shut up . This is none of your business . ” Yang Su Yun glanced at Yang Le Le with her teeth gritted as she said angrily .

She really hated them . Before coming here, she had forgotten all the grievances she had suffered here . She could also tell herself that her life was better than Yang Le Le .

But when she saw Yang Le Le, she realized that what she thought about herself was just her self-deception .

From the happiness in Yang Le Le’s eyes, she knew how comfortable she was and how good her husband was to her .

“Dear, where’s Boss?” Lei An asked from behind when he saw Yang Le Le .

“In the study room . ”

“Who is this woman?” Lei An looked at a woman sitting beside them, who was glaring at his wife, he immediately became unhappy .

What was with that gaze? It looked as if she wanted to murder someone .

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“I suppose you can say she’s my cousin?” Yang Le Le shrugged and said casually .

“You suppose?”

“She broke off her relations with our uncle and relatives . ”

Yang Su Yun saw that Yang Le Le just simply talked about her so carelessly, her expression immediately became ugly: “Yang Le Le, I told you to shut up, did you hear me?”

“Le Le, that’s enough . ”

Yang Le Le snorted, and kept quiet, she whispered to Lei An, while Ning Meng Yao was on the side, occasionally speaking a few words .

It was nice that the three of them were getting along, but Yang Su Yun’s face was getting uglier . She felt like a fool sitting blankly and watching them chatting so happily there .

After half an hour, when Yang Su Yun could no longer bear it anymore, Qiao Tian Chang finally walked out with Boss Lin .

Upon seeing Boss Lin, Yang Su Yun hurriedly walked over and reached out for his arm: “My Lord, what took you so long?”

Although her expression did not show much, from the tone she talked to Boss Lin, one could tell that she had been wronged .

Boss Lin glanced at Yang Su Yun: “What’s wrong?”

Yang Su Yun glanced uneasily at Ning Meng Yao, then she lowered her head: “No… Nothing . ”

Boss Lin frowned, he looked at Ning Meng Yao who was silent: “Mrs Qiao,…”

Ning Meng Yao sarcastically raised her lips, and said with a smile: “is there something? Boss Lin, do you think that I bullied your wife?”

“No, I don’t mean that . ” Boss Lin stiffened his body and quickly shook his head . He did have this thought just now, but after seeing Ning Meng Yao’s eyes, the thought disappeared in an instant .

Let’s not assume whether Ning Meng Yao did bully his wife or not, even if she did, what could he do? He could not do anything . If he did, he would only offend others .

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“What happened, Yao Yao?”

“Nothing . Tian Chang, why did Boss Lin come to look for you?”

“Oh, Boss Lin wants to take more of our products . ” It was nothing confidential so Qiao Tian Chang was very casual, but his attitude actually made Boss Lin a little unhappy . Wasn’t this supposed to be confidential? Why did he speak out so casually in front of so many people?

“Boss Qiao, that’s not really ideal of you . ” Boss Lin looked at Qiao Tian Chang disapprovingly .

Qiao Tian Chang glanced at Boss Lin in surprise, and he suddenly understood what he meant: “Not ideal? What’s wrong? These people here aren’t strangers . One is my wife, one is my brother and his wife . Why can’t I tell them?”

Besides, he did not really want to keep his business a secret .

Boss Lin wanted to say something, but when he noticed Qiao Tian Chang’s unhappy look, he swallowed his words .

Yang Su Yun originally thought Boss Lin would help her . Who knew, Ning Meng Yao made Boss Lin unable to say anything .

Yang Su Yun frowned slightly, she took a glance at Boss Lin who showed no temper at all in front of Qiao Tian Chang’s wife, her expression became ugly . No matter what this person still could not compare with Qiao Tian Chang .

Her hands under her sleeve tightened . Yang Su Yun glanced at Qiao Tian Chang, but he did not bother to even look at her, which made her very unhappy .

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