Novel Name : First Assistant’s Petite Wife Has Space

First Assistant’s Petite Wife Has Space Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

This Woman was a Little Stupid

Luo Wangcai’s face twisted up. He struggled and wanted to curse but Lu Jiao looked so mean he was too scared to.

Lu Jiao didn’t care about him and punched him again. Luo Wangcai cried out in pain.

“Lu Jiao, stop it, stop it.”

Lu Jiao hit him again. Luo Wangcai’s body curled up like a shrimp and his face was now squished together.

Lu Jiao raised her arm again. Terrified, Luo Wangcai hid his head behind his arms and cried.

Speechlessly, Lu Jiao stopped and asked coldly, “Speak, who asked you to come and seduce me. You better give me a good reason or else don’t blame me for hitting you again. Oh right, we are in the mountains and there aren’t a lot of people around. If I hit you dead and throw you in a ditch, nobody would know.”

Only now did Luo Wangcai realize how ridiculous this woman was. He didn’t dare to hide anything from her and spilled the beans.

“Shen Xiu. She offered me 500 copper coins for me to come and seduce you. She told me to seduce you until you were willing and then find a time to get all the villagers to catch you red-handed. When that happens, you wouldn’t be able to stay in the Xie Village anymore.”

Lu Jiao laughed coldly with a dark face. She then said to Luo Wangcai, “Luo Wangcai, so you want a wife.”

It was Luo Wangcai’s dream to have a wife. Though he was a dog and enjoyed fooling around with young wives, he wished he had a wife to take care of all his needs. He could also do it whenever he wanted. That was way more convenient than having to go out and hunt someone down.

But nobody wanted to marry him. He was poor and he had a blind mother. Some days, he didn’t even have the money to buy food. Who would want to marry into that family?

“Nobody wants to be with me.”

Out of the goodness of her heart, Lu Jiao inspired him, “Can’t you think of a way? There’s a perfect candidate right in front of you. You are close to her brother and often visit her home. If you spend some energy on figuring out a way, you could catch your prey.”

Luo Wangcai immediately knew who Lu Jiao referred to.

Shen Xiu?

Luo Wangcai and Shen Xiaoshan were good friends and they often visited each other. How come he’s never thought of getting it on with his sister?

Now that Lu Jiao had reminded him, he was highly tempted. He was more than willing to be with Shen Xiu. Her waist, her body… if they do it, it must be an out-of-body experience.

But Widow Li was not someone to be messed with. He had no money so where would he go to get the money?

Luo Wangcai thought this suggestion was a no-go.

Lu Jiao said with a smile, “Can’t you figure out a way to get yourself some money? If I’m right, Shen Xiu has money. Or else there’s no way she gets to stay with her mother without complaints. If you get money from her and give it to Widow Li, I’m sure you’ll get Widow Li’s blessing to marry her daughter.

“If you ask her directly and she says no, then you can simply get the money in secret.”

Luo Wangcai’s eyes continued to brighten as Lu Jiao spoke. He had forgotten the physical pain he felt and excitedly shouted, “I’ll go take care of that now. If successful, you can come and eat at our wedding.”

Lu Jiao slowly let Luo Wangcai go and she clapped her hands, “You have to make it work even if you fail. Got it? If you fail…?”

She brandished her fists in front of Luo Wangcai.

Luo Wangcai was so scared his legs quivered. So she wanted to beat him? The pain returned to his body and he started to run away.

“Don’t you worry. I’m going to succeed.”

As if he was chased by a wolf, he ran away at Olympic record speed. Lu Jiao ignored him and put the basket of firewood back onto her back.

Towards Shen Xiu, she felt zero guilt about it. That woman deserved it. For her to plot against Lu Jiao? She had asked for death.

The Sun was up by the time Lu Jiao got home. The four little ones were already up and about. When she got through the gate, three out of the four dashed towards her.

“Mommy, I want to eat that good-tasting thing from yesterday.”

Lu Jiao was in a spectacular mood as she responded, “Sure! You can eat braised meat and an egg for breakfast.”

She had bought white flour from town, so she could make some noodles with that. That plus meat and an egg… not bad at all.

The three little boys cheered happily. They ran off to tell Xie Yunjin the good news while Lu Jiao went to cook.

She added some spring onions and cilantro to the pork noodles and added an egg on top. The dish looked, smelled, and tasted great.

The four little ones didn’t even want to put down their chopsticks as they ate. The Fourth Born started to kiss @ss again.

“The noodles mommy makes is good looking and good tasting.”

Lu Jiao’s heart flew due to all the compliments. Her gaze then fell to the Second and Third Born.

They acted as if they received the signal and instantly chimed in as well.

“He’s right. The food is delicious. The noodle is delicious. The candy is delicious and the cake is delicious.”

They continued to flatter.

The Third Born added at the end, “Not only is mommy a good cook, but mommy also got prettier as well.”

Subconsciously, Lu Jiao went to touch her face. Was that true?

On the other side of the room, Xie Yunjin found all this so embarrassing. How could an adult be tricked by a bunch of kids just because they flattered her? How speechless.

Xie Yunjin and the First Born exchanged glances and silently signaled to each other.

This woman was a little stupid.

Lu Jiao’s mood was over the moon. She scooped some noodles and fed Xie Yunjin. As she fed him, she said, “I have something I want to tell you. Tomorrow, I want to go to my mother’s.”

Her words made everyone in the room stop in their tracks.

Xie Yunjin glanced at her but continued to eat. He knew this woman wasn’t really the daughter of the Lu family so there was no way she would stay there long-term. He wasn’t worried.

The four little ones, however, were worried. What if their mommy never comes back?

Suddenly, the food tasted bland to the children. The Fourth Born stopped and got up to stand by Lu Jiao. He pulled on her sleeve, “Mommy, I go to grandma’s house with you.”

Lu Jiao shot that idea down. It was four hours of walking in the mountains. Of course, she could hold him but it wasn’t ideal to just bring one child instead of all four.

So it was better to not bring any of them. Plus, she was only going to go for a day and it wasn’t convenient to carry a child.

“I’ll bring you next time.”

The Fourth Born’s eyes fogged up. He wanted to cry but suppressed it hard.

Lu Jiao felt bad and wondered if she could bring him along? However, if she did, what about the other three?

As she thought about it, the Second and Third Born all rushed over, “Mommy, when are you coming back?”

Lu Jiao only realized then that they were scared that she wouldn’t come back. Was that why they were worried? So they viewed her differently now.

Lu Jiao was very happy and said to the kids, “I will leave early in the morning and return at night. Don’t worry. Eat your noodles. Once you’re done eating, I have another treat for you.”

The three of them instantly started to guess, “Candy?”

“Red bean cake?”

The Fourth Born grabbed onto her thighs and pouted, “Mommy tell me, what is it?”

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