Novel Name : Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave Chapter 1143: Collateral Damage

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Sir Amiran, one of the exalted Knights of the great clan Valor, was standing on top of a newly constructed dormitory tower, looking at the expanse of the city below. There was a long stretch of industrial buildings between him and the looming barrier of the defensive wall that protected the siege capital from the ravages of the Chain of Nightmares.There were plenty of civilian shelters and dormitories, too - with the start of the evacuation, even industrial areas like this one had been put to use, accommodating numerous refugees.The refugees were moving far below him like tiny ants. The thunderous booms of firing railguns did not seem to spoil their moods... after months of continuous siege, the people must have grown used to its clamor.Knight Amiran grimaced."...Collateral damage will be high."But that was war. None of these people would have had to die if the enemy had abided by the agreement to keep the hostilities away from the cities, but now that the Song clan had made their move, the hands of noble warriors of Valor were tied.The lives of mundane humans were like water, anyway. No matter how much he sacrificed to achieve victory, it was just a drop in the ocean. Amiran didn't feel happy about the human cost of his inevitable victory, but he was also not particularly sad.Knowing what he knew, their deaths were insignificant.He heard light footsteps behind him and looked over his shoulder. One of his Awakened approached, bearing news. There was an expression of dark excitement on her face. "We have confirmed the location, sir."He nodded.The band of Song's assassins had infiltrated the siege capital with one of the supply convoys. The original staff had been slain, and the imposters assumed their identities. After getting past the gates, they disappeared into the chaos of the overpopulated city without a trace. Follow current on

...Or so they thought.In truth, Valor had long anticipated this attack. The subterfuge the assassins employed was pointless. They had only managed to enter the city because that was where Lady Morgan wanted them.It would have been easier and much more bloodless to deal with the servants of the Queen of Worms at the gates, but then some of them could escape. So, they were allowed to enter deeper into the trap.And now, Knight Amiran was entrusted with the honor of delivering Valor's retribution upon the wretched cowards.What did it matter if there was collateral damage?He turned around and glanced at the valiant Awakened gathered on the roof. With warriors like these fighting by his side, the dogs of Song stood no chance.A cold smile appeared on Amiran's lips."Prepare, then. We strike as soon as they make their move."In a dark and empty production hall of a decommissioned underground factory, a group of people were sitting around a ghostly fire. Its flames were blue, and burned without producing any smoke. A pleasant fragrance was spreading from the fire, but the gathered people did not seem to notice.The leader of the group was a woman wearing simple civilian clothes, with a pale scar crossing her otherwise beautiful face. She was Ascended Morrow, a retainer of the great clan Song.Currently, Morrow was listening to quiet scratching sounds that seemed to be coming from somewhere under the floor of the factory.The faces of the Awakened around her were a little tense.There was a newcomer among them - a man in the uniform of the Evacuation Army - that listened to the sounds, too, his eyes growing a little wide. He was their contact within the siege capital. Follow current on

After a few moments of silence, the man spoke:"That thing... it's not going to break free, is it?"Ascended Morrow smiled."Of course, it will. When I command it."She lingered for a second, and then added:"Have no worry, though. The thralls of Sister Beastmaster are very obedient. Granted, this one is more powerful than her usual pets."The man chuckled wryly."Ah, I see. Good, then."Poor fool did not even know that he, too, was one of the thralls."Anyway, have your people completed the preparations?"The soldier hesitated for a bit, then pointed at the map being projected by his communicator:"Yes... that tunnel right there. It will be empty for about twenty-four hours starting from now. As you can see, my lady, the tunnel stretches all the way to the inner city without crossing any other major logistical hubs. It is also wide enough to transport the... that thing you brought... to where you need it. The last few kilometers leading up to the Valor compound are too well-guarded, though."Morrow shook her head. Follow current on

"Leave that to us. Worst case scenario, we will be forced to unleash the thrall a few minutes earlier than planned and let it tear its way toward the compound above ground. Summer Knight won't be able to make it back from the wall in time. And since Whispering Blade seems to have indeed gone to the Dream Realm... the casualties the creature will cause Valor will be severe."She would have loved nothing more than to slaughter the ignoble hypocrites serving the King of Swords personally, but sadly, her mission was simply to deliver Beastmaster's present to Morgan of Valor, striking both at the enemy's troops and reputation.After all, what kind of incompetent fool would allow a Nightmare Creature to rampage in the middle of their city?The man cleared his throat."Ah... but I must warn you, my lady. The Awakened of Clan Valor seemed restless recently. A few cohorts vanished without a trace. I don't think that we've been made... but it's better not to linger."Ascended Morrow studied his face for a while, then nodded."Sound advice. We were going to wait until Summer Knight engages with the Terror that is approaching the city, but our diviner has turned ineffective all of a sudden. With this added uncertainty, it is better to accelerate the plan."She glanced at her Awakened and smiled."Time to act, my kin. Prepare to enter the tunnel. You two, go relay my order to those watching the creature. They need to get it ready for transportation as soon as possible. We are moving to attack..."On the first floor of the dormitory tower, Knight Amiran was surrounded by the Awakened warriors of Valor. One of them was making a report:"The enemy seems to have started moving. They must be aiming to enter the network of logistical tunnels under the city... if they do, catching them all would be problematic."Amiran nodded."Indeed. The wretches can't be allowed to burrow deeper underground. No, we need to force them to the surface. Get ready to attack. We'll blast through the factory roof and slaughter them all!"There was a shadow watching him say these words.There was a shadow watching Ascended Morrow give orders to the assassins, as well.Some distance away, Sunny sighed and gulped down what was left of his coffee. Then, he thanked the owner of a refugee cafe, rose, and walked out, yawning lazily.It was time for him to begin, too.

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