Novel Name : Alpha Ace and his Undercover Mate

Alpha Ace and his Undercover Mate Chapter 25

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Panic rose in me, because after all this time, I never expected it to happen now. Why now?

I anxiously watched as Ace's eyes glazed over, as if he was mindlinking someone urgently.

His eyes quickly snapped to me, and in two seconds he was in front of me gripping my face.

"Roxy I know this is very important, but I have to go. There was a breach in our border and I hear it's

over two hundred wolves. I know for sure this isn't a surprise party so I need you to stay here okay? I'll

get some extra men to guard the house just don't come outside okay?"

I was barely processing the words when he went to a fuze box looking thing and pushed a big red

button. On the outside I could hear a loud alarm going off, and wolves were scattering to their

respective homes.

"Ace what's wrong? " I started to panic as I saw him move around swiftly doing a million things at a


"It looks like someone is raging war on us, baby girl. And you are staying far from it. " He quickly did

something on his computer as he muttered to himself.

"How did they even get past my border patrol? The area that they entered from would've been

impossible to find "

And that's when it hit me.

That was when my whole stomach felt like it was falling out to the point where I doubled over and held

it. Ace was still busy on his computer and so he didn't see my reaction.

I reached for Aiden in our mindlink, and of course just as I expected, he was in linking range.

~"Aiden! "~

I knew he heard me but he said nothing.

~"Aiden!!" ~

I tried again, but still nothing.

~"Look! I'm not really in the mood for talking either, brother, but you have to stop this! Call it off now

please! "~

~"I'm sorry Roxy"~

And with that, he was gone, completely blocking me from his mind.

I recovered when Ace jumped up from his chair and started heading for the door, not before gripping

me to his side first.

"Ace! Ace you have to listen to me. I have to go down there" This obviously caught his attention, as he

stopped abruptly to face me.

"Are you crazy? No way am I making my pregnant mate go into a war zone. Fully trained or not "And

with that, he started moving again.

"Ace listen to me! That's my pack and my dad. It's Aiden and I faults why they are here"

"What? " He asked as he slowed down.

"Aiden and I were sent here to spy on you, get information from your files and help my dad strategize

an attack plan."

And so, he stopped again. But this time he wasn't holding me anymore. He was already six feet away

from me, ogling me with utter pain and disbelief. My eyes started to water again as I tried to approach


"Ace I'm so-"

"Ryan will be taking you to the safe house. A few more of my men will join you shortly. Just stay with

him in there and don't come out" His voice was monotone and sharp as he spoke, and he didn't even

look at me.

Before I could even hear what he said properly, he was moving again.

"Ace wait I have to come"

"I said no Roxy! " His voice bellowed through the hall and I had to shrink back into the wall. He

clenched his jaw and balled his fists as he kept his eyes shut.

"When I get back" he started in a calmer tone, "we'll talk. But I cannot do this right now. I'm already late

and MY pack is in danger."

"Ace please just let me come "

"Roxy.. " he warned lowly, and an involuntary whimper escaped my lips at it.

Even in his angry state he still had the heart to look concerned for a split second, but once he saw that

I was staying put, he turned and left without a glance back.

I slid down against the wall and buried my face in my knees as sobs racked my body.

I really hoped this wouldn't have happened; and two months early at that. I knew that Aiden got enough

information for them to attack, but I had still hoped that I could fix it in time.

Now I have a mission crazed brother, probably disappointed father, angry mate and deep self hatred for



My head quickly snapped up in hopes that it was Ace, but I sighed when I saw that it was only Ryan.

For the first times since I met him, he gave me a sympathetic look and offered me his hand to pull me


"I'm sorry this had to happen, but we have to go" I simply nodded and followed close behind him down

the stairs.

My eyes flickered to the front door, then to Ryan's retreating back in the opposite direction. With a gulp

of courage, I wiped my eyes and with all on my might, I ran to the front door, opened it and threw

myself out.

"Roxy! " I heard Ryan call after me as I bolted down the driveway and onto the dirt road. The wind

rushed past me in a mocking melody, and I pumped my legs to go faster each second.

"Roxy! "

Sorry Ryan, but I have to get down there. And you would have to catch me, fight me then tie me to a

post with silver if you want me to stay put.

And quite frankly, I don't see that happening today. Or any day at that.


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