Novel Name : I Will Never Be Yours

I Will Never Be Yours Chapter 57

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Selena POV:

We have a standoff where no one says a word and no one is ready to give up.

I see Cannon come walking up behind Kian and place a hand on his shoulder.

“My Queen! If I’m allowed I want to come with you and scout the area. I have my agenda and searching

for the smallest traces” Cannon says and it breaks our standoffs.

Kian lets go of my jaw but keep his eyes on me.

“I’m not your Queen!” I turn my head and say to Cannon.

“Yes, you are! You’re my Queen and Luna! It would be an honor to follow you outside on your border

control,” he says and I get this feeling he is saying this to have Kian calm when he is with me. I don’t

have any idea who’s behind it and for all, I know Emma could have suggested it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. Looking between them I give up.

“Alright!” I tell him and see Kian turn his head and look at him. Cannon is the best I have met to sniff up

any trace and it’s not bad to have him with us.

I see him give Kian a pat on his shoulder before I take a step around him and walk out of the room.

Going down the stairs and catching up with Jessie I hear heavy steps behind me and know it’s Cannon.

Reaching the front door Jessie is standing and waiting for me. She looks behind me at Cannon and

raises an eyebrow at me but doesn’t say anything else. I keep walking ahead of her and open the door

and get outside.

Take off my clothes and quickly shift before I start to run over to the northern borders.

Jessie comes running up beside me and I hear cannon behind.

“We start on this side and go on the right side of the border, mindlink me if you need!” I mindlink

Cannon and keep a steady pase out of our barrier. I have some men out by the cave and taking an

extra patrol around the last trace of them. We have to do a thorough search of the area before going

back. O

Heading to the right we take our patrol, Jessie goes on my left and we know where to start. After a

while with nothing alarming, we head the other way when I get a mindlink from Zoey saying everything

is calm around the cave.

“Let’s head over to where you buried the bod*ies!” I mindlink Jessie and Cannon before turning in that


Coming closer to the spot Cannon gets in front of us with his nose on the ground.

He stops suddenly and starts sniffing in the air, his ears point up and I get a mind link from him.

“Someone is here!” He says and I stop and start sniffing but can’t smell anything. I don’t find any trace

of whatever he is sensing.

“I don’t smell anything!” I mindlink back when I suddenly hear a growl ahead of us.

“They can’t smell us!” Comes Jessie’s mind link and I know she is right. But who are they growling at?

“Let’s get closer!” I mindlink them and start to walk closer without making any sound. Hiding behind

some bushes I finally smell a scent and they aren’t just rogue’s scent here. Seeing further ahead five

wolves running around where the bod*ies are buried. One of them is bigger than the others and growls

when he looks around. Something doesn’t add up with them when I see Cannon take a large inhale

and his eyes glance over.

Maybe he can still mindlink Kian and we aren’t too far away.

Otherwise, I don’t know who he is talking to.

I wait for him to say something while I keep my eyes locked on the wolves. I see them running around a

bit before they suddenly take off in the opposite direction from where we are. We have to follow them

and I’m about to go after them when I get a push in my side from Cannon and lose my footing.

Quickly get up on my feet when I see his eyes glance over and he looks at me.

“We need to go back!” He says and I ignore him and turn my head to go after them instead. There is no

way I will let them get away without finding where they come from.

“You come back here this instant or I will come and drag you back in two seconds!” Comes Kian’s voice

in my head and I’m surprised he can mindlink me when others outside my pack try to mindlink I feel the

connection before I pick the mind link up. Right now he just mind-linked me!

“One!” his voice comes again

“You think you have any say in that? And I will be far away from here before you have reached this

spot!” I mindlink back and start to walk when I find myself lifted in the air by Cannon.

“Sorry, my Queen but the King’s orders!” He says and sounds troubled, who do they think they are!? it’s

good for him that he is big or he wouldn’t be able to lift me up.

Trying to wiggle out of his grip I see Jessie about to follow the wolves and I can’t have her running after

them alone. Shifting in his arms he lets me go and I’ m quick and open a portal in front of Jessie and

then us.

Coming out the other side to my office and an angry Kian pacing around in my office. When he sees us

he is quick in front of me and pulls his shirt over his head before placing it on me. I roll my eyes at him

when he makes sure I’m covered up down to my thighs.

“How hard is it for you to listen for once at me!” He barks at me and I have the same anger as him.

” I didn’t need you to hold my hand before and I certainly don’t need it now! Don’t come and tell me

what to do!” I bark back at him. His chest is rising heavily and if smoke could come out of his nose it


“Those wolves you were about you follow are enemies to the crown. They want to take over the

kingdom and If they find out about you then your life is on the line here!” He yells and takes a step


“You don’t think I can take care of myself?!” I bark out and look angry at him. I hear the others leave the

room and close the door after them. If I could leave myself I would instead of standing here and arguing

with him.

” you don’t know what army you would be facing,” he says and his stern gaze doesn’t scare me.

“Then tell me what I need to know instead of arguing!” I say and take his face in. Seeing how he thinks

for a long moment and doesn’t say anything before he sighs and takes a step back.

“Come,” he says and places his hand on my waist, and walks with me over to the table. I follow him

over and come to stand right in front of a map.

“Here are my lands!” He shows me on the map and I already know this. I have knowledge of most of

the packs.

“Here are the ones on my side and over here are my enemy. They have a large piece of land over here

and for months we have been getting threats on our borders, several K*lled people by them have been

found outside of our land. We don’t have much information about them, just that they are after the

crown” he says and points to the map. I take his words in and try to fit the puzzle in my head, the

wolves I saw in the forest I got a strange feeling about. I can’t put my finger on it yet.

“Are you sure they are after the crown?” I ask him while looking at the map, it doesn’t quite add up.

Between the king’s land and what he says is his enemy’s lies several smaller packs. If they aren’t after

those too I don’t see why they would come after his land.

“There have been some written letters with threats from them what we can find!” He says and picks up

a folder.

I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head, something just doesn’t add up.

Taking one of my older notebooks I get up and walk over to my couch I have in my office to sit down

and go through it. I know there were some traces we followed in the beginning and I’m certain I wrote

them down.

This has been the longest day for ages and when I have been sitting down for a while my eyelids feel

so heavy I have a hard time keeping them open. I would guess it’s close to midnight soon and with

everything happening today I’m exhausted. Resting my head against my hand while I hold the book

with my other and try to read my notes.

I don’t know when I fell asleep, only woke up when Kian lifted me up in his arms and I try to lift my head

and get down.

“Go back to sleep!” He says and I give up and rest my head against his [email protected] warm chest when he

carries me out of the room and over to my bedroom. I’m exhausted.

Read I Will Never Be Yours Chapter 57

Novel I Will Never Be Yours has been updated Chapter 57 with many climactic developments

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Chapter 57 novel I Will Never Be Yours


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