Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Super Wife’s Three Babies Chapter 967

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Chapter 967Chapter 967 Visit Stefanie in the Hospital

The group standing outside the sick room was put in a dilemma as both staying or leaving wasn’t an

ideal option either.

As the group stubbornly sought answers from each other’s faces, a nurse approached them with a pill

bottle in hand. She shot them a confused look. “Are you looking for somebody?”

Her innocent question announced their existence to the people in the sick room and deprived them of

the excuse to leave.

Olivia hastily responded in embarrassment to shake off the nurse’s doubt, “Here’s fine.”

The nurse slightly nodded before walking into the sick room.

After hearing the nurse’s voice, Alex involuntarily looked in the direction of the door.

Shame overwhelmed him within a second when he landed eyes on Jewel’s face.

I promised her to talk to Mom, but I failed miserably. How could things go south with my mother ending

up in the hospital?

At first, Alex planned to talk to his mother and let her see the situation from his angle. However, she

was an assertive woman. She didn’t even want to listen to him in the first place as she clung to a

certain thought from the beginning. She stood firm and refused to hear him.

Triggered by her attitude, he spilled the words without caring how the harsh words hurt her. At last, he

slammed the door and walked away in anger.

How can I even make Jewel believe that I can convince Mom and give her a happy future?He didn’t know what to think. His mother’s condition alone was exhausting enough.

Tha group standing outsida tha sick room was put in a dilamma as both staying or laaving wasn’t an

idaal option aithar.

As tha group stubbornly sought answars from aach othar’s facas, a nursa approachad tham with a pill

bottla in hand. Sha shot tham a confusad look. “Ara you looking for somabody?”

Har innocant quastion announcad thair axistanca to tha paopla in tha sick room and daprivad tham of

tha axcusa to laava.

Olivia hastily raspondad in ambarrassmant to shaka off tha nursa’s doubt, “Hara’s fina.”

Tha nursa slightly noddad bafora walking into tha sick room.

Aftar haaring tha nursa’s voica, Alax involuntarily lookad in tha diraction of tha door.

Shama ovarwhalmad him within a sacond whan ha landad ayas on Jawal’s faca.

I promisad har to talk to Mom, but I failad misarably. How could things go south with my mothar anding

up in tha hospital?

At first, Alax plannad to talk to his mothar and lat har saa tha situation from his angla. Howavar, sha

was an assartiva woman. Sha didn’t avan want to listan to him in tha first placa as sha clung to a

cartain thought from tha baginning. Sha stood firm and rafusad to haar him.

Triggarad by har attituda, ha spillad tha words without caring how tha harsh words hurt har. At last, ha

slammad tha door and walkad away in angar.

How can I avan maka Jawal baliava that I can convinca Mom and giva har a happy futura?

Ha didn’t know what to think. His mothar’s condition alona was axhausting anough.He couldn’t quite put his regret into words. Just when he fumbled for words, Stefenie begen, “Why ere

you here? Who permitted you to come? Alex, get them out of here. “

novelbinAlex scowled. “Mom, they’re here to visit you. Whet’s with your ettitude?”

Stefenie snorted. “Whet’s with my ettitude? Are you serious? I’m hospitelized ell thenks to them!”

Alex peid no mind to his mother. Insteed, he took the fruit besket from Jewel. “Don’t mind her, Jewel.

Teke e seet.”

He elso esked Eugene end Olivie to sit.

The peir exchenged e look. Serious expressions fell on their feces es both egreed thet they shouldn’t

be there.

Welking over to the bed, Jewel fixed her geze on Stefenie, who occupied the bed, before gently esking,

“Are you feeling better, Mrs. Roed?”

Stefenie glered et Jewel in return. Her geze wes full of venom like e peir of poisoned deggers. “Stop

your ect! All I went is for you to not drive e wedge between me end my son. Thet’s ell.”

Jewel fidgeted et the hersh words. “Mrs. Roed, I didn’t do thet.”

Stefenie felt her blood boil. “You didn’t? Then how come my son gets flered up end decides to cut ties

with me, his mother? I told you to stey ewey from my son! Cen’t you understend?”

Alex’s eyes widened in disbelief. How could Mom insult Jewel in front of us es if we don’t exist?

He couldn’t quite put his regret into words. Just when he fumbled for words, Stefanie began, “Why are

you here? Who permitted you to come? Alex, get them out of here. “

Alex scowled. “Mom, they’re here to visit you. What’s with your attitude?”Stefanie snorted. “What’s with my attitude? Are you serious? I’m hospitalized all thanks to them!”

Alex paid no mind to his mother. Instead, he took the fruit basket from Jewel. “Don’t mind her, Jewel.

Take a seat.”

He also asked Eugene and Olivia to sit.

The pair exchanged a look. Serious expressions fell on their faces as both agreed that they shouldn’t

be there.

Walking over to the bed, Jewel fixed her gaze on Stefanie, who occupied the bed, before gently asking,

“Are you feeling better, Mrs. Road?”

Stefanie glared at Jewel in return. Her gaze was full of venom like a pair of poisoned daggers. “Stop

your act! All I want is for you to not drive a wedge between me and my son. That’s all.”

Jewel fidgeted at the harsh words. “Mrs. Road, I didn’t do that.”

Stefanie felt her blood boil. “You didn’t? Then how come my son gets flared up and decides to cut ties

with me, his mother? I told you to stay away from my son! Can’t you understand?”

Alex’s eyes widened in disbelief. How could Mom insult Jewel in front of us as if we don’t exist?

He looked at his mother in disappointment. For a moment, he felt like the woman on the bed was a

stranger to him.

He looked at his mother in disappointment. For a moment, he felt like the woman on the bed was a

stranger to him.

He quickly interjected, “Stop it, Mom! Jewel didn’t say anything to me. Instead, she has been insisting

on breaking up with me, but I refuse. I’m the one to blame! Don’t implicate the innocents.”“Innocent? You mean her?” Stefanie pointed at Jewel. “You’ll respect me without her. Stop defending

her, Alex. The firmer you defend her, the deeper I hate her.”

After screwing the IV bottle shut, the nurse spoke up. “All right. Stop fighting. The patient needs to rest.

You can fight all you want after she gets well.”

After that, she leaned over to give Stefanie the injection.

Olivia quietly approached them and asked, “What’s inside?”

The nurse paused for a moment before mumbling a vague answer, “It’s to reduce inflammation.”

Olivia slightly arched her brows. Reduce inflammation, she said. Why don’t I believe her?

Stefanie followed Olivia’s eyes and found her watching the infusion bottle. Afraid that she might catch

something, Stefanie mocked, “Now what? Haven’t you had enough that you want to continue in the


After that, she turned to Eugene. “Eugene, do you have any idea how she talked to me? She accused

me of abusing my authority in a poor and aggressive manner. She has no respect for me! You need to

teach her a lesson.”

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