Novel Name : Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 153

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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 153 – The Sad Story

“Years ago, Lord Vasquez and Lady Sofia were going through some troubles. They never spoke openly

about it, but they made it seem like there was something going on with one of their twins. Nobody knew

much, but I knew one thing: weredragons were not yet banished from our land. I was dating someone

who was working closely with Lord Vasquez. It was a sweet affair, and I had high expectations of it. But

then one cursed night, I decided to collect some herbs at the night time instead of the day. You see, I

didn’t have any parents or family. I had to make a living for myself. You can say I was a hustler. That

night, I came across some weredragon soldiers. I have lost my way, so I made the mistake of asking

them to help me. They did help—but it was more to satisfy their lust than to lead me out of the woods.

After they were done with me, they left me lying alone and crying in the woods. I was helpless and in

agony. Sadly, I was found by my sweet mate. I could only imagine the trauma he got from seeing me

like that. Somewhere along the line, my sight broke him. He helped me out of the woods, and soon we

found out I was pregnant. It was too much for him. I could tell he was distancing himself from me the

instant I told him I didn’t want to abort the baby. I did not want to lose you. Well, he rejected me, and I

cannot blame him for it. I was left in the woods, alone and pregnant. I knew nothing of weredragon

pregnancy. In fact, I didn’t even know why my belly was growing faster than during normal pregnancies.

Before I could know, I was giving birth to you in the woods in rain. Oh, I was in so much. pain. I could

have sworn that I thought I was not going to make it alive. But it didn’t really bother me. What worried

me was leaving my baby behind at the mercy of this cruel and brutal world.” She paused just to take a

deep breath and f*orc*e a smile across her lips. “And then I saw you. You were so little and cute,” she

laughed while tears rushed down her eyes.

“I couldn’t help but hold you tightly and protect you from the rain. Maybe it happened that night that I

developed this fear of losing you. It made me overprotective to the point that the only person hurting

you was me. I thought embedding fear in your heart would help you not get into dangerous situ- ations.

I messed up, but I couldn’t lose you.” She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. I was stunned

by her words.

“I knew what you were, so I had to visit a seer and beg her to help me. That b*itch screwed me over

and hid your wolf’s side instead of your dragon’s side. I just knew she wanted a dragon baby for

something. I had to hold you tight and run far away from all these crazy people. That’s when I ended up

always changing packs and leaving those who loved me be- hind. My first priority was you, and would

always remain you,” she finished, but was no longer crying anymore. Her face was slightly tilted and

her eyes stared lifelessly into space.

Title of the document

“I don’t know what to say.” I knew I had to say something to comfort her. “I am sorry that you went

through so much,” I added, but she only scoffed at herself.

“No! I am serious. You deserved the right to say no to those a*ssh*oles.” I held her hand and comforted

her, but she was burning with fever.

“You have a fever?” I asked, and she frowned.

“I feared I had lost you.” She slid her hand out from be- tween my hands and let out a sigh. “Bea! I

know you want to believe these alpha kings love you, but they hate the idea of a weredragon walking

among them. They will do anything to k*ill you, and I will die the day that happens,” she muttered at the

end, then started wailing angrily at me for putting myself in danger. “I gave birth in such conditions.

How could you not care for yourself?” she complained, crawling away from me and looking at me all

mad and upset.

“I didn’t know you went through so much,” I murmured in guilt. If only she had told me she had been

through so much, I would not have questioned her or gone against her.

However, that wouldn’t stop me from living my life. How- ever, I would need to take slow steps so that

my mother doesn’t get triggered.

“No! You don’t get it, Beatrice. See! Two days ago, when you crawled out of the bedroom. Maddox saw

you sneaking out of the mansion, and he followed you. I believed he lost your trail for some time, but he

found it again in the cabin with that boy; he lost it. And you know what is crazy?” She yammered,

making my heart skip a beat at the fact that she knew about the whole drama in the cabin.

“What?” I asked, taking a big gulp down my throat and be worried for Colt.

“He didn’t only find you with that boy, but he also told everyone that that the boy in the cabin is not even

a were- wolf,” she said, her eyes staring at my face for my reaction.

“Do you know what would have happened if Maddox hadn’t arrived in time?” She inquired, probably

thinking Colt had fooled me, just as Helel had.

I was watching her face with fear and terror. I didn’t care about my state anymore. I was concerned

about Colt. Why the heck did Maddox do that? Why didn’t he wait for me to wake up?

“Where is Co—-It?” I asked my mother, tears ready to leave my eyes, when she lowered her head and

let out a de- feated sigh.

Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

by Alexis Dee

Read Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee by Alexis Dee. Genre: Chinese

novels. Read the full novel online for free here at

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee novel full chapter story on Genres: Alpha,Billionaire…

Beatrice Mintz has feelings for Flynn Winchester, but on the first day Beatrice arrives at school she

is bullied by Flynn and made fun of in front of her classmates.

When Beatrice told her mother what happened and felt embarrassed going to school. Her mother

took Beatrice to her new stepfather’s mansion and met her new handsome stepbrothers, which

changed her life Beatrice,….

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