Novel Name : Mr. Ford Is Jealous

Mr. Ford Is Jealous Chapter 1253

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Chapter 1253Chapter 1253

The minute Stella walked up to him, the person beside Bradley nodded at her. She gave a brief greeting before turning and


“I’ll just say something and leave,” she hurriedly told Bradley.

“It’s fine,” said Bradley. “My work here is done anyway.”

Seeing this, Stella nodded and told him about her intentions.

Bradley took out a form and let her take a look at it. ” There should be a soft copy of this. We’ll send it to your email later. The

signal up here isn’t very good, but I’ve brought some professionals along with me. They’ll fix everything up, so you’ll be able to see

it soon, I’m sure.”

As the two talked, Stella noticed a tall and well–built figure walking towards them. She frowned and began to feel irritated.

It was Weston again. Couldn’t he see that they were busy here? Why was he always following her around? Did he never get tired

of doing this?

Just as she was about to suggest to Bradley that they talk somewhere else, she saw Weston stop in his tracks, and instead of

heading towards her, he stopped and chatted

with a producer.

The look on Stella’s face changed. She suddenly felt as if she’d been flattering herself all along.

Bradley noticed the changes in her expressions. A complicated look flashed across his face, but he said


Weston stood not far from them, looking as if he was in deep conversation with the producer. Seeing this, Stella retracted her gaze and just ignored him from then on. She then continued to discuss

her schedule with Bradley.

Soon, two more cars came halfway up the mountainside and parked near the tents. The doors opened,

and out

came two women.

Stella felt that one of them sounded very familiar. She looked over, and her eyes gleamed with a look of


It was Nicole Douglas.

She was wearing much fewer layers than everyone else there. Her thin coat made her look tall and

slender, but as soon as she got out of the car, she instantly went into a sneezing fit.

Stella looked away, still wondering what that woman was doing here.

Bradley noticed the newcomers and told Stella, “Those

are probably the last–minute additions to the crew.”

As soon as she got out of the car, all of Nicole’s attention turned to Weston Ford.

That man stood out so much, even though he stood in the middle of a group of old men clad in thick

layers of jackets. With a single glance, she easily spotted that handsome face of his, as if there was an

invisible wall

between him and other mere mortals.

For that reason, Nicole did not notice that Stella was there too. ((

“Excuse me!” Nicole heard someone behind her say. Mind moving aside? We’re trying to bring this equipment in!”

“I’m sorry,” she said, finally waking up from a daze.

She stepped aside to give way to the crew. When she turned to look at Weston again, she noticed him staring fixedly in a certain

direction, although she was unsure what he was looking at.

She pursed her lips. The air didn’t seem so cold anymore. She quickly pulled out a small mirror to fix her makeup and adjust her

clothes, then made sure that her smile did not look fake and stiff.

Having done all that, she slowly approached Weston and, with a sweet smile, chirped, “Mr. Ford, what a

coincidence! What are you doing here?”

Her timely interruption made the producer pause and glance at her before asking, “And you are…?”

“Hi, my name is Nicole Douglas. I’m an actress who came along with the crew.”

All the producer thought was how unfamiliar he found her name to be. He thought it was uncommonly bold of this unknown actress

to come up and strike up a

conversation with Weston Ford.

Could it be that they actually knew each other?

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