Novel Name : Vampire's Slice Of Life

Vampire's Slice Of Life Chapter 254: Lilith and Mayzin Bet

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As Ilyas heard these words, he felt a chill down his spine that he had never felt in ages. Warning alarms rang in his mind and it was practically screaming at him to run away right at this moment.However, Ilyas' body was not able to move even a single inch from its place and he could only await his fate while being in such a miserable state.Lilith gave Ilyas a look and waved her hand, making his body burst.Ilyas died right at this moment.…..Inside a cave.Rays of sunlight shone on a black box that lay on a stone platform inside the cave. The cave was pretty lifeless and quiet and seemed as if no one had visited it in hundreds of thousands of years.A few moments later, the black box trembled.The trembling was slow at first but gradually picked up pace and the box started shaking violently just a few seconds after.The box burst open, causing a bright radiance to spread throughout the dimly illuminated cave.Light converged together at the spot the box was in, into the shape of a burly figure.Soon, a man wearing a black cloth, like a towel, was visible.He was Ilyas.Ilyas' body shook as he recalled the scene moments before his death. He touched his face and body to check whether he really was alive or not."W-who… w-was i-it?" He stuttered and said.After many hundred thousand years, Ilyas came out of seclusion to stop the dragons from having another Supreme Rank, but he failed…. Miserably.Previously when he got news that the dragons were having a second supreme, he didn't place much importance on it as races were bound to have another person sooner or later.However, it had not even been a hundred thousand year and they were already having a third one, this wasn't acceptable. The power balance of the world would topple and that was something Ilyas could not accept.However…It was only now did Ilyas realize that the power balance of the world had already been toppled."M-monster!" Ilyas exclaimed as he realized this fact.The scene of him getting a hit from Lilith kept playing in his mind and even if he tried to forget it, he couldn't. It was too vivid.Ilyas took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. It had been so many years since someone made him be in such a condition, and him panicking and shivering was a natural instinct that still wasn't gone even after so many years. Follow current on

"If she had wanted to, she could've killed me. But she didn't. Why? And who was she?" Ilyas questioned himself as he sat on the stone platform and went deep into his own thoughts.…..Below a tall mountain.Mayzin was standing beside Lilith and looking at the crater formed in front of her, she asked out of curiosity, "why did you not fully kill him?"She could tell that Lilith had let him resurrect and that he wasn't really dead.Lilith smiled and said, "he's an important pawn for future events."Mayzin felt confused as she heard this. "Future events?"Lilith smiled and patted Mayzin's shoulder. She looked towards the peak of the tall mountain, and said,"Don't bother about it. It's nothing too important. Anyway, look at her, and witness the birth of another Supreme Rank."Mayzin looked towards the peak. Her gaze pierced the clouds that covered the mountain and fell on Arya who was sitting in a lotus position at the edge of the cliff, meditating.Mayzin turned her head back after a few seconds and asked Lilith, "you said something about Arya being your daughter-in-law previously, right? Did I hear it correctly?"Lilith nodded her head in approval. She smiled proudly and said, "can you believe it? My baby, he's not even an adult vampire, yet he was able to conquer one of the top dragons so easily."Mayzin had a surprised look on her face as she heard this. "Are you serious?"Lilith nodded. Her proud smile grew wider a second later and she boasted, "not only that, they even kissed."Mayzin facepalmed immediately after hearing this. This carefree lass who didn't give a fuck about anyone in the world, she was captured by an underaged vampire? Not to mention, how was this so fast? If she remembered correctly, it hasn't even been one season of the year and they already kissed too?"No need to be so surprised, he's my son after all." Lilith praised herself as well as Lith this time.This was a hidden side of her that not many got to see everyday. Her playful and cheery side which she only showed to her friends and family."Hai. Hai. Enough with the praises now. What are we supposed to do next?" Mayzin asked after agreeing with Lilith."We wait, what else can we do anyway? She should ascend within a few weeks. I'll stay here with you till that time. Lucy is busy with the governance and is out of Nightingale, the maids and butlers are with her and there's hardly anyone in the castle. It's really empty." Lilith sighed and said.Lucy sure was very busy nowadays with things related to the administration of the vampire society. She was acting as a queen in all sense and had it not been for her being only a King Rank, the substitute in her title would have already been taken from her.Mayzin nodded in understanding and said, "sure thing. But I don't think there's going to be any more trouble that may arise.""Don't jinx it, Mayzin." Lilith smiled and joked.Mayzin looked back at Arya and asked Lilith, "by the way, do you know how this girl was taken by Lith?""Oh, I am glad you asked… Fufufu." Lilith clapped her hand as she said this and chuckled. Follow current on

The ground below became a fresh grassy patch and on it was a round table and two chairs with tea utensils present on them."Have a seat, I'll let you know about everything." Lilith said and sat down on one of the chairs. Mayzin too sat down and waited for Lilith to speak.Lilith took a sip of tea and after putting down the cup, she looked at Mayzin and smirked. "Do you know Mayzin-chan, you should be a bit more careful around Lith."Mayzin didn't understand why Lilith changed topics so suddenly and putting her own teacup down, she asked curiously, "why do you say so?""Well, conquering the strong, ferocious, and prideful dragons is one of the greatest achievements in the world. It has been going on for ages, you know about it right?" The smirk on Lilith's face was gone and she instead put up a smile and asked Mayzin."Yes. Since the dawn of the late Primordial era, when creatures became sentient and civilization started, the dragons have been killed innumerable times for this thing. How can I not know?" Mayzin said, as a matter of fact.Lilith smiled and continued, "so stay on guard. My son can come for you anytime and conquer not just your heart, but spirit, body, mind, soul—everything of yours."Mayzin looked at Lilith in surprise. "Aren't you praising him too much? I understand that he may be the strongest of his generation, but is romance really his forte too? I can't possibly imagine myself falling for someone so young though."Mayzin put out her honest thoughts in front of Lilith.The two were best friends and hardly sugar coated anything while talking to each other. It was for this reason that Mayzin's words were so blunt.Lilith didn't mind such a blunt answer from Mayzin. She simply raised her eyebrows to tease her and said with a smirk, "you'll know soon."Mayzin nodded her head and said, "we'll see about that."Lilith put her hand out in front of Mayzin and said with the smirk still on her face, "wanna have a bet?""What bet?" Mayzin asked, a bit curious."Whether you're gonna fall for my son or not." Lilith said with no hesitation.Mayzin shrugged and said, "sure. It's not like it'll happen in the future anyway. I can't really imagine a Supreme Rank, a ruler of one of the world's biggest and strongest races, would fall for such a young person. What would be my image when people see me dating your son? I'll be called shotacon and what not."Mayzin then shook her head and continued, "yeah, I am one hundred percent sure, I am not gonna fall for him. Alright, let's bet. I'll kick your butt and laugh at you the day you lose."She chuckled after finishing and was very sure that she wouldn't fall for such a young guy.Dragons will be dragons, no matter the bottom most ones or the ones at the top of the food chain.Mayzin's prideful nature was kicking in at this time and she did so subconsciously. It was an innate nature, she really couldn't control it fully.Lilith chuckled too but didn't say anything to her. It was better to keep quiet now, as the future sure would be fun."Alright, let's bet then. What do you want me to do if Lith really doesn't conquer you?" Lilith asked the important question.Mayzin thought for a bit and shrugged. "No idea. Maybe… uhh… how about you do any one thing that I ask of you? A simple request and a pretty generic one." Follow current on

Lilith nodded in agreement. "Alright.""Now, if Lith really does conquer you, and you lose the bet, I want you to…"Lilith paused and smiled evilly while looking at Mayzin.Mayzin felt confused as to why she was smiling like that and asked, "to what?"Lilith chuckled and continued,"I want you to… Twerk."...…..A/N:I am so very grateful for your kind comments and well wishes.I've learnt from it and I'll, from now on, write what I want and what I like.If I feel a Yuri scene would make the story or chapter better, I'll write a Yuri scene.So lads, buckle up, because Elf Oyakodon is on!And another thing that I'd like to say,Fuck you, readers.The above mentioned sentence was for those ones who bullied me into changing things in the novel, not for everyone else :)Anywho, I love you all(some being exceptions) from the bottom of my heart and I promise to give you quality content with each coming chapter.The novel will contain, from here and in the future:Lots of Slice of Life.Lots of smut.Lots of faceslapping.Lots of wholesome fluffy moments.Lots of milk, milf, as well as milkers.Lots of culture and lots of fun!Stay tuned :)

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