Novel Name : Second World

Second World Chapter 977 977. The Tiger God

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Chapter 977 977. The Tiger God

In the Khan region filled with mountains and forests, Domon, Leavemealone, and their two cat-folk escorts came out of a forest and into a valley. The walls of the valley had structures built on them. They were like small houses built on top of one another along the cliffs. These structures went as far as they could see. The valleys and hills were packed with them as if these hills had been artificially constructed landscapes.

The only place untouched was the tall and steep mountain at the center. That mountain was Mount Tigra. The large and unusual dwellings around it were the Popoki Village, where the cat folks resided.

Two cat-folk guards watched from atop the hills at the entrance to the valley. They recognized these four who approached. One of these guards blew a strange-looking horn that produced a strange-sounding toot. Some commotion could be heard in the direction of the Popoki Village after the sound of the horn.

The four walked into the valley and soon came to a winding road that navigated the uneven terrain of the village. Many of the cat folks came out of their houses to look at the foreigners who had come to visit. Some of them had already seen Domon and Leavemealone during their past visits. They waved their hands at the two. Domon waved back while Leavemealone gave a nod as acknowledgment.

"Master!" Mohmed came and greeted Domon. He stayed in this village and trained nearby to increase his levels when he was not called by Domon.

"Mohmed, have you been training well?" Domon asked.

"I never skip my daily training," Mohmed answered.

"Good. Come! They said the rite-takers are allowed to bring their native companions, which means you can join us in the rite. Unless, of course, you don't want to. I won't impose."

"I will be glad to stand by your side, master," Mohmed said. Domon nodded and clapped Mohmed's shoulder.

The five continued until they reached a house that seemed to be the largest in that village. This house directly rested its back on the wall that was part of the foot of Mount Tigra. An elderly cat folk with an intricate robe had been waiting for them outside this house. Behind him, a row of cat folks in armor stood side by side.

"Father!" Ihhi ran forward and hugged the elder cat folk. He was Ariki, the headman of the Popoki Village.

Ariki tapped Ihhi's back softly in the hug. He then released Ihhi and gestured for her to stand to the side.

Wehi came forward then. "Brother, I have brought the bearer of the White Tiger Emperor here," he said.

"Good work, brother. I'm sorry for the trouble," Ariki returned. He then turned to Leavemealone and asked, "I believe you have heard from Wehi about the problem we are facing?"

"I have," Leavemealone replied.

"Good. Then we don't need to waste…"

Ariki's words were cut when a large rumbling was heard from the tall mountain behind them. There was even a small earthquake. Small rocks rolled down the mountain as the trembling continued. Some cracks appeared on the houses due to the shaking. Many of the cat folks, who came out of their houses and followed Domon and Leavemealone, cowered to the side when the rumbling was heard. They all wore frightened expressions.

The rumbling and earthquake lasted for some time before everything was calm again.

"… It seems that we don't have much time," Ariki said after the rumbling stopped. "It happens more frequently and is longer now. I fear we only have a few days before Mount Tigra fully becomes volcanic."

"Then let's start the rite immediately," Domon said. "Does it take long to do the preparation?"

"It is already prepared. We can begin at once. But although I want you to just take the rite immediately, I must tell you that the rite is very dangerous. The possibility of you losing your life is high. Are you two ready?"

Domon turned to Leavemealone, who nodded. "Let's do it."

"Good!" Ariki said. A glad relief was seen in his expression. "Follow me."

He turned and started walking. The cat folks in armor behind him also turned and moved ahead of him. Leavemealone and the others followed behind. They walked a few more of the winding and climbing roads until they reached a large cave that went into Mount Tigra.

The armored cat folks didn't enter the cave. They lined up the two sides to the entrance of the cave and ushered the others to enter. Ariki led Leavemealone and the others into the cave.

"Tapu has been waiting inside," Ariki informed. Tapu was the head shaman of the village.

The cave walls had structures supporting them, giving the tunnel a safer appearance, but Domon could see some of those supports were cracked or even broken. Perhaps due to the repeated earthquake.

The tunnel was quite long. It went deep into the mountain. They walked for quite some time before they came out into a large hall with an altar and a giant tiger sculpture at the center. Rune diagrams filled the floor, walls, and ceiling of this hall.

An elderly woman cat folk was before the altar. She was kneeling in a worshipping pose.

"Tapu, the bearer of the White Tiger Emperor is here," Ariki announced.

The head shaman, Tapu, rose and turned to the group. Her eyes lingered on Leavemealone for a while before she said, "Let's begin. We don't have much time. We will probably only have until tomorrow."

"So soon?!" Ariki said with surprise.

Tapu nodded. "I still can't speak with the Tiger God, but the other lesser spirits I communicated with mentioned that the Tiger God's effort to suppress the ancient spirit has been failing. We need to do this rite now!"

"Tell us what we need to do," Domon said.

"Stand before the Tiger God statue," Tapu said. "I will do the rest."

Domon and Leavemealone complied. They headed over and stood before the statue. Mohmed stood behind Domon.fr𝚎e𝒘ℯ𝗯𝗻𝗼ν𝑒𝗹.𝒄om

"I… I want to do the rite as well!" Ihhi suddenly exclaimed.

"Daughter, no!" Ariki uttered.

"Even if I permit it, you still can't," Tapu said. "The rite only allows the bearer of the White Tiger Emperor, his one outworlder friend, and their companions. Only these three can enter the rite."

"Then… Then I will be Leavemealone's companion!" Ihhi declared.

They all turned to her in consternation.

"No, daughter! The rite is too dangerous. Why do you insist? Also, binding yourself to an outworlder will mean losing your freedom. There is no need for you to put yourself in the line."

"There is!" Ihhi exclaimed. "Ever since I am appointed as one of the protectors of this village. There has been little I have done to truly protect the village. Now, when the village is at its most dire, how can I just stay back and do nothing? It's my job to join the rite and increase its success chance!"

"If that is your reason, then it should be me that join the rite," Wehi said. "I am the chief protector. The safety of the village come under my responsibility!"

"You are the chief protector so you can't let yourself be bound to an outworlder, but I can!" Ihhi uttered. She then turned to his father. "Father. Let me do this!"

Ariki was unable to say anything. He didn't expect his daughter to be so resolute with her role as a protector. He was proud of her passion and sense of responsibility, but at the same time, she also worried for her safety if she joined the rite. He was torn between the role of a headman and a father.

Ariki felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at Tapu. "Your daughter has grown," she said. "She will make a fine headwoman one day."

Ariki heaved a long sigh. He could only simply say, "All right… Be careful."

Ihhi went to Leavemealone and said, "Let me be your companion."

Leavemealone didn't mind Ihhi as a companion. Although she was only level 52, she was a rare elite grade. Leavemealone had also seen her fight in the past. She was a ferocious warrior. But he didn't want to offend Ariki. His eyes turned to the headman. There was still worry in Ariki's eyes, but there was also approval.

So, Leavemealone said, "Okay, but I don't have a binding stone."

"I have," Tapu said. She gave the binding stone to Ihhi.

Ihhi performed the ritual without delay. After she was done, she gave her companion stone to Leavemealone, who sealed the contract. She was now a formal companion to Leavemealone.

The four stood before the tiger statue. Tapu started performing the ritual to begin the rite. The rune diagrams around the hall flared. As they did, the giant statue in front suddenly burst with white flame. This white flame converged and formed a huge white flaming tiger. This tiger image was so big it could fill up the entire hall.

The tiger formed by white flames now stared down at Leavemealone.

Leavemealone noticed that the others had frozen, as if time had stopped for them. Only he and the tiger image above were still moving.

Carnelia, his fairy companion, who had been hiding inside her hidden dimension, came out and made a kneeling pose in the air. She wasn't affected by the time stop.

"Bearer of the White Tiger Emperor, you've come," A powerful voice echoed inside Leavemealone's head.

"Tiger God!" Leavemealone exclaimed. He recognized the voice. It was the one who had guided him when he went on the trial to get the White Tiger Emperor's beast form. But he had never laid eyes on the Tiger God in the past, only his voice.

"It's good that you've come at this time. I fear I might not be able to hold my other self for much longer."

"Your other self?" Leavemealone asked.

"The ancient spirit that slumbered within this mountain is my other self. The sinister half that I cast aside and sealed inside this mountain when I ascended to Godhood. You are going to help me drive him back."

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