Novel Name : Rise Of The Demon God

Rise Of The Demon God Chapter 1455 1455

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Chapter 1455 1455

Long Chen didn’t directly attack the Rainbow Phoenix since he wanted to see her strength first. Just like she used the puppets to gauge his strength, he wanted to do it to see hers.

The rainbow phoenix rolled her eyes. She could only smile in response as she found Long Chen too naive.

”You aren’t too clever, are you? You think a few puppets could even make me stand?” she asked.

She casually clapped her hand once. Following her clap, five golden arrows appeared around her. All five of them stabbed through the chest of the five puppets.

As soon as the arrows stabbed them, seven-colored fire spurred from the arrow. The fire engulfed the puppets completely. Within seconds, the fire disappeared just as fast as it appeared. Unfortunately, nothing was left in its wake.

None of the statues were left standing.

Long Chen looked at the woman, slightly surprised. She was very fast, and her fire was very powerful.

The statues that he was only able to destroy because of the Sword of Time were destroyed by her so easily with a causal arrow? The fire didn’t leave anything behind.

Even though he was intimidated by the fire, he had more faith in his Sword of Time to block the fire if the need came.

His faith in the sword of time was further boosted by the reaction of the woman when she first saw the sword. He was sure that the Sword of Time was very special.

Her reaction made him assured that the Sword of Time was at least capable of taking on the Rainbow Phoenix. She wasn’t going to give that reaction if the sword wasn’t at least on the same level as hers.

That was also a bit surprising for him since he usually thought that the Sword of Time was an ordinary God Grade Sword, but if that was true, the sword should’ve been on the same level as the weapons of a God Beast, which shouldn’t have been of concern to an Origin Beast.

”I guess only you and me are left now?” Long Chen asked. He aimed his sword towards the Rainbow Phoenix. “Shall we start now?”

”So you really want to fight me even now? I don’t know if you are underestimating me more or overestimating yourself more.” The woman smiled.

”Maybe a little bit of both?” Long Chen responded. “Even I’m not sure if I can actually defeat you, but if that’s what’s needed for me to get out of here, I’m prepared.”

”You might be, but I still don’t think you’ve won the right to face me yet,” the woman said. She turned to Xue Min on her other side.

”What did you say your name was?” she asked.

”Xie Min, my lady.”

”Xue Min, you said you were from the proud Phoenix Species? You wanted me to stay in your realm? I can only do that if you prove your species is worthy of hosting me. Can you prove it?”

”What do I have to do to prove it?” Xue Min asked, visibly confused. She was wondering if the Rainbow Phoenix was going to ask her to capture the man? Was she going to be used as a puppet?”

”Normally, she wasn’t scared of humans, but the human before her was somehow confident enough to face the Rainbow Phoenix alone?

She didn’t know who Long Chen was or how he got here, but he didn’t seem ordinary. He knew a lot about the Rainbow Phoenix. Moreover, the beast on his shoulder was also someone special from what she could grasp.

Through the words of the Rainbow Phoenix, she understood that the one on Long Chen’s shoulder was an Origin Beast as well, the second origin beast.

In other words, it wasn’t just one Origin Beast who had returned but two. And the human was someone who established a contract with one of them?

Her assumptions turned out to be true as the Rainbow Phoenix spoke her next words.

”Go and face him. If you can bring the human to his knees before me, you’ll prove that your clan is worth my attention.”


”Why? You think you can’t do it? You talked so big before. How are you scared now?”

”I’m not scared.”

”Don’t worry; he is just a human at the end of it… A human with a powerful sword. If you’re really capable, you should succeed.”

”I will!” Xue Min nodded her head. She took a step forward.

”You must be the Phoenix who came here for exploration? Is it my luck or what? Just as I was looking for some Phoenix Blood, you came to fight me? Now I won’t even need to bother with a trade.”

”I don’t know who you are. And I’m sure you are strong. But I must defeat you today if I want to succeed in bringing an Origin Beast back to my clan. Only with this success will I prove myself to the clan and be promoted to the position of the clan heir.”

”Promoted? I think the future might be a bit different than you’re imagining. Let me tell you what’s really going to happen.”

”You are going to attack me. And I’ll have to kill you so you can’t create trouble for me in the future by setting your clan after me. And then, the woman behind you won’t go to your clan either because she’ll be the next.”

”Did somebody ever tell you that you talk too much?” The Rainbow Phoenix asked lazily. “Stop wasting the time.”

”Didn’t you talk just as much as me?” Long Chen asked in return. “And if you’re so concerned about time, why are you wasting time by sending everyone except coming yourself?”

”That will happen as well if you manage to survive till the end,” the Rainbow Phoenix said.

”You know, I think you’re lying. You are pretending like you’re making me fight just for your entertainment. But if I’m not wrong, you’re doubtful if you can even defeat me. You act like you’re strong, but even you’re not sure about my true Strength at the moment.”

”The reason you’re making me fight is to test my abilities and to get me tired before facing me. Am I right?”

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