Novel Name : Dragon Ball God Mu

Dragon Ball God Mu Chapter 523

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Chapter 523

“This immature voice…”

Lord Beerus’ mind buzzed and he felt a chill down his spine. However, he quickly reacted, “It’s not Lord Zeno’s voice.”

As Lord Beerus was in a daze, Whis’ body floated up and he bent down slightly in a direction. “Angel Universe 7, greetings to Lord Chronoa’s arrival.”


The pleasant voice sounded again. Muyang looked to the side in surprise. He saw a cluster of colorful light shining more than three hundred meters from the ground. A little girl with orange hair appeared with a huge golden scroll on her back.

This little girl looked to be about seven or eight years old. Her purple robe was messily draped, revealing the pink skin on her shoulders and golden earrings.

“Whis just called her ‘–“

Muyang guessed the identity of the little girl in front of him. She suddenly smiled at him at this time, which shocked Muyang to quickly withdraw his gaze.

Supreme Kai chuckled and landed in front of Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction. Her tender face looked at Lord Beerus and said seriously, “The God of Destruction, Beerus, did you want to use your destructive ability just now?”

The infinite pressure crushed over. Lord Beerus moved his throat and his pupils shrank. He felt a great pressure.

“What kind of god is this little girl? She actually gives me the feeling of facing Zeno.” Lord Beerus was sweating and hurriedly said, “This god absolutely does not have such thoughts.”

“Hehe, Lord Beerus also has times when he is afraid.”

Whis came to Lord Beerus with a smile on his face and joked. Lord Beerus glared at Whis angrily and asked in a low voice, “Whis, who is this person? He seems to be very powerful!”

Whis glanced at him and explained, “This is the Supreme Kai of Time who is in charge of multiple dimensions, Lord Chronoa. He is in charge of maintaining the stability of multiple dimensions.”

“So it was only Supreme Kai. When did such a Supreme Kai appear in the universe? How could I not know?”

When Lord Beerus heard that the other party was only Supreme Kai, he immediately puffed out his chest. Although Supreme Kai and the God of Destruction had always been at the same level, in terms of status, the God of Destruction was still a little higher.

“Lord Beerus must not neglect Lord Chronoa,” Whis warned.

This lord’s honor is not inferior to Lord Zeno at all.

“What do you mean?” Lord Beerus was shocked.

“Lord Zeno is the supreme god in charge of the universe space. He is the supreme god in the universe. Although Lord Chronoa is only Supreme Kai in name, she is a god in charge of multiple space-time. She is extremely skilled in space-time. If Lord Beerus offends Lord Chronoa she only needs to move her fingers and she can kill Lord Lord Beerus, who was a child, in the timeline.”

“This is true obliteration. It won’t produce a parallel world.” Speaking of this, Whis’ tone was very strict.

“It can’t be, right?” The God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, had a puzzled look on his face.

“If Lord Lord Beerus doesn’t believe me, you can give it a try. But before that, please allow me to find your successor first.”

“Whis, don’t talk nonsense.”

Suddenly, he shivered. Lord Beerus looked at Supreme Kai’s tender appearance. For some reason, his mind matched the image of Zeno. They all looked like children. They all held supreme power. It was better to avoid offending such a god.

“Hehe, Mr. Whis, don’t scare Lord Beerus. I won’t be as moody as Lord Zeno. The responsibility of destroying a god is very heavy. If I casually kill a god of destruction, it will increase my workload.”

With a faint smile, Lord Chronoa’s tone was very calm.

In other words, she did have the ability to kill the god of destruction on the timeline.

Lord Beerus’ expression immediately became ugly. This child was definitely not inferior to Zeno.

“Muyang, I have observed you for a long time. When Pitou and Noether reported to me, I found that there was a person like you in the multidimensional space. I specifically checked all the space-time and found that only the ‘Muyang’ in Multiverse 3 is a special existence.”

The Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, looked at Muyang and said calmly.

Muyang’s face was cold. It seemed that his identity had been seen through by this Supreme Kai of Time in front of him. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the other party wave his hand at him. A gentle energy entered his body. The energy that was almost exhausted because of the battle with Lord Beerus suddenly recovered.

“This is the energy extracted from the timeline. It won’t cause any harm to your body.”

Chronoa continued, “Don’t worry. As long as you don’t disrupt time and space, I won’t ask about your matters. I only thought that you were very interesting, but since you made a wish to the Super Shenron to obtain the ability to communicate with the world, I focused on observing you. That’s why I specially asked Mr. Whis to arrange this test.”

Muyang looked at Whis doubtfully, only to see him nod with a smile.

At this time, he suddenly understood that Whis and Lord Beerus had suddenly come to Earth because they had been entrusted by Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa.

At this time, Lord Beerus fiercely glared at Whis, “Whis, what exactly is going on?” It turned out that he had inadvertently been used as a tool for orders.

Whis shrugged, and the expression on his face did not change at all. “Lord Beerus, this is Lord Ku Luonuo’s order. I can’t refuse it!”

In any case, you can at least tell me in advance… Beerus had an unhappy look on his face. He thought about how if he had gone too far just now, he might not even be able to protect himself now.

“Lord Chronoa, what is the purpose of you asking Whis to arrange the test?”

Muyang looked at Chronoa with a bright and piercing gaze. Seeing that the other party did not pursue his identity, he asked further.

“Your Acceleration World has a lot of potential, and his future growth is limitless. Now that he has the ability to shuttle through multiple layers of space, I want to ask if you are willing to join my Time Patrol.”

“Become a patrol like Pitou and Noether??”

Muyang was stunned and asked in surprise.

“Yes, you have reached the standard of being a time and space patrol. I can give you the ability to shuttle through multiple layers of space and time. This is also a promotion for your Acceleration World.”

“And I think you need a protection. After all, not all gods care about the world under their jurisdiction like Zeno. Outside the multiverse, there are more high-level gods. Unless you never leave the universe, you will meet them sooner or later. Red King and Sky King are not as easy to talk to as the king.”

“How about it, do you want to become a member of the space-time patrol?”

Red King and Sky King, this was a very strange name. Muyang suddenly found that there were many secrets hidden in this world of the Dragon Ball.

After careful consideration for a moment, he found that becoming a Time Patrol had no harm to him, so he raised his head and said to Supreme Kai of the time, Chronoa, “Thank you Lord Chronoa I am willing to join the Time Patrol.”

“Hehe, you definitely won’t regret it.” Chronoa smiled.

After saying that, Supreme Kai took off the huge golden scroll on his back with great difficulty. Then, he held the scroll with a solemn expression and slowly opened it. Suddenly, a golden light shone down from outside the universe. Supreme Kai, Chronoa, had a solemn expression on her face, but her young body began to change in the eyes of everyone.

Her slender body grew up like crazy as if she had been injected with hormones. She slowly changed from a loli to a young girl. Her orange hair began to grow longer and soon reached her waist.

The divine robe on her body began to change. The blue top and trousers became gold. The divine robe of Supreme Kai outside became pure and flawless white. The edge of the divine robe was inlaid with golden stripes, looking holy and elegant.

Supreme Kai of Time changed her appearance.

Muyang was shocked.

Was this still the Supreme Kai of Time from before? He had completely changed his appearance.

White divine robes, golden radiance, a pair of golden eyes full of majesty. As she moved, the surrounding space and time continuously shattered and reformed.

Whis immediately bowed respectfully to the girl, “Greetings, Supreme Kai of Time!”

“Isn’t it Supreme Kai of Time?” Muyang looked at the greatly changed Chronoa, but also unconsciously stood together with Whis.

At this time, the God of Destruction Beerus was already dripping with sweat. This feeling was right, only the Grand Minister and Zeno had it. This was the highest god, and the supreme perfection should not appear in the mortal world.

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