Novel Name : Epic Of Caterpillar

Epic Of Caterpillar Chapter 514 - The Gods Of The System

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Chapter 514 - The Gods Of The System


Time rewinds itself a few minutes in the past.

In a distant and unknown Divine Realm, far away from any Mortal Realm, many gods gathered.

Their appearances were almost identical, resembling humanoid figures made out of pure white light.

However, to differentiate from each other, they had a slight characteristic, such as the robes they wore.

Those of higher status than the rest wore large and white robes, with different and strong colors each. While those of lower position wore paler colors.

They were all silently floating over a world that seemed to be made entirely out of pure glass and an endless crystalline sea.

Looking further into this glass, numbers, stats, percentages, and many other things showed themselves.

The crystalline sea was filled with digits of many numbers as well, words, system windows, and many computational interfaces.

The gods silently and peacefully floated in this glass and water world.

Although they seemed to be doing nothing but float, they were working diligently without stopping for a second to rest.

These were the gods of Genesis' System, children of the System Master. Often called the 'System or Status Gods'.

They were created as artificial intelligence lacking emotions and ego thousands of years ago by the System Master, dividing his Divine Soul.

Such gods could be considered as the System Master's children, though he did not treat them like that, and barely talked with them if even.

They were simply tools, each one was a computer for him, to facilitate the administration of the System.

Because each of these Gods Divinities was related to an aspect of the System itself and nothing else, they were exceptional in that field, administrating the system like no one else could aside from their father.

They also worked as a pillar for the system to maintain itself without the System Master having to do everything.

However, through their long lives, they slowly developed greater sentience, emotions, and ego.

But because they were confined in this space, they could not really evolve it and often did not seem to talk nor interact at all.

Even after developing personalities, they were very mild. Interactions between siblings were nonexistent.

The last time they spoke to each other was when they were given the task by the System Master to create children, by dividing a piece of their Divine Soul, which had grown rather strong since they were born, they created children, so they could receive the help from them to maintain the ever-expanding Status System.

But even to their children, they did not speak much. Only teaching the basics and then falling into deep silence for many years, maintain the system.

Their consciousness was completely endorsed into this task, no matter how much they developed emotions or personalities, even that was very mild for it to be interrupted.

Their father, the System Master, would often check on them and make sure that there was not anything weird with them going on.

The last time he checked was one thousand years ago. The System Master was capable of manipulating the System whenever he was, so there was no necessity of entering this Divine Realm to manipulate it.

For many years, things had been peaceful for them, and no errors had shown up.

But this changed this year.

Many strange 'reincarnated' souls were forcibly put into the System by the System Master. Amongst many of them, there was one that grew at an exceptional pace, Kireina.

At first, the gods thought that it was not anything new, many beings had developed as fast as her but usually hit a progression wall soon enough.

But that did not happen.

Kireina kept growing and growing.

She took a break of one or two days, and then she would keep growing and growing.

Not even a year for a break, not even a whole week, she kept developing endlessly as she continued living.

Soon enough, their curiosity got the better of them and they became interested in Kireina.

Unknowingly, they slowly began to be… enlightened by her.

In their mild, computer-like minds, they had never been so interested in anyone ever in their whole and long lives.

But Kireina fascinated them.

Her endless growth was outstanding, something that was never seen before, not even in all the Realms.

Although there were many living beings stronger than her in many of the Realms, none of them ever took so little to become as strong as her.

Although they attributed this due to the blessing that their Father, the System Master, gave to her, they also understood that Kireina did not get everything from that blessing.

There was something inherently fascinating about her personality, life, and moral codes. Despite her appearance, she had an incredibly complex personality with many facets and alter egos of herself.

How could someone develop so fast without even getting tired of it? How could someone not even take a year for a break? How could someone be so fast and decisive in everything?

Although these traits were common for Kireina and something she learned from her parents, it seems that such nature was unique in Genesis.

She was just being hyperactive due to being overly cautious and also largely due to her own insecurities.

But it seems that this made her look like someone immensely talented that did many things at once, and worked immensely hard to grow immensely fast like anything ever before.

The System Gods were fascinated but at the same time troubled.

Due to her unique nature, she unlocked various System features that weren't ready yet, such as the Kingdom System and the Dungeon System, mostly because she was given the ability to do so through the blessing of the System Master, their father.

"Someone blessed by our father, such splendor," they thought.

In their fascination, they worked faster to serve her, fixing many of the errors she caused due to her large talents and powers, while also working harder to give her skills and classes fitting her capabilities.

And the breaking point for them was when… she gathered over 9999 Classes and made the whole System overload.

For once in their lifetimes, the System Gods broke their silence.

"This… does not compute," said the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points. None of the System Gods possessed a name.

After seeing their sibling speak, the rest of the System Gods glanced at him.

"A problem? A bug? Can I fix it? Let me fix" said a smaller figure, the Demigod of Bug Fixing.

He was a special Demigod born from one of the Gods, he was given a divinity related to fixing bugs within the System and he worked as the main cleaner of any error that could appear, alongside the Demigod of Antivirus.

"Yes, please," said the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points, as he let the Demigod of Bug Fixing check on his window.

All gods in here looked the same, as humanoid figures made out of white light. However, Demigods were a bit smaller in height.

"This is complicated," said the Demigod of Bug Fixing, he would barely have any problems fixing any kind of bug, it was his divinity after all.

"Virus? Did you detect a Virus inserted by another authority?" asked the Demigod of Antivirus.

He was the sibling of the Demigod of Bug Fixing and were always together fixing anything that could happen to the System.

However, even after the two put their powers into the System, it kept being overloaded.

"What is happening?" asked the God of Levels and Experience Points. He was always worried about others, despite never talking.

"Problem… I cannot fix" said the Demigod of Bug Fixes.

"How can we fix?" asked the Demigod of Antiviruses.

The God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points began to put more of his intent into the System, even considering increased the cap of how many classes could be unlocked… but it seemed impossible.

As long as Kireina existed, she would keep unlocking Classes. And just recently due to having eaten Apollo, she became even more talented in many other things. She was even unlocking the Classes of Heroes that have not been born yet.

"This is problematic," said the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points, cleaning the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Brother let us assist you," said the God of Stats.

"If it is for her, we should be able to do something," said the God of Skills and Spells.

"It was hard when I tried, but I managed to give her something fitting, let us help you do the same for Classes," said the God of Evolution.

"I did the same, so let me help you," said the God of Titles.

"It is indeed very hard, but you are not alone," said the God of Dropped Items and Rewards.

"Giving a proper Task is hard, but it is also giving a proper Class," said the God of Tasks and Quests.

Alongside the main system gods, many other smaller demigods gathered together. Such as the Demigod of Skill Effects, the Demigod of Titles Effects, the Demigod of Blessing Effects, the Demigod of Curses Effects, the Demigod of Strength Stat, the Demigod of Defense Stat, and so on.

There was even the Demigod of System Information, which gathered the information acquired by the users of the System.

The Demigod of System Information was the one that helped the most, as it gave the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points, a lot of ideas about what Kireina could get as new Classes more fitting for her.

"But how can we put them and make the other Classes disappear?"

"I think we can do something about it," said the God of Skills and Spells.

"We did it before with her skills, when she merged them so much, we automatically generated new skills for her," said the Demigod of Skill Effects.

"Let me assist you," said the Demigod of Class Effects.

"And me… let us gather our powers, siblings, and fathers," said the Demigod of Subclass Effects.

Although there was not a 'Demigod of Skill Merges' or a 'Demigod of Class Merges' the gods began to consider creating one.

"Should we create a new sibling and son so we can assist her better?" asked the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points.

"But the great father is not here, shouldn't we ask him first?" asked the God of Levels and Experience Points.

"He might have created us, but he does not have authority over us, we are independent," said the God of Classes, Subclasses, and Skill Points.

"I find… no mistake in our sibling words," said the God of Stats.

"Are you sure?" asked the God of Levels and Experience Points.

"Yes. It is not like our great father does not have a small fixation on her either. I doubt he will disagree with our decision, maybe," said the God of Skills and Spells.

The rest of the gods nodded together and no more words were said, dead silence fell upon their Divine Realm as they all gathered in a circle, each one of them gave a small piece of their soul and generated a new God in the same fashion they had done before.

However, this time, this god was made by a piece of all of them, even Demigods.

A new existence was born, it had a size similar to a Demigod, so it was a Demigod.

"I am born," it said, nonchalantly and with a computer voice.

"We welcome you, sibling and son," said the rest of the gods at the same time.

"You will be… the Demigod of Skills, Titles, and Classes Merge," said every god at the same time, as if they had become the same entity.

"I am the Demigod of Skills, Titles and Classes Merge, got it," said the new Demigod… he seemed to have a freer personality than the rest.

"He seems odd?" asked one of the Demigods.

"It is odd, but not bad. He seems to be more expressive" said another Demigod.

"I am expressive? That's nice" said the new Demigod.

After a bit of interaction that only lasted a few seconds in the outside world, the gods gathered once again with their new sibling and son and began to finally fix Kireina's problem once and for all.

Using the help of the Demigod of System Information and the Demigod of Skills, Titles and Classes Merge, the massive amount of Classes that Kireina had unlocked were successfully reduced to around fifty.

What they did was merge the classes and their capabilities, while using the information given by the Demigod of System Information about Kireina's Earth and everything she had ever talked about or thought, and even the information about Earth deep within the mind of her alter egos, slime clones, and many others.

Such power would be immensely dangerous in the wrong hands, but these Gods only desired the best for Kireina, the one they were fascinated with.

They created many odd-sounding Classes that had never appeared before, such as 'Uroboros' and the like, but they all agreed that they were the best Classes that represented Kireina's talents and powers, and were the only ones fitting her capabilities.

"We did it," said the gods.

Due to Kireina, they were forced to interact and cooperate more, deepening their bonds for the first time since they were born.

They felt strange… it was as if they were slowly becoming more complex persons, with their own ideas and personalities slowly shaping.

They were all tired but rather happy.

However, they were still bad at talking, so everything was dead silent.

They went silent until yet another day when Kireina would require their help once again.


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