Novel Name : Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star Chapter 1009: 50,000 Years Wandering in the Universe

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Chapter 1009: 50,000 Years Wandering in the Universe

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Luo Feng's Mosha body went to a remote territory of the universe through God Country Transportation of his undying slaves. He then started to wander through the universe.

The universe was resplendent and mysterious. Luo Feng saw a planet made up entirely of platinum. He witnessed a peculiar scene involving 108 associated stars and toured each one of them. He slept on a neutron star. He even discovered a valuable left by an undying fighter. Of course, he didn't care about it. He also tried to investigate a black hole, yet when he went too deep into it, he felt a tearing power so strong that even the undying Mosha body couldn't bear it. The space ripple was completely destroyed. Thus, he wasn't able to transport himself and flee. Fortunately, he escaped the core of the black hole with his Domain talent technique. Sometimes, he would just lie on a meteorite and float through the universe.

Luo Feng also went stealthily to the territories of other races, as Mosha body could replicate the shapes and auras of other races. Luo Feng passed by like a tourist, observing the environments and the emotions of the other races.

These experiences while wandering the universe granted Luo Feng renewed inspiration. The past 30,000 years of meditation had barely improved his willpower, whereas wandering in the universe made his willpower evolve naturally.

In the past, all I knew was to fight—to kill and to become stronger! thought Luo Feng. But there is so much beauty in the universe. The other races' cultures have their own unique charms, even if they are different from mine. These cultures have survived for eons. They all deserve appreciation. Each time I comprehend the culture of another race, it transforms my soul.

Half of Luo Feng's mind was taking in the wonders of the universe while the other half was practicing. This mental partition was actually much more efficient. In the past, he could only derive inspiration from looking at the Beast God Sculpture, but he now found that there were universe origin laws everywhere in the universe, like the birth, growth, and annihilation of a star. All the grasses, beasts, and rivers contained universe laws. The processes present in planetary environments were miniature versions of the processes of the universe as a whole.

Sometimes, Luo Feng got so much inspiration that he made one breakthrough after another! Other times, he would constantly be defeated by the same competitor, but he chose to remain tranquil. After wandering in the universe for a long time, Luo Feng's state of mind gradually merged with the universe. Without even realizing it, his competitor would be defeated.


In a remote territory of the universe, on a life planet in the prison race territory, near the six pinnacle races.

In the space surrounding the planet flew a 1,000-foot-long giant creature with 18 claws. He had scales all over his body, and his head appeared to be made of metal. There were golden flames in his eyes. This life planet was facing a catastrophe. Undying power spread and enveloped the planet; the entire planet was under his control.

"Haha!" the creature roared. "Creeping bugs! Bow to the great Shadow Emperor. From today on, this planet will belong to Shadow Emperor, and all you creeping, crawly bugs must answer to the great Shadow Emperor. If anyone dares to defy him, we will kill you!"

On the planet lived more than ten different races and millions of creatures. The weakest of them were at the star-traveler level. There were even dozens of sector lords.

"Shadow Emperor!" they cried.

"Shadow Emperor has advanced his territory to our planet. And the leader of his army is the goddamn undying fighter known as You Tuo Wa… Damn You Tuo Wa!"

Luo Feng, watching from a distance, transformed his Mosha body into a sector lord of this race.

"Interesting," he said. He looked up and saw the undying fighter in outer space. "The prison race is so unique. Instead of stopping their subsidiary races from killing each other, they intensified it, resulting in widespread slaughter."

In the past 50,000 years of wandering in the universe, Luo Feng had visited the territories of the crystal race and the prison race to study them. The six pinnacle races in the universe lived around the center of the universe, while crystal race and prison race lived in remote areas. All the creatures born in the peculiar region known as "Prison" would be considered members of the prison race.

The seniors within the prison race had no limits to the subsidiary races. Under the rule of the prison race, one slaughter after another occurred within those subsidiary races. Some were totally annihilated. However, some great beings would be born in the midst of such massacres, and those great beings were admitted by the prison race.

The crystal race behaved completely opposite to prison race. All the creatures within the crystal race were of the same clan, and they stuck together; the bond within crystal race was stronger even than the automaton race. Sometimes, some great beings within the crystal race would cooperate with each other, empowering them exponentially.

The individuals within the prison race were strong while the crystal race as a whole was strong. They were two completely different races, which led to constant, ferocious conflicts. The human race, automaton race, demon race, and bug race fought each other because their territories were close, but the prison race and crystal race did so because of their innate hatred for each other.

This planet was in chaos. Mosha Luo Feng watched everything happening in silence. He had already seen many planets around the prison race being conquered, and he always watched it like a bystander and left.

"All the creatures of Tai Ke race will be executed!" the undying fighter known as You Tuo Wa roared. His voice spread across the entire planet. "Kill all the creature of Tai Ke race. Kill!"

The sector lord warriors under him started to roam the planet. There were more than ten races on the planet, and Tai Ke race was only one of them. It was the only race that hadn't admitted defeat.

A cry rose up among the Tai Ke race. "Shadow Emperor is a demon! A demon who destroyed our home and kept hunting us! Fight!"

"Kill! Kill all the bastards!"

"Kill them!"

"Children! Run!"

"Take the children! They are our future. Take them and run."

There were more than 100,000 creatures of the Tai Ke race on this planet, some of whom tried to escape while others stayed and fought. However, when the first spaceship carrying members of the Tai Ke race was annihilated by You Wa Tuo's undying power, they all fell into despair. They realized that they couldn't match the undying fighter.

"Kill! Kill! Fight!"

Other races on the planet didn't interfere. There were only six sector lords within the Tai Ke race while there were 100 sector lord warriors in the invading army. And the leader was an undying fighter!

Tai Ke race will be annihilated, thought Luo Feng, observing it all in silence. This kind of thing happened all the time. It was likely happening this very minute somewhere else in the universe.

"Hmm?" said Luo Feng.

He noticed a silhouette afar. The most shining member of the Tai Ke race—a mere teenager—had just killed two sector lord warriors. At the moment, he was temporarily holding his own against ten sector lord warriors.

Many beings within the Tai Ke race were screaming, "Pa Na, run! Pa Na, run now!"

Apparently, this teenager had a high reputation among his race. He might even be the leader of all the beings of Tai Ke race living on that planet.

"Haha…! There's Pa Na," said You Wa Tuo. "Shadow Emperor is looking for you."

You Wa Tuo dove toward the teenager.

"Run!" the teenager ordered.

"Yes!" the other beings of the Tai Ke clan said, seizing the chance to flee while You Tuo Wa dealt with Pa Na.

You Tuo Wa seemed not to care about the others. Clearly, he considered Pa Na much more valuable.

"Come, You Wa Tuo!" said Pa Na. There was madness in his eyes… and a trace of satisfaction. "Me in exchange for tens of thousands of my people! Worth it!"

"Moron," You Tuo Wa sneered.

Mosha Luo Feng watched it all in silence. It suddenly struck him that the look on that talented teenager's face resembled the faces of Jia Ya, Mo Henderson, Tripathi Singh, Sokolov, and East, who had gone to fight the Golden Horned Beast with him. Despairing but calm.

"Time to return," Mosha Luo Feng murmured.


Pa Na felt powerless. He couldn't defend himself against You Tuo Wa. He knew that he was doomed as the ugly claw of You Tuo Wa grabbed him.

Suddenly… it started to rain. Raindrops filled the sky.

"Raindrops?" Pa Na was dazed.

Then the raindrops all disappeared, and the sector lord warriors of the invaders, along with You Tuo Wa, all froze. There was a strange sound—Pu! And You Tuo Wa's godly body suddenly vanished into thin air. The sector lord warriors standing afar exploded all at once.

"Dead?" Pa Na looked around in shock. He looked at the bloody remains, the weapons, and the empty armor left by the annihilated You Tuo Wa.


A shadow of a being standing afar put his blade into his sheath.

"A blade…" said Pa Na. "Those raindrops were a blade striking!"

Pa Na found it hard to believe that this shrouded figure standing afar was only a sector lord. How could a sector lord kill an undying fighter so easily?

Mosha Luo Feng turned around and looked at him. He smiled, then disappeared.

Memories had flooded Luo Feng's mind when he'd seen the look on that teenager's face. He had wanted to help him. To Luo Feng, it didn't make a huge difference, as it was simply a change of heart.

This planet was the last destination of his tour of the universe, because… half a month before Luo Feng arriving there, he had created the third move for his ultimate technique.

"Time to become undying!"

After wandering through the universe for 50,000 years, Mosha Luo Feng went back to the primal region of the human territory.

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