Novel Name : Nine Sun God King

Nine Sun God King Chapter 1072

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Chapter 1072

Qin Yun grumbled very unhappily at You Feng : “This is all done by you! You pushed me into a hole step by step! You knew how deep the waters are inside the Great Ancient College, why did you not warn me? You did it deliberately.”

You Feng felt quite happy in her heart. Although she still has ice-cold expression on her face, her eyes showed a happy expression as she said : “We are now even.”

You Feng always felt that she was tricked by Qin Yun to destroy the monument plaza. So now that she has managed to fool Qin Yun, she feels very happy.

“Well, since the situation has come to this, there is no point complaining. I can only pull up my sleeves and take action!” Qin Yun is filled with fighting spirit. His eyes are showing an unwavering determination as he looked towards the distance.

“Qin Yun, it is best if you don’t mention my name in the future… it is not that I am forcing you not to mention it, rather.. you know..” You Feng dryly coughed twice and said : “Then you should ponder and think over yourself as to how you can get 5 students!”

When Qin Yun mentioned her name before, he was almost eaten alive by president Su. He really did not expect that this iceberg like You Feng is actually a very naughty girl, she even goes around cutting other people’s beard.

“Why did you cut president Su’s beard? Isn’t it same as creating an enmity of killing someone’s father?” Qin Yun can not help but be curious.

“I found his beard unpleasant to the eyes, so I cut it off!” You Feng said : “A lot of new students will arrive tomorrow. You should find a way to recruit some of them. I will be very busy, goodbye!”

You Feng ran away and vanished in the blink of an eye. Now she feels really embarrassed to have Qin Yun refine a weapon for her because she brought such great trouble for Qin Yun.

“Isn’t it just 5 students? What’s so difficult about it?” Qin Yun disapproves of his current situation. He proudly laughed : “They think I am done for? They are looking down on this Venerable Master Qin Yun too much!”

Qin Yun walked towards the building complex ahead to check out suitable places to construct his classroom. After taking a round, he discovered that there are no suitable place to construct a proper classroom. All the best positions have been take away by others.

“Let’s wait until I am done recruiting students.” Qin Yun is standing beside a lake. Constructing classroom on the shore of this lake would be best but there are no suitable place left on the shore anymore. He can’t also construct a classroom on the lake because that would completely ruin the beautiful scenery.

Since he has decided to drop the matter for now, Qin Yun first went to get a star coin card. Then arrived at a garden, found a pavilion and decided to rest for the day. The next day, Qin Yun rushed towards the Dark Institute. In the plaza before the building door, many teachers have setup table to recruit students, they have some plaque on their table that are showing their qualification and introducing them to the students. They would obtain 100 million star coins for recruiting each students, half of it would go to the Dark Institute.

Qin Yun can also see You Feng here, her table is the largest, it basically can not be called a table, it is literally a battle stage. There are many banners scattered all around on her battle stage. There is also a large platform where teachers are showing off their skill to attract students. You Feng is very famous, although she is very vicious, she is very beautiful. This is also a priority for many male students.

Seeing Qin Yun has arrived, You Feng hastily sent him sound transmission : “Don’t come here, quickly set up a table to recruit students. It would be best if you construct something flashy and outrageous to attract people’s attention. Also no matter what, don’t hit my banners at all cost or you will have big trouble!”

Qin Yun also did not go over. He is now thinking as to how he can attract students. He chose a position and took out a table. At this time he began hearing many teachers talking about other famous teachers. For example, You Feng’s tuition fee is 300 million and she pays 50 million to Dark Institute, she is making a killing profit. This is also true for other famous teachers in top 10 ranking, some of them charge even more than her.

Qin Yun now completely despises You Feng in his heart. She is so rich yet such a miser and haggles over everything. He cursed in his heart : “She likes being dark so much, she even paints dark around her eyes, apparently she knows that she is just a dark raven!”

At this time Qin Yun again heard many teachers began talking. This time, they are actually talking about Qin Yun. They are all mocking Qin Yun for being mid stage Martial Emperor. Calling him lucky bastard and saying that he doesn’t know his place and what not. They even decided to go find Qin Yun to publicly harass him.

Qin Yun hastily yelled at them : “I know where he is!”

Those people walked over and said with smile : “Where is he? We will go look at his pathetic appearance!”

Qin Yun grinned and said : “I am that lucky bastard! Although my cultivation is low compared to yours, I am still much more handsome than you! You can’t deny it right?”

“You…” those people immediately became angry but seeing Qin Yun’s handsome face, they are unable to say anything.

“Being handsome is as useless as fart! With your little bit of cultivation, no student will come to you, you still want to become a teacher?”

“Exactly! You should be self conscious and quickly scram!”

Qin Yun raised his legs on his table and said with smile : “Let’s see what happens after ten days! Even trash like you have not scrammed, why should I scram?”

“Aiyo.. what an arrogant guy! You think you can be arrogant just because you passed through teacher assessment test?”

A middle aged teacher pulled up his sleeves, he looks very angry and seems like he wants to attack.

“If you have the guts, hit me! If you hit me, the one scramming will be you!” Qin Yun mockingly laughed.

“You… you… be careful a bit.. you hear!” that middle aged teacher doesn’t dare to attack. He quickly left along with other teachers.

Although Dark Assembly has many teachers, only 2-300 are now recruiting students. Many classes are completely empty but not because teachers have run away, it is either because the teacher is dead or students have run away. That president Su deliberately gave the 900th classes signboard to Qin Yun. If students see the number 900, they will immediately run away.

Many new students have arrived in the plaza now, some of them have even arrived with elders of their clan. The area where Qin Yun is sitting, is quite far from the plaza, there is a forest behind him. No students have come to his area. Suddenly, some people arrived from inside the forest.

Someone said with vile laughter : “I wonder how many young junior sister will come this time!”

“Young master Lu, won’t our teacher recruit any new students this time?”

“There is not any quota for us! We have not contributed anything so the institute has decided to not let us expand.” Lu Hanchen said with sighed : “I blame those useless guys, they are just wasting space! They are occupying a latrine but not taking a dump! If they don’t scram, our class won’t be able to recruit any new junior sisters!”

Qin Yun heard Lu Hanchen’s voice and turned his head to look at him. He then said : “How many students can your class recruit?”

“AHHHHHH…” Lu Hanchen is so scared that he screamed and fell to the ground. He knew that a new teacher has set up a table to recruit students here but did not expect it to be Qin Yun.

“You… you… you….” Lu Hanchen pointed at Qin Yun, his arm is shaking, his whole body is shivering, it is as if he has seen a ghost.

“Young master Lu… young master Lu… what has happened to you?” those youth beside Lu Hanchen are extremely shocked looking at his condition.

Lu Hanchen knows how terrifying Qin Yun is, he is literally a walking nightmare. He also knows that You Feng promised Qin Yun to help him become a student of Great Ancient College but now it seems like he has become a teacher instead. Lu Hanchen is so scared that he subconsciously touched his chest, he recalled how Qin Yun created a large hole on his chest last time.

“Are you a teacher?” Lu Hanchen took a long breath, calmed down and asked.

“Indeed. My name is Qin Yun, I am a new teacher!” Qin Yun said with smile.

“Qin Yun? Ha ha ha… you are that mid stage Martial Emperor new teacher! I heard that you even want to teach a class? You are just a lucky bastard, you should quickly scram! It seems like you are still in good mood!” a red clothed youth said with loud laughter.


Lu Hanchen vigorously slapped that red clothed youth’s butt and yelled : “Idiot, quickly shut up!”

“Young master Lu, why did you hit me?” that red clothed youth said with aggrieved expression.

“I told you to shut up, didn’t you listen? Idiot, do you want to die?” Lu Hanchen cursed in low voice.

Other few youth immediately reacted, they realized that Lu Hanchen is very afraid of Qin Yun and it is highly likely that Qin Yun has some powerful backer.

Qin Yun said with smile : “Young master Lu, how many students can your teacher recruit.”

Lu Hanchen immediately replied very respectfully : “Teacher Qin, our teacher can recruit at most 100 students.”

Those few youths around Lu Hanchen are completely stupefied. They all know Lu Hanchen’s status, yet now he is so respectful towards a mid stage Martial Emperor. This is completely different than the Lu Hanchen they know.

“All of you scram! And don’t talk nonsense everywhere! Or I will cut off your tongue!” Lu Hanchen said to those youths in severe tone.

Those youths hastily left, they also dare not speak nonsense because they all know Lu Hanchen will really do what he said.

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