Novel Name : Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love

Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love Chapter 290 Taking Selena Home

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Wilson coughed awkwardly and then began to explain.

"I used to be Mr. Simpson's henchman and bodyguard. And Kayden is Laurence's bodyguard. People

like us definitely need to practice our fighting skills, so I once went to a mercenary base to train. I met

Kayden there, and she trained with us men, but many of them thought Kayden would be eliminated.

But she made it to the last round. Eventually, the men who had despised her began to admire and fear

her and thought she was too powerful. However, I only had contact with her during that time. Later, we

both had our own masters. And I didn't talk to her much at the time, so I don't really know what kind of

personality she had, what kind of experience she had, and why she worked for Laurence."

"But people like us are basically loners and very cruel. I guess Kayden doesn't have any family or

friends either. Since she's so loyal to Laurence, Laurence maybe has helped Kayden. Otherwise, she

wouldn't be so loyal to him. And she wouldn't be so valued by Laurence. I've heard Mr. Simpson say

about Laurence that he is suspicious and never trusts people around him easily. But I know he always

trusts the one assistant he has with him. I heard you guys tell me that the assistant turned out to be

Kayden, and Kayden is absolutely very loyal to Laurence. Otherwise, she could not have earned

Laurence's trust."

"Do you think she will easily lose her memory? After all, even Robert lost his memory."

When Georgia asked this question, Wilson had a complicated look on his face and said, "I'm not sure

about such things. If a person with memory insists on losing her memory, even doctors can't detect

whether she has memory loss with medical devices unless she cracks. And she's now Aston's

girlfriend. I remembered that Aston was the heir of the Aston Group, but he abandoned this identity as

an heir and left the Aston family. Then he left his family and worked hard to develop his career. And he

likes to do experiments and research as much as you do. I don't see what benefit Kayden can get from


Georgia felt the same way. She just looked at Kayden a few times, and then she didn't know if it was

because of her illusion, so she always felt that this woman was not that simple.

However, she couldn't see what Kayden was up to now, so she could have been worried too much.

Then Georgia gave up asking him about the research and changed the subject.

"Let's not talk about Kayden anymore. No matter what her intentions are now, isn't the most important

thing we should do now to find out what we are currently investigating? You two go out today and see if

you get any information."

"The two of us went to East city today to see all the orphanages. And we checked out this orphanage

secretly. And these kids usually hang out in D City. And they were playing inside a villa in the suburbs

of D City last time. I guess those kids are all from the orphanage in D City. The farther places they went

were also two or three cities around D City, so they couldn't go further. Otherwise, it would be too risky.

Both of us plan to check all the kindergartens and investigate the backgrounds of all the children inside.

On the other hand, I've got a reliable person following Chase every day. He adopted the two children

who usually go to school normally and are quiet and silent inside the school. The children are even

bullied by other children. At the moment, Chase hasn't attended any parties. And my people are

following him closely. And we've also placed bugs in the places where he usually goes to and his office,

but we haven't found anything yet."

Georgia was a little disappointed. And the progress of this matter was slower than she thought, so the

file inside the police department was very important. Even if that file involved secrets from Chase's

past, it could possibly involve secrets from his present.

"So how's your investigation into Camden? Is he reliable?"

After Georgia said that, Wilson said in an affirmed tone, "He's got a clean and clear background. And

his uncle is also an employee of the police system. He has been working on cases for years and has

not been involved in any deals involving grey areas. Sometimes he is even very righteous and reliable.

You can ask your friend for help. The only way we can speed up the investigation is to get the files out

as soon as possible."

After receiving Wilson's assurance, Georgia walked to the window with her cell phone. She intended to

make a call to Selena right away. Then she wanted to talk to Selena about asking for help from

Camden. However, no one answered the phone after she called her.

And shortly before she called Selena, something happened on Selena's side.

Selena heard a knock on her door. Then she thought her brother was coming.

The moment she opened the door, Selena saw her foster mother Elliot walk in instead.

At that moment, Selena's body trembled. And her face became very pale.

Elliot stared at her adopted daughter. And she had some mixed feelings.

In the end, Elliot said to her gently, "How can you live outside of the home alone? How hard it must be

for you to take care of the baby! Just hold the baby and let me see. You're coming home with me right

now. You are too headstrong. If I don't keep an eye on your brother and find something wrong with him

recently, are you going to keep it from me with your brother?"

Elliot spoke those words angrily. Her son had been running around and stammering to her for the past

two days, which made Elliot think something was wrong with him. Then she started to find someone to

follow her son and see what he was doing.

As a result, the person who followed Jasper caught him standing with a woman holding a baby. And at

that time, Elliot thought her son was causing big trouble outside. When she saw the photo, she realized

that Selena had returned. And that baby should have been born from Selena's belly.

While Jasper was busy with his work today, Elliot came to Selena's apartment.

After all, Selena was the daughter Elliot had raised for almost twenty years. And Selena was living

outside of the home alone with her child, so Elliot still cared for her.

Selena was afraid to carry the baby out. Then she panicked and didn't know what excuse to make to

tell Elliot. Then Elliot frowned and asked her, "What? You don't even want to bring the baby over for me

to see? I didn't do the right thing last year. And your brother and I shouldn't have forced you to abort

this child. We did the wrong thing. But now that you have given birth to your child, do you think I will

force you to do anything else? I see that your brother seems to be caring for this child now, so I think

the same as your brother. It's too hard for you to take care of the baby out there all by yourself. And I

have the maid already waiting downstairs in the car. Come home with me right now. It's ridiculous that

you live outside alone."

Elliot said as she looked around to look for the baby.

She didn't see the child in the living room. Then Elliot walked towards the bedroom. Selena

subconsciously followed Elliot and tried to stop Elliot from going in to see the children.

Selena felt panicked and didn't know what to do. At that moment, the child suddenly cried.

At that moment, Elliot immediately identified which bedroom the child was in. Selena followed behind

Elliot and was almost desperate.

It didn't take long for her to follow her foster mother to the bedroom. The baby was crying. The child

was crying especially loudly because he had just woken up. He just looked around for someone. When

he saw Selena come in, the little kid's eyes kept staring at her. And his crying turned into babbling.

Selena felt so embarrassed. And she didn't know what to say to her foster mom. Then Elliot happily

picked up the little child and held him in her arms.

The baby had a good personality. When the baby saw Elliot holding him, he didn't feel strange. Instead,

he giggled.

Then Elliot was even happier.

"The baby is so strong. And the baby probably knows I'm the grandmother, so when the baby sees me,

he smiles so happily. Since you are taking care of the baby all by yourself, and the child is so cute, if

you are busy doing something, and no one is watching him, what should you do if the child gets hurt?

Just come home with me right now. And you should never take care of your baby outside of your home


Elliot smiled as she clapped her hands. A bunch of maids came in immediately, and Elliot started giving

orders to those maids.

"Help Ms. Holland pack her things right away. Take her home today."

Elliot hesitated for a moment after saying this. Then she turned to Selena and asked, "Is this a son or a

daughter? How old is your baby?"

Selena was quite nervous. When she saw her foster mother happily teasing the little child and didn't

seem to notice anything different, Selena breathed a sigh of relief.

It was natural for her to know that her baby looked very similar to Jasper. The more she looked at the

child, the more she thought the baby looked like Jasper. Then it was after she deliberately observed the

child that she thought so. And this little baby hadn't grown up at all in the past few months, so people

didn't generally think like that. Even if other people observed this child, they couldn't tell who he looked


Selena realized she had just had a false alarm, and then she rushed to answer Elliot's question.

"My baby is a boy. And he's almost four months old now."

Elliot nodded and held the baby. The baby kept looking at her and giggling, which made Elliot happy.

Her son and daughter had grown up. And when she met with the other wives during the weekdays, she

saw that all the wives her age were taking care of their grandchildren. However, her son was the only

one who didn't want to get married, so Elliot was very envious of those ladies.

Now, her adopted daughter had given her a grandson, so Elliot felt especially happy. Then she

excitedly ordered the servants to pack Selena's luggage. And she didn't give Selena a chance to think

and make a decision at all, for she had to bring Selena and the baby home today.

Selena had suppressed the panic in her heart. When she now saw that Elliot liked the child, and the

maids had almost packed their things, Selena also knew that she could not refuse, so she could only

follow Elliot and the maids back to the Holland family in the car.

Inside the villa of the Holland family, Bailey had been notified on the phone. Her wife was very excited

to tell him that she had brought her daughter and grandson back.

The grandson was a very cute and smiling boy. Bailey was very excited and was looking forward to his

wife's return with his daughter and grandson.

After a while, Bailey heard a burst of laughter, and then Elliot came up to her husband with the baby in

her arms.

"Look how smart the boy is. He's been looking at me and giggling the whole way. And he just peed on

me, so he needs to get a bath now. And then I'm going to change my clothes. In the meantime, you can

hold and tease him. You're going to love him."

Elliot said excitedly. Bailey looked at the baby with an expectant look on his face. He looked at his

daughter, whom he hadn't seen in a year. And he always cared for her very much inside.

"Selena, you've suffered a lot this year. How hard it was for you to live outside of your family and have

a baby all by yourself! I didn't take your side in the first place, which caused you to run away at your

own will. You've made your mother and I worry about you in the past year. Your brother has also been

looking for you, so you should not leave home so easily in the future. You have given birth to a child, so

your child will be our Holland family's child. We will raise him with great care. And your mother and I will

not force you to get married again."

After Bailey finished speaking, Selena's eyes turned red.

In fact, her foster mother and father were really good to her. And her brother was also very good to her.

And it was a blessing in her life to be the Holland family's adopted daughter, but she was not supposed

to have any feelings for her brother that she shouldn't have anyway.

And that accident had turned her feelings for him into something else. She didn't dare to tell the truth

because she was afraid that her foster parents would be sad. And she was even more afraid of the

disappointed and hateful look her brother would give her.

"Dad, I was wrong."

Selena cried as she apologized. Then Bailey smiled and patted his daughter's hand.

"It's been a year. Let's not talk about what happened in the past anymore. Your mother has brought you

and the baby home too. Just take a rest at home. And we don't know if you've suffered a lot in the past


Bailey said as he took the child from Selena's arms.

The little child was a joy, and then he smiled happily at Bailey and looked very happy. Bailey was happy

to play with her grandson, while Selena hesitated and spoke up.

"Dad, he's wet and needs a bath first."

Bailey then remembered what his wife had just told him.

"You're right. I'll take him to the bath right away."

Although she had a maid at home, Selena wanted to wash her son herself. Bailey was very fond of the

grandson, so Bailey and Selena bathed the child together. After bathing and re-dressing the child, Elliot

also finished changing her clothes and showed up in front of them. She smiled and intended to pick up

her grandson who was dressed. Then Bailey said to his daughter, "The baby is almost four months old.

Have you given him a name yet?"

After Bailey asked the question, Elliot also looked curiously at her daughter.

Although she had been calling her grandson baby, she had forgotten to ask Selena what his name was.

Before Selena could answer his question, the maids said Mr. Jasper Holland was back.

"We call him Dan now."

After Selena answered, Jasper happened to walk in.

The maids were already outside telling him that Selena was back with the baby.

Jasper was particularly worried because he knew from the maids that his mother had gone to his

sister's apartment and forcibly brought his sister and the baby back. And he was very worried that his

sister and his mother would have a conflict.

When he came in and saw the family looking happy, Jasper didn't know what to say.

Elliot was already frowning at her son.

"As her elder brother, how irresponsible you are! Your sister had a very hard time taking care of the

baby all by herself after she came back. You hid from me and your father that you agreed to your sister

living out there by herself. How could you not care about your sister at all! How hard it is for her to take

care of the child all by herself! You are really trying to get yourself beaten up!"


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