Novel Name : Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love

Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love Chapter 362 Get Out

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“What problem?”

Sierra asked of the lawyer.

“Mr. Simpson had added a provision to the will that if no assignment of property was to appear in the

future, Miss Lane would theoretically inherit it all. But before this provision could be ratified, Mr.

Simpson had his accident.”

“Since you knew Robert had been planning on that, shouldn’t Georgia get the inheritance? I don’t see

what’s so unclear about that.”

Elsie up and started complaining, while the lawyer smiled and explained.

“This provision is not official. If it went to court, this property could be frozen or even dissolved. Unless

all parties involved unanimously agree to have Miss Lane inherit the property, especially Mr. Simpson’s

current wife, Miss Moon. If Miss Moon has no objections, we could go entirely with the will.”

That put Sierra on the spot. She didn’t look too good, but she kept her cool.

“I want to ask one thing, lawyer. My son Wesley is also Robert’s birth son. This was a will established a

year ago, when Robert still didn’t know Wesley existed. In this current situation, can my son legally

inherit his father’s property?”

“It’s a shame, but whoever the inheritor designated in the will is, whoever inherits the property. Even if

he didn’t let his own child have anything and donated it all to charity or a stranger, all of it has to go

according to the will.”

The lawyer smiled, while Sierra’s expression dimmed.

“If that’s the case, it was Miss Lane’s share to begin with, so let her have it.”

At Sierra’s words, a lot of people couldn’t help but stand up.

That wasn’t what she said before. As they were getting ready to argue, Randy, who’d been standing by

the side of the old man, suddenly walked up.

“Lawyer, if this will can be proven not to be binding, wouldn’t the inheritance need to be reassigned?

Based on the first heir by law, that is.”

The lawyer nodded, and Randy produced a document.

“And according to the law, with the subject not in the right state of mind, any wills produced during that

time have no legally binding power, correct?”

The lawyer nodded again and took Randy’s document. The report showed a psychological report of

Robert, saying that he was mentally deranged.

The lawyer looked it over and handed off copies to Sierra, Georgia, Ivan, Ivan’s parents, and the others

in the room. Almost everybody got a copy.

“If this report is real, the time it was made happens to be the same as the time the will was established,

so the will would have no binding power. But this report has to be investigated for legitimacy.”

The lawyer said fairly. Georgia opened the documents and looked it over, unable to help her laughter.

So that was Sierra’s plan. Robert was nuts, so the will didn’t stand.

They’d even gotten a psych report ready. This was too funny.

At that moment, Kenny had stood and pointed at Georgia.

“I knew you didn’t have good intentions. I thought it was strange that he’d fall for you, an abandoned

woman who gave birth in prison. Now, looks like you somehow sent Robert off the rails. Thankfully, he

woke up after the accident. You must have had him establish the will when he was still confused. Have

you no shame, Georgia? Get out of the Simpson household. You probably tricked your way into

Robert’s father’s inheritance, too. Trying to pull it off again today? I’m telling you, don’t even think about


As Kenny finished, Dora started mocking her as well.

“I was wondering why my brilliant nephew would be so stupid as to leave most of his inheritance to you

and your bastard seed, Turns out he was mentally deranged.”

As the two finished their barbs, the old man spoke, too.

“Miss Lane, this report doesn’t look fake. Please explain what you did to Robert last year. You’ve

already inherited his father’s property. Why so greedy over his, as well? Our Simpson family owes you


Everyone was pointing fingers. Sierra joined in the questioning, her eyes red.

“Robert really did love you, Miss Lane, how could you do such a thing to him? This past year, he’s been

attacked time and time again, almost dying on several occasions. I found evidence of the person

behind it together with him, and it all leads back to you. Now, it seems you were in it all for the

inheritance, weren’t you?”

“So, you want this psych report to prove that the inheritance isn’t legally binding, and you’re trying to

chase me out, right?”

Georgia put it out directly, while Sierra didn’t say anything, probably in silent assent.

Ivan scoffed.

“Robert was perfectly normal last year with no issues. With enough money, even I could fake a psych


“Shut up, Ivan!”

The old man suddenly barked.

“I’m not asking after your relations with Georgia, but at a time like this, you’re still defending her. How

do you explain that?”

“You’re all just after Robert’s inheritance, anyway. Trying to make it look like you’re all prim and proper.

Don’t you think that’s disgusting?”

Ivan sneered, while Sierra’s tears were already brimming.

“How could you talk about the old man like that, Ivan? We’re all very concerned about where Robert’s

properties are going to go. How does it make sense that Georgia’s inheriting the properties of Robert’s

father and Robert at the same time? Do you really not suspect anything? Just ask someone on the

street. Nobody believes this is real, and I don’t believe Georgia is innocent.”

At that moment, Sierra showed her claws.

She looked at Georgia, eyes full of righteous condemnation.

Georgia didn’t speak, while Elsie jabbed at Sierra from the side.

“Plenty of stranger things have happened. You’re just jealous that Robert was willing to leave the

properties all to Georgia. Why else do you think Robert’s father left his properties to Georgia too?

Because Robert suggested him to. He can give as much money as he wants to the person he loves,

and your envy is utterly useless!”

That jab went straight to the heart.

Sierra couldn’t hold it in as her face contorted.

“No matter what, I have this report with me, which proves that the will isn’t legally binding, and that

Robert’s will does not need to be executed in the assignment of the inheritance. Since the inheritance

has nothing to do with Georgia Lane, lawyer, can I ask her to leave? Then we can discuss things


Sierra turned around and demanded of the lawyer. This was her board now, and she wanted Georgia

out of the picture, a laughingstock, without getting a cent.

“Unless this report can be proven to be false, Mr. Simpson’s will of a year ago has no legal binding

power. With no new will issued by Mr. Simpson, renewed discussion is required to assign the

inheritance in accordance with the law. As Mr. Simpson’s wife, mother, and son, you three will be the

primary parties between which the assignment is deliberated.”

The lawyer seemed to see which way the wind was blowing and showed a pleasing smile to Sierra,

who seemed happy at those words.

“If that’s the case, old man, Aunt, Uncle, and other families who’ve come – I trust you have no issues

with chasing Georgia out! As for Ivan, if you still support Georgia’s claim, then please leave as well.

Robert didn’t leave anything for you in the inheritance, and there’s no need for you to take part in the


That jab went straight to the heart.

Sierra couldn't hold it in as her face contorted.

“No matter what, | have this report with me, which proves that the will isn’t legally binding, and that

Robert's will does not need to be executed in the assignment of the inheritance. Since the inheritance

has nothing to do with Georgia Lane, lawyer, can | ask her to leave? Then we can discuss things


Sierra turned around and demanded of the lawyer. This was her board now, and she wanted Georgia

out of the picture, a laughingstock, without getting a cent.

“Unless this report can be proven to be false, Mr. Simpson's will of a year ago has no legal binding

power. With no new will issued by Mr. Simpson, renewed discussion is required to assign the

inheritance in accordance with the law. As Mr. Simpson's wife, mother, and son, you three will be the

primary parties between which the assignment is deliberated.”

The lawyer seemed to see which way the wind was blowing and showed a pleasing smile to Sierra,

who seemed happy at those words.

“If that’s the case, old man, Aunt, Uncle, and other families who've come — | trust you have no issues

with chasing Georgia out! As for Ivan, if you still support Georgia’s claim, then please leave as well.

Robert didn’t leave anything for you in the inheritance, and there’s no need for you to take part in the



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