Novel Name : Ex-wife, Please Come Back

Ex-wife, Please Come Back Chapter 286 I Love You

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Sara heaved a heavy sigh. Her heart was inexplicably sad. Just when she thought that her father's life

would never get harder, fate played tricks on him.

"Don't think too much. Everything will be fine. Don't worry, okay?" Jacob comforted in a soft voice.

Other than giving reassurance that everything would be fine, he did not know anything else to say. The

two continued to walk. They were too preoccupied with thoughts that they did not know how far they

had already gone.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Sara lowered her head and looked at her phone. The screen showed that it was a call from her father.

"Sara, I won't go back to the company in the meantime. I think you'd better take care of it for a while on

my behalf. I can't leave your mother alone. Her condition is bad and I want to be with her. I don't care

how much you hate her. Past is past, right? The most important thing for me right now is to take care of

your mother."

Carlos's voice seemed to be calm. Tasha was next to him, listening. After waiting for so many years,

this day had finally come.

"I know, Dad. You know, you should also take care of yourself. Don't be too anxious. Life is precious. I

know you're worried about mom, but you should also look after yourself too."

Sara concealed her emotions and did not say too much. She had anticipated that her father would

make such a choice, so there was no need for her to support or oppose his decision.

Her mother could make a choice, while her father could be stubborn. This proved that they were indeed

a family. After all, if they were not the same kind of people, how would they be a family?

"By the way, can you buy some desserts for your mother when you come back here later? She likes

eating sweets. You two love the same thing," Carlos said to Sara happily. He had now figured out

things that he could not before.

It did not matter whether he accepted the outcome or not. What must happen had happened. He'd

better accept it for the sake of everyone.

Whether Sara's mother would apologize or not, was beside the point anymore. Besides, how could an

apology make up for all the things that happened over the years? Carlos never blamed anyone in his

heart anyway. That was why, there was no need for anyone to apologize.

After hanging up the phone, Carlos looked at Tasha and said, "I've told Sara that you just need to rest

well and accept the treatment. It's okay if you lose your hair in the process. What matters most is your

health. Don't worry, I'm going to shave my hair too. I'll accompany you in every step of your way. I'll be

with you no matter what happens."

Tasha stared at him in awe. She had always thought that he never cared about her, so she signed the

divorce agreement without hesitation.

She used to think that he did not love her, not even once. Because of this, she was not hesitant when

she left. That time, she was so determined to walk away. However, her determination only resulted in

them missing each other for more than a decade when they could have been together over the years.

Some couples do not stick around to each other for the rest of their lives. They keep thinking until their

last breath that their other half betrayed them. Contrary to those people, Tasha realized that it was her

who betrayed her partner. She was so crestfallen that she could not utter a word for a long time.

Sometimes, people's love is hidden deep within their heart that others cannot feel it. Carlos seemed to

be one of those people. He never once said 'I love you' nor told her what he really felt for her.

Despite this, it did not mean that he never loved her. Sadly, it was too late for Tasha to understand his

love for her.

Not a single tear fell from Tasha's eyes. Well, she never liked crying anyway. Even if her second

husband died, she would only shed a few tears.

In her early years, she went to someone to ask about her fortune. The Taoist priest who read her

fortune described her as a person who did not know how to thank others.

That time, she did not take his words to heart. She even thought that it was just a lie. But now that she

recalled the memory of that day over and over again, she realized that it was true. Perhaps that was

she really was from the start.

However, she was unaware of it at that time. Although fortune-telling was not absolute, her character

seemed to be doomed from the very beginning.

Tasha had no idea how to be remorseful. All she knew was that she did not have much time left and

that she had two people in her life that she could call her family.

Fortunately, Carlos was a patient man. He might have missed her for so many years, and he still did

until now. The better he treated her, the more she would feel indebted to him.

"I've always been afraid of coming back. If I were you, I wouldn't have cared when you came back,"

Tasha said with a bitter smile.

Although it was unpleasant, it was the truth. Many people believe that the truth should be said, but that

is not always the case. Reality hurts more and is the most hopeless truth among all.

"I know, but I'm not like you. Forget it. What matters is that you're back. You should be happy in the

future. Please don't think about these sad things. Although I won't be able to take care of you all the

time as others do, I will try my best now,"

Carlos comforted. Now that Tasha was ill and could not handle stress, he figured that he must not say

hurtful words. Well, he had no plans of saying those words anyway.

"Actually, I didn't realize that I've done a lot of bad things until now. But now, regret can't do anything

anymore, so I don't bother to be regretful. Everything has its own cause and effects. I'm aware of my

fate now. Just so you know, I'm glad that I met you. If it weren't for you, I might not have the courage to


Tasha clutched the bed sheet so tight that her knuckles turned white. Dejection was apparent in her

face as well. It would be a lie if she said that she was not sad. How could she not be? She was in such

a poor and pathetic situation. Although her heart felt like it was about to burst, she had nothing else to


Meanwhile, while Sara was walking outside, she saw a cake shop along the way. She entered the shop

and chose the cupcakes that looked good and scrumptious. Once the cupcakes were packed, she took

one for herself and another for Jacob. With that, she left the shop.

"Honestly, I like sweets very much. I know it has something to do with my mother, but I don't want to

admit it. I indeed like the same things as her. Actually, I'm afraid that I'll forget her."

Sara took a bite of the cupcake. As she did so, some icing was left on her mouth. With a chuckle,

Jacob wiped the icing off.

"Don't you want to eat?" Sara looked at him in confusion, but happiness was apparent on her eyes.

"No. I want to watch you eat." The truth was, Jacob was carrying the box of cupcakes, so it was difficult

for him to eat. Fortunately, he was more than happy to watch her eat.

With a cupcake in her hand, Sara put her hand near Jacob's mouth. Then, he lowered his head and

took a bite. Seeing him eat, she smiled so happily. "Is it delicious?"

Jacob nodded his head and continued to walk forward with his arm around her waist.

"You'd better be polite when you meet mom later. Don't say hurtful words anymore. It will only make her

depressed," he said with his hand rested on Sara's shoulder. Then, he gazed at her with concern.

In all honesty, Jacob always made sure that he was very cautious when speaking. He was afraid that

his words would be too harsh that it would make Sara uncomfortable, or worse, offended.

"I know. I actually feel guilty because I was so rude to my own mother. But I also think that my

complaints were reasonable. After all, she was away for so many years. I may be full of complaints, but

I also make sure to deal with things in the end. My dad must be the one who's the most affected right


Sara took another bite of the cupcake and sighed. She knew life still had to continue after sighing.

She wondered if her life was like duckweed. She always felt that every time she was about to catch the

sun, she would be put under the shade over and over again. It was like an infinite loop, and she was

stuck in the middle.

She wondered if the time would come that she would finally have a bright future and a happy life in the

end. It is normal for people to have mixed feelings about life. But in many cases, sadness occurs more

than joy.

Sara abruptly stopped in her tracks and stared at Jacob blankly.

Beside her, he stopped as well.

"I used to think that if you didn't love me, I would be lonely for the rest of my life. When I've accepted

that I would be alone until I die, you came back. I've always believed that things that belong to me will

be mine in the end. But those that don't... I can't get them from others."

In Sara's face was an unusual solemnity. She felt ambivalent, not because Jacob loved her, but

because for a long time, she thought that she was going to end up alone and lonely.


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