Novel Name : Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife Chapter 485 She Must Die Today

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Debbie listened to Carlos silently. His last words surprised her. He didn't miss a single chance he got to

flatter her or say sweet words to her. Were those really words from the arrogant Carlos? Taking a sip of

the juice, Debbie turned to Colleen, who was also stunned by his words. "Aunt Colleen, Carlos has

been acting really weird ever since he regained his memory. He's being sweet to me every day. It's not

like him. Do you think there is still some problem with his brain after the accident?"

Rubbing her forehead in frustration, Colleen begged in her mind, 'Don't get me involved in your affairs,

Debbie.' But of course, Debbie couldn't hear Colleen's silent voice; she just kept staring at her for an

answer. Left with no choice, Colleen replied with a sigh, "You little fool. There's nothing wrong with his

brain. He loves you so much and that's why he's acting this way. His romantic side shows up only for


Debbie pursed her lips. "Fine, forget it."

Carlos was very much satisfied with Colleen's answer. He grinned broadly and said, "Carry on with

your food. I still have something to discuss with Barlow. I'll take you home after that." With that, he

mischievously planted a kiss on her cheek before walking away.

Taken advantage of by the brazen man once again, Debbie flushed, feeling bashful and angry at the

same time.

Colleen almost choked. Looking at Carlos' receding figure, she whispered to Debbie, "I'm pretty sure

that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Carlos' brain. He has completely recovered. Didn't you see

the affection in his eyes when he looked at you? I'm really impressed!" It reminded Colleen of the old

days. Three years ago, before he lost his memories, Carlos always showed off his love for Debbie in

front of his group of friends. It was the same again. The old Carlos had indeed come back.

Debbie chuckled at her words. Of course, she had noticed the affection in his eyes. A river of

happiness flooded through her.

Debbie waited for Carlos at the food section. She thought that he would finish his talks soon, but after

waiting for a long while, he still hadn't shown up. Even Curtis had come back after he was done

socializing with the other guests.

As they waited, a man ran through the crowd and made his way to Debbie. "Miss Nian, something is

wrong. Mr. Huo and Miss Li went upstairs to a hotel room just now." Debbie recognized the man as one

of Tristan's helpers. Without a second thought, she shot to her feet and rushed towards the elevator.

Colleen grabbed hold of her wrist. "Debbie, calm down. We're coming with you."

Debbie turned around to look at both Colleen and Curtis. With them by her side, she found her

composure. She trusted Carlos. He would never do anything to hurt her.

The three of them followed the man into the elevator and went to the seventeenth floor of the hotel.

Tristan was already waiting in front of Room 1710. When he saw Debbie, he quickly walked up to her

and reported in a low voice, "Mr. Huo and Miss Li went into the room a minute ago."

Staring at the closed door, Debbie questioned, "Just the two of them?"

Tristan hesitated for a second before answering honestly, "Yes. But Mrs. Huo, please don't worry. I'm

sure that Mr. Huo has his reasons."

Debbie walked closer to the door. Suddenly, they heard Stephanie's shriek from inside the room.

Everyone outside the door was startled. Since it was a scream coming from a room where a man and a

woman were alone, they couldn't tell whether it was a shriek of fear or...pleasure.

Curtis patted on Debbie's shoulder to comfort her. He had asked someone to fetch the room key.

Shortly, a waiter hurried towards them with the master key. He swiped the key card on the lock and

opened the door ajar.

Debbie froze the moment she saw what was happening inside the room. So did Curtis and Colleen.

Stephanie was lying on her back on the king-sized bed, her dress disheveled, while Carlos was

standing beside the bed, neatly dressed. His hand was tightly gripped around Stephanie's neck,

strangling the woman. His eyes were like those of a demon's, cold and bloody.

Stephanie's face had turned a bright red as she struggled to breathe. When she heard the noise from

the doorway, she crazily flailed her right arm, asking for help, from whosoever.

With his back to the door, Carlos didn't give a damn about who had come in. All he wanted to do at that

moment was strangle Stephanie to death.

Snapping back to reality, Debbie hastily rushed to the edge of the bed. She grabbed Carlos' arm to stop

him. "Carlos, no!"

Debbie's voice brought him back to his senses. He loosened his forceful grip a little bit and called out,


"Carlos, let go of her!" Debbie yelled anxiously when she saw that Stephanie's breathing had

weakened. The woman had even stopped struggling. In a panic, Debbie squatted on the bed next to

her and tried to pry Carlos' hand away.

But the man didn't move a muscle. He spat between clenched teeth, "No! She must die today!"

Curtis realized that Carlos was dead serious. Before things could turn worse, he ran over to stop

Carlos. He grabbed the angry man from behind and tried to drag him away. Meanwhile, Debbie was

still trying hard to pry each of his fingers open. Yet, their efforts ended in vain. He just wouldn't let go.

Stephanie's face now began to turn deathly pale. Debbie's heart skipped a beat. 'No, no! I can't let

Carlos commit murder!' she thought, burning with anxiety and fear.

She collected herself and changed the strategy. Pulling an angry face, she glared at Carlos and

berated, "Carlos Huo, you aren't even listening to me! I swear I'll leave Y City with your daughter if you

don't let go of that woman right away! You'll never see Piggy or me ever again!"

Debbie turned on her heels, and walked away from the scene.

But just as she walked past Carlos, he grabbed her hand.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw his big palm holding her hand. His hand was on hers, so

Stephanie should be safe now.

In an instant, she heard Stephanie gasping for air and coughing violently. The sound echoed through

the quiet room.

Carlos pulled Debbie into his arms. "Where are you going with our daughter?" he asked, sounding

rather helpless.

"What do you care?" Debbie yelled, her voice trembling. She was still haunted by the fear of Carlos

becoming a murderer.

He kissed her forehead gently and showed his empty hands to her. "I let go of her," he coaxed.

Since Carlos had regained his memory, Debbie wasn't afraid of getting mad at him in front of others.

She reprimanded him further, "Did you consider my feelings when you were trying to kill her? If you

become a murderer, what should Evelyn and I do?"

"I won't be—" '—put behind bars, ' he wanted to say, but Debbie didn't let him finish.

"Yes, I know how powerful you are in Y City. Even if you kill both Stephanie and James, you won't be

put in jail. But how do you think I would feel about it? It would haunt me forever if I see you kill a person

in front of my eyes! My life would be overshadowed by the trauma! You always say that you love me. Is

this the love you have for me? Make me spend my life with a criminal?"

Carlos said nothing.

Curtis couldn't help but let out a chuckle under his breath. Carlos looked like a kid being scolded by his


"You're a grown man, not a kid! Can't you think before you spring into action? Did you even think about

your wife and daughter? When Evelyn grows up, people will laugh at her saying that her father is a

murderer and her mother an accomplice. Your daughter will be frowned upon by others for the rest of

her life! Do you understand what I am saying?" She continued to bombard him with a barrage of


Carlos patiently waited till she vented all her anger. He understood her anger. Although he was being

scolded in front of others, he wasn't bothered at all. Instead, he hugged her again and tried to appease

her. "Honey..."

Debbie struggled in his arms, trying to break free, but to no avail. In the end, she slapped his shoulder

lightly. "Don't call me that! I'm not your wife. If you won't listen to me, never say that you love me


"Okay, okay. I heard you. I'll listen to whatever you say from now on. Don't be pissed," he coaxed her

again. The last thing he wanted to do was make this woman angry.


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