Novel Name : Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife Chapter 649 Even a Rose Can Grow Through Concrete

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"Hang out? Sorry, not interested in shopping. How about a gun range? Or an honorable person CS

game? Maybe horseback riding? Still want to do something?" Garnet stared at Blair, a provocative look

in her eyes.

Blair straightened up and replied without hesitation, "Sure! Let's do all of it. I'll just wait for you in Y

City." The young translator looked Garnet straight in the eye without the slightest trace of fear. Her

grandpa and uncle were both brave soldiers. Could she be any less? She couldn't chicken out and

bring shame to the Ji family.

It was crystal clear to the two women that they both loved the same guy. But they weren't going to play

any dirty tricks, or yell at each other. Blair didn't think Garnet was a hypocritical rival, or even a cunning

one. Maybe it was because she was a soldier as virtuous as Wesley.

Garnet watched Wesley drive his Hummer away, a complicated feeling stirring in her heart. She was

confused by Blair's behavior. 'She should know very well I love Wesley too. We're love rivals, but why

was she so blunt? She looked like she didn't care if I loved him or not, ' Garnet mused.

She wondered if Blair was just pretending to be kind and innocent. Of course, she'd eventually slip up

and the truth would come out. 'But if Blair really doesn't care about my love for Wesley and has a fair

competition with me, then... I'll try to make friends with her, ' Garnet thought further.

Seeing her daughter's contemplative look, Lauren felt sorry for her and tried to comfort her. "Garnet,

just give up. Any man would be lucky to have you. You'll meet another guy, maybe even better than


As an experienced woman, Lauren could see that there was something going on between Wesley and

Blair. The affection in their eyes was evident when they looked at each other.

Garnet smiled and said casually, "Mom, I always get what I want. Maybe Wesley doesn't love Blair at

all. Otherwise, why won't he say she's his girlfriend? I still have a chance!"

Lauren smoothed her short hair and said lovingly, "Good luck then."

Wesley stopped at a few more houses and said his goodbyes. Blair didn't get out of the car because

these people were strangers to her.

Some of them were Wesley's relatives and some were higher-ups in the military.

After all, he didn't often return to his hometown, and he needed to show respect to those who loved him

since he was a boy.

Blair usually got a little carsick in a bus, but felt much better riding in a private car. She fell asleep while

the car sped along the expressway. Two hours later, she woke up and was more than a little hungry.

She tilted her head to look at the back seat. A few bags of snacks were lying quietly there. Cecelia

wanted to make sure they wouldn't go hungry on the way back. "Could you stop at the next rest stop?"

"Why? Need anything?"

"No..." Blair moved her eyes away from the snacks and sat up straight.

He threw her a sidelong glance. "Not sleepy now?"

"No." She just wanted to eat something. Her mouth watered when she thought of the mangosteens,

macadamia nuts, dried mango slices, dried durian slices, candied dates, beef jerky, chocolates... And

she wanted something to drink, too. But she felt embarrassed to tell Wesley that, so she lowered her

head to play on her phone, trying not to think of the delicious food.

Wesley knew she must need something, though she wouldn't say. So he decided to take a break at the

next service area.

Shortly, he pulled the car into the parking lot. As he turned it off, he asked, "Need a restroom?"

Blair shook her head. "No. Go ahead."

Wesley nodded, "I need a cigarette."

They got out of the vehicle. Wesley leaned against the car door and was about to light up when Blair

said, "Um...I could really go for a few mango slices..."

'So that's it. She's snacky, ' he realized. Cecelia had covered the back seat with some newspaper and

put all the food there, tucking the drinks on the floor. All kinds of delicious smells mixed and floated in

the air of the car.

"Then get some. I'll wait." He moved a few steps away from the car and began to smoke.

Blair joyfully opened the back door and took out one of the bags. As she picked out the snacks she

wanted to eat, she asked the man, "Want some dried fruit?"

"No, thanks." He didn't really like those sorts of snacks.

After a minute, she asked again, "Maybe some beef jerky?"

"No, thanks."



"Soda water?"


Blair heaved a sigh of relief. Finally there was something he was okay with. If he didn't have any, she'd

be embarrassed.

She wasn't about to eat these all by her lonesome.

Before long, they got back on the road again. Wesley focused on driving, while Blair concentrated on

eating the delicious snacks in the passenger seat. From time to time, she'd grab a piece of beef jerky,

or a macadamia nut, or a piece of chocolate, and hold it in front of his mouth for him to eat.

Of course, Wesley refused it at first. But Blair had many ways to make him eat at least something.

For instance, when she lifted a bite-size piece of chocolate, she'd say "Oooh! This is too sweet for me

to finish. I'm full already."

He had a predictable response. "I don't like sweets either," he said, frowning.

"Then what should I do? Throw it in the garbage? That's wasting food..."

He was silent for a moment. Sighing, he said, "Fine."

Then the bite-size chunk of chocolate was in his mouth.

As he chewed, Wesley suddenly realized that if they continued like this, he might become a fat man

fairly quickly.

When they were back in Y City, it was already evening. Wesley drove Blair to the Ji family's house and

paid a Lunar New Year visit to Gilbert.

Everyone had dinner together except Hartwell, who was busy with work as usual. After dinner, Wesley

and Adalson talked in the study. Blair went to Joslyn's bedroom and they whispered to each other

happily. Blair couldn't stop touching Joslyn's baby bump, feeling the wonder of new life.

Joslyn was eager to know how things were between Blair and Wesley, so she asked earnestly, "He

took you home for Spring Festival. Did sparks fly?"

Blair shrugged. "Hardly. He even told his mom not to be too nice to me, because I'd never be her

daughter-in-law." She didn't feel sad when she talked about it, because she remembered that Wesley's

mom was only an excuse.

Wesley wouldn't confess his true feelings for her. He was brave at everything except love.

"What? He said that? What a jerk!" Joslyn felt her heart ache for Blair. Why did she have to go through

so much for one guy?

Blair smiled. "I'm not gonna quit, though. I'm young, so there's lots of time to win his love. He has a

thing for me. I know it! You know what they say, 'Even a rose can grow through concrete.' I'll melt his

cold heart. I'll win. I have to."

If Wesley really didn't have a shred of love for her, Blair wouldn't bother him anymore. But she could

see that he cared about her. She wouldn't give up so easily.

"You're lucky that his family is on your side. Just keep them happy and your chances will be better,"

Joslyn suggested.

"I think so. I've tried to make the Li family like me. You know what? Sometimes I think if Wesley's

grandpa forces us into a shotgun wedding, I'd still say yes! I love that stubborn soldier. I want to stay by

his side forever! He doesn't love anyone else. But I don't think his grandpa likes me enough to force the

issue. At least, not now. I have to try harder." Every time Blair was around Joslyn, she couldn't help but

pour her heart out, sharing almost every secret.


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