Novel Name : Caged Between the beta & alpha

Caged Between the beta & alpha Chapter 57

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I was in my office with Damon .

This was probably one of the fucking rare times we were completely alone and the urge to get rid of him

wasn’t fucking overtaking me .

The entire table and part of the floor were littered with papers and photographs .

I couldn’t believe I was in this fucking situation , where we were trying to rule out those who had full alibis

around the time of the murders .

Zack , Damon and I were the only ones working on this and it was fucking a lot , maybe we needed to

bring in a few more people .

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I know Dad offered and I might take him up on that .

Mom had aunty Monica and Azura to take care of .

Maybe Raven … I licked my lips remembering what happened earlier … Perfect was not even enough to

describe it … She was fucking divine , and that pretty little pussy of hers was so bloody fine … Feeling

myself twitch in my pants , I frowned pushing the thought away .

Fuck ” It would have been easier to just put them all under Alpha command .

” I said coldly , trying to focus .

I still intended to do that , but only with those who had blanks in their alibis .

We were hoping to cut out at least eighty percent of the pack .

” It’s about trust and respect .

” Damon murmured , organising the files into ranks .

With a pack with over a thousand members , it wasn’t fucking easy .

At least we could rule out the pups .

” Still , they’d understand .

” I said .

Looking at the warrior files in front of me , taking a few papers that were stapled together , I tilted my

head .

” I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s this fucking asshole … ” ” Damon turned to look at the papers I held .

” Owen … Yeah , he’s a prick , but I don’t know , I feel he’s just too obvious .

” He murmured .

H ” And the job does feel too clean for him .

” I added , but still , we couldn’t just cross anyone out .

The pile of those who were definitely ruled out thanks to full alibis was small … less than 200 … That

was far too fucking low … ” I’m covered .

” Damon said , holding up his pile , frowning when he saw the one under him .

” You got yourself here ? The fuck ?

” I cocked a brow , massaging my temples , feelin a headache coming on .

” With my psychotic tendencies right now , I could be a fucking prime suspect .

I don’t remember ripping Jacob’s arm off , so … ” The only ones spared from the assessment were Mom

and Dad .

The rest were on it to make it fair , although deep down I trusted Damon , Raven and Zack .

It was a guideline we were following .

Zack did his search on me and Damon , Damon .

did Zacks .

” Yeah and made a mess .

This job is too clean to even think it’s you .

” Damon murmured .

” Zack is totally covered .

” ” Great , at least two of the higher position ones are .

The priority is the security team , who do we have covered ? “

” Esteban ….

Drew … Ben … Cassidy ….

” I nodded .

That made me feel a lot fucking better .

” Mom … ” I looked towards him as he picked up his mom’s file and I felt a sliver of guilt .

Putting Aunty Monica in this shit wasn’t right .

He simply flicked the file open , staring at the many blank sections .

It was obvious there’ll be blanks , she stayed home for the most part .

” I won’t put her under Alpha command .

” I said quietly .

He looked at me and shook his head .

” No , I get it .

” ” He said , his voice as calm and gentle as fucking ever , placing her file into the larger pile .

I walked over , taking the file and putting i t in the other pile .

” I said , I won’t .

” I said firmly , my eyes flashing warningly , before walking back t o my desk .

A silence fell between us before he called me .

” Liam ..

1 glanced at him , raising an eyebrow .

” Thanks .

I appreciate it .

” He said quietly .

I gave a curt nod and we continued our work .

It was weird yet calming , almost like old times before our fucked up mate situation .

Hours had passed and we were still working on it .

Even Zack had shown u p and we scoured through the files together .

Damon had gone to get us some hot drinks and had just gotten back , shutting the door after him .

” Thanks .

” I said , grabbing a bar of chocolate from the tray , massaging my forehead .

My eyes fell on the tub of painkillers and I glanced up at him , but he was back to his work .

Thanks … but I wasn’t able to say that to him .

I took two pills , swallowing them down with some water .

” Shall we rule out the ten- to fourteen year – olds ? ” Zack asked , looking at a wad of files.

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” No , we know even kids can be killers … ” I said , dropping back in my seat .

” I think it’s a female .

” Zack said , suddenly making both Damon and I look a thim sharply .

” What ? ” Damon asked .

” Look ….

don’t you think the job is really clean ? I don’t know .

I feel like a female ” would be this precise .

” I don’t think so .

Men can be too .

” I shook my head .

” Any reply about the handwriting analysis ? ” Damon asked .

” Yeah , both are inconsistent with one another .

There’s been some tracing , some changes between the slant , and the speed and pressure of the pen

varied drastically .

” I muttered .

” We only got that it is definitely the same person .

” So , they were careful there too .

” Zack muttered .

” And no fucking scent .

” I said , frowning .

” As if the messages were written and kept until nothing remained , or they wore gloves and somehow

disguised their scents .

” Were the papers tested for any remnants of scent masking sprays or anything ? ” Zack asked .

” Yeah , nothing .

” I frowned .

” And our fucking werewolf abilities don’t help with this shit .

” Damon murmured , grabbing a mug of hot chocolate for himself .

Zack nodded , picking up his coffee and looking between the two of us before glancing away .

” Want to say something ? ” I asked , cocking a brow .

” No , just glad we are working together .

” H e said , with a small smirk ” Hmm , ” I said , ignoring Damon’s grin .

” Raven didn’t come home , did she ? ” Zack asked hesitantly .

” She went to Taylor’s ” I said , frowning when Zack looked disappointed .

My eyes narrowed .

” What’s your problem with that ? ” I asked icily .

” No problem at all … ” Zack said , but his tone said otherwise .

He sounded fucking down .

Did he have a fucking crush on her ? My eyes flashed dangerously at the thought , but I don’t know … I

never got that vibe from him before .

We finished our drink and I glanced at the time : Ten to three …

” Let’s call it a night .

” I said , running my fingers through my hair , knowing it was probably a mess now from the number of

times I had run my fingers through it .

I stood up stretching , I needed to sleep ..

Maybe I’ll take her room .

Although I wish I could cuddle up to her , I’m going to have to deal with her scent ….

‘ Liam …..

‘ Raven’s whimper came suddenly through the link , making my heart thud .

Why did she sound … scared ? ‘ What is it , Love ? Are you ok ? ” I asked , my heart beating way too

fucking fast .

A thousand worries and fear rushed through me .

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Zack and Damon looked at me , sensing the change .

She didn’t answer .

I rushed to the door , both boys instantly following me .

‘ Raven , where the fuck are you ? ” I asked , fear enveloping me .

‘ Liam … Mom … ‘ Raven ! Raven ? Fuck ! But nothing .

I felt as if I was hitting a wall and I knew she had not fucking blocked m e off .

” Something is wrong with Raven ! ” I said , running down the steps and out the door faster than the other

two .

” I’ll link Taylor , she was with him ! ” I heard Zack say as I rushed towards Taylor and Raven’s parents ‘

home .

She had mentioned her mom ….

‘ Did she link you ? ‘ Damon asked , worry clear in his voice ..

‘ Yeah .

‘ I said , speeding up .

I left them both behind .

The moment I reached the houses , I saw Taylor banging on the Jacobs ‘ front door .

Alpha ! Zack linked me I pushed him aside , breaking the door down .

Fuck her scent was here … I ran up the steps , taking three at a time then ran down the hall .

The smell of blood hung in the air .

Panic and fear wrapped around m e , and all I could think about was Raven .

Be fucking ok .

My heart was in my mouth as I pushed open the door to the master bedroom .

Coming to an abrupt halt and my eyes widening in shock at the sight before me …


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