Novel Name : Leaving The Country After Divorce

Leaving The Country After Divorce Chapter 200

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Roxanne had just gotten off work when she heard the employees in the research

institute discussing Lucian and Aubree‘s marriage.“Mr. Farwell is so attentive! He actually took care of h

is fiancée for the entire night. If it were my boyfriend, he would never do so.”“Most importantly, he‘s han

dsome and rich. His fiancée is beautiful as

well. She resembles Dr. Jarvis quite a bit, so she must be a beauty!”Similar sentiments drifted into the a


The group of researchers chatted as they walked. When they caught sight of Roxanne, they even bid h

er farewell. “See you tomorrow, Dr. Jarvis.”Smiling, Roxanne answered them one by one.However, she

couldn‘t help feeling puzzled upon hearing their discussion.Lucian took care of his fiancée the whole of

last night? But he had been with me the entire time last night. When did he meet up with Aubree?

Just when she found it strange, Colby came up to her from behind. “Are you free tonight? How about h

aving dinner together?”Abruptly snapping back to her senses, Roxanne flashed him an apologetic smil

e. “I still need to rush over to the kindergarten to pick my kids up, so I‘m afraid I‘ll have to take a rain ch

eck. Another day, perhaps. When the project concludes, I‘ll treat

everyone to a meal.”When Colby heard that, a glimmer of disappointment flashed across his eyes, but

he said nothing in the end. Talking about the project, he exited the research institute

with her.As Roxanne didn‘t drive to work, she could only hail a taxi by the roadside.A moment

later, Colby‘s car slowly came to a stop in front of her. “Did you not drive?”In response, Roxanne shook

her head.“Where are you going? I‘ll give you a ride. I don‘t have anything to do tonight anyway, and it is

n‘t easy to get a taxi here.” Colby‘s smile was warm and gentle.caswas warmRoxanne hesitated for a s

econd. She glanced at the time, only to see that it was indeed time Archie and Benny got off school. Th

us, she

didn‘t decline but opened the car door and got into the car. No sooner had she settled into the car tha

n she received a call

from Harvey again, inquiring about the project‘s progress.She explained things to him briefly and succin

ctly.After hanging up the phone, she was just about to put her phone away when a push notificationpop

ped out.The headline read: Mr. Farwell drove his fiancée to the hospital in the

middle of the night and kept her company the entire night.Seeing that, she inexorably recalled the situat

ion last night and the employees‘ discussion

earlier. Unbidden, she tapped open the link.Right after doing that, two blurry photos entered

her line of sight.The instant she saw the photos, she froze. She didn‘t even have to tap into

them to tell that the woman in there was her.The first photo was taken when she was delirious with a hi

gh fever, probably when Lucian carried her from the car to the hospital.Even when she woke up in the h

ospital, she was still in the man‘s arms.WdrmsHowever, she didn‘t expect them to look so close in the p

hoto.That aside, the man seemed to exert particular care when carrying her.The second photo was tak

en when she got into the car with Estella in her arms, while Lucian stood at the side.She had no idea w

here the person who snapped the photo hid that neither of them perceived his presence.Besides, the p

aparazzo who published that news evidently couldn‘t distinguish between her and Aubree that such a


transpired.Fortunately, the photos were exceedingly blurry, so much so that only those closest to her co

uld tell that the woman in them was her.With her brows creased, Roxanne continued scrolling downwar

d, only to see that the comments below were all envious

of her because of Lucian‘s attentiveness toward her.Little did they know that she didn‘t feel the least bit

happy about it.After looking through them for a while and ascertaining that no one realized that the wo

man in the photos wasn‘t Aubree, she put away her phone

with mixed emotions.Hoping to avoid unnecessary trouble, she didn‘t plan on clarifying

things.Instead, she merely found the entire misunderstanding rather amusing.

About Leaving The Country After Divorce - Chapter 200

Leaving The Country After Divorce is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the

below Chapter 200 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 200 and update the next chapters of this series at


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