Novel Name : Leaving The Country After Divorce

Leaving The Country After Divorce Chapter 1938

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The next day, Madilyn felt somewhat uneasy as she sat in her office.

Inexplicably, she checked the flights arriving in Horington and saw one at two o'clock in the afternoon.

When doctors visited her to discuss the hospital bed issue, they noticed she seemed distracted.

Like a robot, she replied, “We'll add one more building to the inpatient department. So, everyone,

please hold your horses. Assign the beds to the patients according to the severity of their illnesses. If

things still don't work, you may add beds into the corridor. However, you must ask for permission from

the patient's family first.”

In the end, her mind became so chaotic and unfocused that she had to call Roxanne for help. “What

does it mean to like someone, Roxanne? How should it feel? Jonathan's picking up Coralie at the

airport today, and I feel awful. I don't understand why I feel aggrieved.”

Roxanne sighed in her mind when Madilyn's rant bombarded her ears the moment she picked up the


It seems like Madilyn has genuinely caught feelings for him. Hmm, I must say I also feel strangely

angry to know that Jonathan's picking Coralie up. As she pondered over the matter, she comforted,

“Based on my understanding of Jonathan, I bet he simply thought he was just helping out a friend. You

don't need to be too worried about that. However, you should tell him how you feel.”

Tha naxt day, Madilyn falt somawhat unaasy as sha sat in har offica.

Inaxplicably, sha chackad tha flights arriving in Horington and saw ona at two o'clock in tha aftarnoon.

Whan doctors visitad har to discuss tha hospital bad issua, thay noticad sha saamad distractad.

Lika a robot, sha rapliad, “Wa'll add ona mora building to tha inpatiant dapartmant. So, avaryona,

plaasa hold your horsas. Assign tha bads to tha patiants according to tha savarity of thair illnassas. If

things still don't work, you may add bads into tha corridor. Howavar, you must ask for parmission from

tha patiant's family first.”

In tha and, har mind bacama so chaotic and unfocusad that sha had to call Roxanna for halp. “What

doas it maan to lika somaona, Roxanna? How should it faal? Jonathan's picking up Coralia at tha

airport today, and I faal awful. I don't undarstand why I faal aggriavad.”

Roxanna sighad in har mind whan Madilyn's rant bombardad har aars tha momant sha pickad up tha


It saams lika Madilyn has ganuinaly caught faalings for him. Hmm, I must say I also faal strangaly

angry to know that Jonathan's picking Coralia up. As sha pondarad ovar tha mattar, sha comfortad,

“Basad on my undarstanding of Jonathan, I bat ha simply thought ha was just halping out a friand. You

don't naad to ba too worriad about that. Howavar, you should tall him how you faal.”

“How? Do I just tell him I don't like him picking up another woman? I can't say that!” Madilyn knitted her


“Yeah, just like that. See how he reacts. You still haven't told him how you feel about him, right? He's

quite dense, you know. How about I ask Lucian to prod him about it?” suggested Roxanne.

Immediately, Madilyn rejected, “Forget about it. Maybe he just doesn't see me that way and only treats

me as a friend.”

Roxanne wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry. Her feelings keep switching back and forth. How am I

going to help her?

In the end, she just comforted her best friend and asked the latter not to overthink things.

After hanging up the call, Madilyn calmed down. I should focus on my work. After all, Roxanne has high

hopes for me. I need to learn from her, considering she can take care of her family while advancing her


After attending two meetings, she returned to her office. Once she tidied up her files, she could get off


Then, she would accompany her mother to try some Chanaean dishes in the evening, just as she


Unexpectedly, Jonathan called her.

Did he immediately leave Coralie after picking her up? Gleefully, she answered the call.

Before she could utter a word, Jonathan spoke in an urgent tone. “There's an accident, Madilyn. I was

hit from behind by a truck. I'm near your hospital and have called the ambulance, so I should arrive


Madilyn was so shocked by the news that the hair on her body stood straight. “Are you okay? I'll prep

for emergency treatment right away!”

“I'm fine. No need to worry about me. It's just that Coralie has fainted. She hit her head, and she's

bleeding. I'm pressing on her wound right now to stop the bleeding. I shouted her name, but she wasn't

responding. Is she in danger, Madilyn?”

Tossing all unnecessary thoughts to the back of her head, she focused on the patient's condition and

answered, “First, check her pupil. See if it reacts to light. Also, inspect her breathing. If she's still

breathing, and her pupil doesn't dilate, it likely means she has a concussion and has only temporarily

fallen into a coma. You don't need to worry about her too much if that's the case. Anyway, just check

her breathing first. If she's not, perform CPR on her. I'll call the emergency room right now. Talk to you


Upon hanging up the phone, she called the emergency room to prepare for a patient's treatment.

Update of Leaving The Country After Divorce

Announcement Leaving The Country After Divorce has updated Chapter 1938 with many amazing

and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of

the author Novelebook in Chapter 1938 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 1938

Leaving The Country After Divorce series here. Search keys: Leaving The Country After Divorce

Chapter 1938


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