Novel Name : The Villain's Wife

The Villain's Wife Chapter 447 Letter

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The Villain's Wife 447 LetterJack swallowed his non-existent saliva. Her words came rushing like a tidal wave inside him. Without Lily he was nothing. Was that really true?

"Oh… and you are doubting my words." Cathy stated as she lifted an eyebrow. "Your father wanted Lily to train you. But she refused… instead, she gave him all the list of your weaknesses. The things that you need to focus on your growth. Because of that, George was able to train you properly in the shortest time possible."

Jack clenched his jaws. The venom in her words stung his insides. "I am not doubting your words and I think that you misunderstood me." He tried to defend himself as he made a mental note to retaliate against this woman. How could he let someone like Cathy belittle him? True, it was Lily who helped him and his father, but Jack was the one who worked so hard to gain his father's approval. He forced himself to adapt to his father's cruel lifestyle. He killed people, tens of them, just to prove himself to his father. He had proven not only to his father but to everyone that he was worthy.

This was all his doing.

"I am not sure if you are doing this because you dislike me or… you are siding with Zhou Jingren." He stood from his seat and straightened his suit. He then shifted his gaze towards Cathy. "Before I leave… I want to tell you what I think about this matter. I think Zhou Jingren was the person responsible for Lily's death. I think he killed her because he wanted her connections."

Cathy stared at him, speechless. After this conversation, Cathy was a hundred percent sure that Jack was indeed the person responsible for what happened to Lily. However, what she could not understand was the fact that Jack would actually take some time to visit her just for this non-sense. Why would he do this? Why would he want to attract Zhou Jingren's attention?

Granted that Zhou Jingren was indeed mourning, Jack's suspicious actions and bad acting would be enough to make anyone suspect that something is amiss. Did Jack even think of this? Did he know that he would attract everyone's suspicions because of what he did?

"Since you won't do something about it…" Jack made a deliberate pause as he narrowed his eyes at Cathy. "I will."

"Is that a threat, Mr. Arison?" Cathy rose from his seat and stared straight at Jack.

"It's a warning," Jack said, his previous kind and collected demeanor was replaced with something that Cathy had never seen before. "I won't let that man succeed. If you insist on making him the President, then… the Facci Group will fall with him and everyone else."

He then strode out of the office, leaving a fuming Cathy behind.


Unknown location.

A soft sob echoed inside the room. Then, slowly, it became a muffled cry.

"Is something wrong?" Lily knitted his brows as she asked Anna.

"No… I am just… so happy for you." Anna wiped away the tears in her eyes. She straightened her back and smiled at Lily. "This will be an exciting journey."

"Oh," Lily only nodded before she stroked her stomach. Was she really pregnant?

"You should be careful. Do not overexert yourself and eat a lot more food. You need strength for the baby." Anna said before she handed some tablets towards Lily. "Vitamins." She uttered.

"After a few weeks, the doctor will change these. Do not worry too much and focus on your recovery." Anna gave her a pleasant smile. In response, Lily nodded and accepted the tablets.

"Where is Jack?" she asked as she put the tablet in her mouth, making sure that Anna can see her every move. "I haven't seen him today."

"The Don is a very busy man. He travels a lot."

Once again, Lily nodded. "Do you know where my brother is? His name is Qin Yuanfeng."

"Mr. Qin is safe." Anna smiled. "That is the only thing that I could tell you."

In response, Lily gave her a smile before she asked the woman to help her lie down. She also asked Anna to leave her because she wanted to rest. After making sure that Anna is gone, Lily immediately spit the tablet that the nurse had given to her a few minutes ago. She examined it before slipping it beneath her bed.

In the first place, Lily believed that she was not pregnant. Her instinct is telling her that Jack only wanted to use this to try to control her. Just like how he told her that he will kill Qin Yuanfeng once she tries to escape, Lily thought that this is just another one of Jack's scheme.

While Lily was unsure of her own conclusions, there is no way that she will drink some unknown tablet just because of something unconfirmed. Moreover, she is a woman. She knew her body more than anyone else in this world.

She let out a deep sigh. Her eyes were troubled as she stared at the ceiling. She does not have any idea how long she was asleep or awake for that matter.

Every time she started asking a question, Anna would immediately give her something that will make her sleep. Because of this, she does know how many days had passed after she woke up. At this point, the only thing that she knew was that she missed Zhou Jingren. She missed her husband.

Lily couldn't help but wonder if Zhou Jingren missed her too.

Slowly, Lily tried to left her body so she could sleep on her side. However, a small crunching sound caught her attention. She felt something was stuck on her hip and immediately used her hand to check it.

Just as she expected, there was something on her… Something was sewed on her underwear! Using all the strength that she could come up with, Lily removed the object that was meticulously sewn on her clothing.

She held the small paper and frowned. An idea immediately sprouted in her mind. She eyed the folded paper for a few seconds before she opened it.

Then a gasp escaped Lily's mouth as she widened her eyes at the written letter.

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