Novel Name : The Villain's Wife

The Villain's Wife Chapter 906 Stars

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Chapter 906 Stars

Twenty Seven Years Later.

Despite the heat, Lily chose to sit on the balcony as she stared at the endless horizon in front of her. She had live a long life. A long, quiet and happy life. However… it was time for her to say goodbye.

He eyed the family portrait in his hand. It was just after her youngest daughter turned five. Kaen was eight while Kher was six. This was during the birthday of her youngest, Kai— the cute little one who looked exactly like Zhou Jingren. A smile lingered on her lips. Zhou Jingren wanted a daughter, he wanted someone that would look like Lily. However, Kai never looked like her mother. In fact, she was just like the small Zhou Jingren.

Isn't that amusing?

The thought of her husband who died a week ago from cancer, immediately soiled her mood. What is life without Zhou Jingren? It was bleak, it was nothing. It was not the life the she wanted to live.

And she will not live. Not without him.

Lily gulped as tears rolled in her time worn cheeks, her lips trembled. It was time to say goodbye.

"I'll see you on the other side of the stars." She whispered before breathing her last.


"You could have stop it." A voice suddenly echoed inside her head. Lily tried to open her eyes. She failed.

"The world will face an early extinction." The voice continued. "This was all thanks to you." Lily frowned. What world? What did she do? She tried to speak to asked questions. She wanted to understand what the voice was saying.

"You were selfish and greedy. The stars decided to punish this selfishness." The voice added. This time, it was louder, it made her trembled in fear. This was the first time that she felt fear in years.

What is going on?

"You will no longer live a life for your own. You will live to save someone. Until then… your soul will never find his. You and him will never find your happiness."

What is he talking about? The line in between Lily's eyebrows deepened. What is the voice talking about? However, the voice never spoke again. Lily would never remember this conversation. Not until she finish the things that she was supposed to do. Not until she redeems the sins of the villain who ruined the world.


Bei Tian's Excerpt.

The scene in front of him was enough to bring out the worse fears of human. It was feral, brutal. Only the worst of the worst human could stand eating their food in front of all these blood. Good thing… he was no longer human.

Bei Tian continued eating his steak, his gaze devoid of any emotion as he drank his wine. The soft sound of footsteps reach his ears.

"Boss," a tall and lean man said. "We are done searching. There's no one else is alive in the basement. Even the children… are dead." The man gulped. He eyed the lavish feast in front of him. This was nothing new. However, the sight of Bei Tian having his meals in front of the dead is truly disturbing.

"Hmmm. Then… clean the place. We are leaving as soon as I finish my lunch." He said without lifting his head.

"Yes sir!" the man immediately left the room to do Bei Tian's bidding. Seeing him gone, Bei Tian stopped eating his steak and stared blankly at the corpse of the man in front of him. The man's eyes was no longer on it's socket's, the blood from the man's neck had turned black. He had been dead for more than twenty-four hours now. "I failed again." He spoke, his eyes was glued at the corpse's ashen face. Then another sighed escaped his lips.

Sixty five years ago, Bei Tian was injected with a substance. They thought it was something dangerous, a virus, perhaps something that would damage his body. However, they soon found out that the substance, didn't change his body. It didn't make him sick. In fact, they found no trace of it. Then they thought it was nothing but a scheme to make them think something was inside his body. Seeing that Bei Tian was fine. Zhou Jingren and Lily thought he would be fine.

Well… they were right. Except he became too fine.

Sixty year's ago… Bei Tian stopped aging.

Fifty year's ago… Bei Tian stopped feeling pain.

Forty years ago… Bei Tian's body started changing.

Then the world started changing…


Yang Mi's Excerpt.

The smell of liquor made Yang Mi frowned. She squinted her eyes at her latest assassination target before she grabbed another bottle of alcohol from the bar of the suite room. She then found her dress that she discarded earlier and immediately covered her naked body.

"Twenty seven." She said as she sat on the couch, next to the body of the now dead old man, her twenty seventh kill. She used her bloodied hands to opened the bottle of alcohol and started drinking it as if she was drinking a bottle of water. She nonchalantly put the bottle back on the table, her face turned sour. She hated cheap wine.

She then turned on the TV and started watching some shows, a habit that she always does after killing a person. Crazy? She call it relaxing. However, her face turned pale when she saw a familiar face in the news. It was Lily. The woman that she betrayed.

Yang Mi gulped as memories that she had been trying to suppress for the last three years resurfaced in her mind. She eyed Lily's smiling face as they showed a clip of her in white, walking down the aisle with her father and brother. Slowly, tears pooled in Yang Mi's eyes as she thought of Lily's words before they parted.


Secretary Go's Excerpt.

Two years.

It has been two years since he started his journey, a journey to find Yang Mi. However, it seems that fate is really against them this time. Go Jichen looked at the starless sky, regret flooded through him like an unstopable river. He was a coward. When he discovered that Yang Mi was a traitor, he actually hated her. However, that hate didn't last long. He soon discovered that he truly wanted to be with her.

But that was already five years after she disappeared. Right now… Go Jichen didn't even know if she was still alive. He could only hope… he could only wish that he would see her again.



And yep. The Villain's Redemption is Lily's punishment because of what she did.

Now for the short stories.

Which one should I write first?

Bei Tian's?

Yang Mi's?

Secretary Go's?

Li Shanshan and Fernando?

Qin Yuanfeng?

Eliza and Levi?

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